What’s in My Fridge: Recipe Finder from MyDish.co.uk

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Helping families economise by creating recipe ideas from What’s in the fridge.

All mums and dads know that feeling: you’ve come home from a hard day at work, you are tired and the kids are hungry, but you’ve got nothing in the fridge and the cupboards are looking pretty bare.

In happier economic times the situation was easily solved by a trip to the local fish and chip shop, but nowadays, families need to save as much cash as possible and payday is a long way off.

So what do you do? Head to the My Fridge Section on MyDish.co.uk for culinary inspiration.

The “What’s in My Fridge” section can help you create culinary wonders you may have thought unimaginable. All you have to do is fill in the search options on the search box – this allows you to simply input the ingredients that you have at home to see what recipes you can create.

Whether you have just a chicken fillet in the fridge and are looking for some chicken recipes, or perhaps just some eggs, cheese and flour tortillas, there is a recipe for everyone on MyDish.co.uk.

Comments Carol Savage from the website;

“MyDish.co.uk is packed full of recipes that are uploaded every minute of every day – so even if you have a fairly low stocked fridge there will undoubtedly be a recipe for you. Whatever you are looking to cook you can find it on MyDish.

“The MyDish.co.uk website offers a great place for users to search, as well as share, their recipes with others. It is a great community site where anyone interested in cooking can log on and find a simple recipe to follow. If you really love cooking too, then you can share your great recipes with the world.”

The MyDish website is a space where food lovers can search for any tried and tested home recipe, in a vast range of categories and cuisines, ranging from vegetable moussaka recipes to apple and pear crumble.

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