Re-Program the Little voice Within

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We all have great hopes and aspirations for ourselves, but seldom do these hopes or aspirations ever materialize. Whilst the fulfillment of our dreams is to a large extent dependant on varying external factors, there is also one major internal factor that prevents us from achieving all that we want to achieve and being successful. That one major limiting factor is the little voice that is present in most of us. Simply put, the little voice is the constant chatter that takes place in the small space between our ears. It is the endless babbling that limits us and prevents us from realizing our full potential.

The little voice in our head is constantly assessing situations and continually playing with our self esteem and confidence. One moment it makes us believe that we are capable of achieving anything and the next it scorns at our abilities and makes us feel small and petty. This little voice is usually the prime cause of all the negativity and pessimism that prevents us from being successful in life.

So, what is one to do to prevent all this negativity that is caused by the little voice? The only way for a person to truly become master of ones own domain is to first master this little voice. Little voice mastery is actually quite a simple task if taught by the right person. Blair Singer has trained thousands of people around the world in the art of little voice mastery. His techniques have turned ordinary people into visionaries who are capable of achieving whatever their heart desires. His simple yet effective techniques help conquer self doubt and low self esteem. His power principles help a person gain long lasting self confidence, thus improving the professional life of a person, which is usually marked by an increase in revenue or an increase in sales.

These principles include:

  • > Maintaining a clear head and composure in any situation, no matter how stressful
  • > Stopping the relentless chatter and babble that limits people and prevents them from discovering their true abilities
  • > Making people aware of their long standing dreams and helping them achieve it.
  • > To rid people of negative, self loathing habits
  • > Help people discover the hero inside them
  • > Reprogram the little voice inside ones head in as little as 30 seconds using proven techniques.

Singer’s techniques are very straightforward and are highly effective. Some of these techniques include:

  • > 5 things to tell yourself every morning
  • > 7 questions you need to ask and answer every day
  • > 21 ways to change the chatter of your little voice
  • > How to shut up "would've", "could've" and "should've"
  • > What to say when you don't hear the answer you were hoping for
  • > 10 ways to sell yourself in any situation
  • > Why bragging isn't always a bad thing

Singer’s techniques and principles can be applied in nearly every aspect of life. Little voice mastery can improve a person’s professional and personal life. To know more, visit

Jennifer Gnu
