Tecnomen greeting centre enables voicemail customisation

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Innovative WWW and SMS interfaces deliver easily-managed, context- sensitive voicemail greetings TECNOMEN GREETING CENTRE ENABLES VOICEMAIL CUSTOMISATION Tecnomen, the leading provider of messaging solutions, today announced the availability of Tecnomen eZONER Greeting Centre, a voicemail service that enables subscribers to manage and personalise multiple greetings quickly, flexibly and effectively. Greeting Centre allows users to set up multiple voicemail greeting profiles, delivering different voicemail greetings according to the context of the call. Users can, for example, specify different greetings according to their situation (work, weekend or holiday), location (home, work or abroad) or the device called (mobile or fixed-line phone). Built around easy-to-use WWW and SMS interfaces, Greeting Centre allows users to activate and manage their voicemail greetings quickly and effortlessly. Conventional management of voicemail greetings is restricted by the standard telephonic user interface, which is neither fast nor particularly easy to use. Greeting Centre also enables customisation of voicemail greetings to include audio files uploaded via the internet, or pre-recorded content such as celebrity greetings provided by an operator or third party. Users can further express their individuality and creativity through Greeting Centre by integrating sound or music created on their PCs into their customised greetings. Greeting Centre will enable operators for the first time to differentiate their voicemail service offering. By enabling personalisation of multiple voicemail greetings, operators will also be able to increase customer loyalty and stimulate usage of the voicemail service, unlocking new revenue through download and upload traffic. "This is a fantastic new feature set that offers revenue generation and service differentiation opportunities to our current and future customers," said Kai Kauto, Tecnomen's Vice President of Messaging Solutions. "Our market research and live pilot systems have shown that Greeting Centre encourages younger users to use voicemail more, and will make voicemail more attractive to the crucial fast moving market segments that create direct revenue for operators. Greeting Centre is an excellent complimentary offering to successful services such as ring tone and icon downloading for mobile phones, and is another example of Tecnomen being first to market with an innovative carrier-grade messaging product." The first commercial launch of Greeting Centre took place yesterday by Sonera in Finland. Sonera's Fun Voice is targeted at the youth segment and it is available to Sonera subscribers at www.sonera.net. Greeting Centre is available now as an addition to the Tecnomen voicemail system, or as an element of Tecnomen eZONER . Tecnomen eZONER combines unified messaging with wireless internet services to help operators meet demand for advanced messaging services with reduced start- up and running costs. About Tecnomen Tecnomen develops value-added service systems for teleoperators and service providers. It is one of the world's leading suppliers of carrier grade messaging systems, and is a pioneer developer of wireless Internet solutions. The company's products also include prepaid and wide-area paging systems. Tecnomen sells and markets its products and services globally. It operates in 13 locations and its products have been supplied to more than 30 countries. Tecnomen has over 550 employees and its shares are quoted on the Helsinki Exchanges. For more information on Tecnomen visit www.tecnomen.com. Tecnomen Media Contact: Hugo Brailsford, Liberty Communications Tel: +44 (0)20 8748 2248, hugo@libertycomms.com ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2001/08/16/20010816BIT00200/bit0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2001/08/16/20010816BIT00200/bit0001.pdf