Don’t Take No As An Answer

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There will always be those who lift you up, and those that pull you down in life.  Many a times those closest to us are the ones that discourage us the most.  Sometimes you’re just having a bad hair day and you need some positive input.  It’s usual to expect that input to come from the outside, but not anymore.  Blair Singer says look inside! Take a sneak peak at that fountain of nirvana nestled deep within you.  Use your “little voice” to talk yourself up.  Stop counting on someone else to do it, because chances are they won’t!

What’s amazing is the energy and capability of an individual to turn life around if they just learn to control their inner selves.  Singer gets to the core of this “I can’t do it” problem.  Have you ever wanted to take up something that seemed worthwhile, but when you actually got to it, seemed as if you can’t do it after all? Well that negative auditory input is the result of you really not wanting to undertake that attempt.  He helps you to identify the root cause of this “no” and removes it once and for all! He takes your low self esteem problems and builds you into the best you that can be imagined!

Many people really want to overcome that “no”.  The desire and creative impulse is there, whereas the implementation is lacking.  That’s where Singer steps in.  His high impact, direct, and energizing seminars help you to make sure that you don’t lose out on important opportunities.  He asks people to question this “no”, whether it’s because you don’t believe you can do it, or if there a legitimate reason holding you back.  If the reason is fear of failure or other forms of justifications that aren’t legitimate, deal with it so you can say “yes I can!”  Success won’t be far behind.

Other people will try to put you down, but don’t let them! Blair Singer teaches how to effectively handle criticism.  Criticism is usually more about you than the other person.  Countless times we personalize other people’s objections and that interferes with our ability to think rationally.  If we take them personally, we get emotional, and emotions used negatively are very destructive.  He teaches you how to handle such objections so that other people’s opinions no longer matter.  Ignorance sometimes is the best policy! Such are the power principles that you will be introduced to if you pick up a copy of his latest book Little Voice Mastery.

Imagine if you could wake up feeling like the world was at your fingertips every day? That would make life absolutely beautiful!  Can’t wait to get to work so that you can be on the road to success? Singer instills these qualities in those who take the time and opportunity to follow his teachings.  He is a great teacher, superb orator and an excellent mentor.  He knows what he’s talking about and how to get you what you want.  You don’t need to think twice because chances are he’s already two steps ahead of you.  Please visit for more information. 

Contact: Scott Medowski (
