Why most self help seminars won’t help at all

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Many flock to self help seminars with the hope of receiving insight into their otherwise wasted lives while others simply think it is a waste of time and money. Effects of such seminars vary from person to person. The point of a self help seminar is to ensure that you listen to people and then implement what they say into your life on your own. Many people digest such lessons but fail when it comes to implementation. Another drawback of such seminars is that they last for a period of maximum 3 days or a week. This short time period is not enough for life changing experiences. One needs a set of success principles to be drilled in the head from time to time.

Wishing for a bag full of money by flipping a coin into a well is not going to get you what you need. What you need is a direction, a focus and a goal in your life. We claim that we know what we want to do with our lives but sometimes we find ourselves lost and confused on that very path. After having tried all kinds of seminars and having taken advice from everyone and anyone, you must be tired or on the verge of giving up. Blair Singer is that ray of hope that will help you clear all the misconceptions you have about your life. He is of the opinion that success can touch anyone’s and everyone’s feet.

He can be your friend, guide and philosopher. He knows how to reach out to his audience and help them to believe in themselves. He will help you find your strengths because he feels that every single human being on earth is meant to do something fruitful in life; it is just the question of knowing what that quality is. You need effective planning in life to achieve success. Robert Soyinski, who gives success coaching, has himself proclaimed the fact that Singer is the right person to take advice from. In fact, Singer has motivated Robert to become a successful author.

The reason why Blair is such a popular figure when it comes to learning life lessons is that he uses his own life experiences to motivate people. He always talks about his life which includes his own failures and how he overcame those failures. He also tells people how he achieved success in his life and how he has landed at the top today. He has built a comprehensive study of his failures and achievement to help people get closer to their destiny. He has also built a 21 power principle program.

His life is a lesson for us all. The key is to never lose hope and continue the search for success. This can be possible by hard work and passion for the work we do. Success can be difficult to find but if we continue on the right path and never give up then no one can stop us from reaching our highest potential and doing the best we can. If his life achievements intrigue you, visit www.blairsinger.com to learn how you can do the same.


Jennifer Gnu (Jen.gnu@gmail.com)
