Why Bragging Wont Help You Sell Yourself

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The 21st century is about selling:  selling yourself, your company, your products, books, ideas almost anything that guarantees a steady income! Why has it become so important to be on the edge of competition? Success rides on the boat called confidence.  Confidence is that one quality, that when embedded deep within, shines through for all to see.  Sounds like a pretty picture doesn’t it? This can be the picture of your life if you work alongside Blair Singer.  His “I won’t take no for an answer” attitude has helped him achieve unbelievable success worldwide.  He coaches big businesses to get off-the-chart sales, as well as helping to transform the lives of ordinary people. 

Singer has pinpointed seven key areas that act as a restrictive force field against success.  It’s true that he places a heavy emphasis on developing a healthy love for oneself, but that mustn’t be confused with bragging excessively!  There is a time and place for everything, including bragging.  He helps to explain why bragging won’t help you sell yourself.  Indeed bragging is a useful exercise for removing debilitating thoughts but it should be confined between you and your mirror! It’s a sales exercise, practicing it in reality won’t help you impress your clients.

Breaking through inhibitive thought patterns like shyness, fear, inferiority complex, low self esteem, are all emotions we are familiar with.  Feelings like confidence, courage, determination, and undaunted optimism are harder to cultivate.  Ever stop to wonder why? Well, Singer explains that it’s all about mastering that nagging “little voice” that echoes inside our heads.  He rearranges the status quo and delivers record breaking results in a limited amount of time.  The surprising thing is he’s no therapist! Nor do you have to be a genius to understand his seminars.  He just communicates with the genius within you and helps to draw it out. 

How to handle circumstances, people and events so as to ensure the optimum success is no longer a hidden agenda.  Many leaders in the past, who have possessed this great knowledge, sought to hide it from the masses.  Blair Singer wants to empower as many lives as possible with this knowledge because he passionately believes in what he does.  How to deliver the best performances and create a dynamic blueprint to increase sales targets is just one of his many accomplishments.  Having it all no longer seems like a utopian concept.  Instead if you just follow his advice, you’re sure to get more than you bargained for.

Most people attribute failure to outside factors including “I can’t do that because it’s hard” or “he won’t let me do that”.  Whatever the reason, Singer states that from his extensive experience with businesses, 95% of the reason things fall apart is because the core is rotten.  That is, damage is being done internally on an individual level or within a business which stops individuals and companies from reaching their true potential.  Pick up his latest book to learn how to become a sales dog or visit www.blairsinger.com.

Jack Flipner
