24 March 2004 at 5.30 p.m.
The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Tecnomen Corporation
held on 24 March 2004 approved the income statement and balance sheet
for 2003 as well as the consolidated income statement and balance
sheet and discharged the Board of Directors and President from
liability for the 2003 financial year. The Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders decided, in accordance with the Board proposal, not to
pay a dividend for 2003.
The period of office for all seven members of Tecnomen's Board of
Directors ended at the AGM just held. The AGM confirmed that the Board
of Tecnomen Corporation will have six members and that their period of
office will terminate at the end of the third AGM after their
election. The following were elected as Board members: Lauri Ratia,
Keijo Olkkola, Lars Hammarén, Carl-Johan Numelin, Christer Sumelius
and Timo Toivila. At the preliminary meeting of the Board, Lauri Ratia
was elected Chairman and Keijo Olkkola Vice Chairman of the Board.
KPMG Wideri Oy Ab, Authorised Public Accountants, will continue as the
company's auditors, with Sixten Nyman, APA, as responsible auditor,
until the end of the following Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
Disposal of the company's own shares
The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders approved the Board's
proposal on disposing of the company's own shares with the following
terms and conditions:
a) The authorisation covers the disposal of all the company's own
shares already in the possession of the company and/or acquired
under the authorisation given to the Board. The authorisation
includes the right to decide on the parties to whom the companys
shares are to be disposed and with what priority, the right to
disapply shareholders' pre-emptive rights of subscription when
disposing of the shares, and the right to determine the criteria
for setting the selling price. The shares can also be disposed of
in public trading on the Helsinki Exchanges.
b) The company's own shares can be disposed of to be used as
consideration in company acquisitions, in purchasing assets
relating to the company's business operations or in carrying out
other arrangements to develop the company's business, in
consolidating the company's capital structure, to cover the
social security costs arising from stock options, or as part of
the company's remuneration or incentive schemes, or otherwise for
resale issuance or for invalidation in a manner and scope to be
decided by the Board. The authorisation does not include the
right to dispose of shares to the company's insiders.
c) The authorisation will be effective for one year from the
decision of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. The
authorisation to dispose of the companys own shares given to the
Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
on 25 April 2003, was cancelled.
Raising the company's share capital by issuing new shares and/or
convertible bonds and/or stock options
The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders approved the Board's
proposal on increasing the company's share capital by issuing new
shares and/or convertible bonds and/or stock options with the
following terms and conditions:
a) The share capital may be increased by issuing new shares, and/or
convertible bonds and/or stock options in one or more issues. The
number of new shares through share issuance or subscription of
shares in exchange for the convertible bonds or pursuant to the
stock options may be at most 7,518,515 shares, and the company's
share capital may rise by at most a total of EUR 601,481.20.
b) The authorisation includes the right to disapply the
shareholders' pre-emptive rights - as stated in Chapter 4,
Section 2 of the Companies Act - to subscribe to new shares,
convertible bonds and/or stock options, and the right to
determine the criteria for setting the subscription price and to
set the subscription price, to determine the terms for
subscription of new shares and the terms of convertible bonds
and/or share options. The subscription price may not be less than
the nominal value of the share.
c) The pre-emptive rights of existing shareholders may be disapplied
if it is justified by some weighty financial consideration from
the companys perspective, such as to carry out company
acquisitions or other arrangements to develop the company's
business operations, to finance investments, to reinforce the
company's capital structure, to cover the social security costs
arising from share options, or to create a remuneration or
incentive scheme for the company.
d) The Board may decide on those who are entitled to subscribe the
new shares, but the decision must not be made so that it benefits
the company's insiders. In addition, the Board may decide that
subscription to an issue of new shares, convertible bonds or
share options may be in kind, may use the right of set-off or may
be on other specific conditions.
e) The authorisation will be effective for one year from the
decision of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. The
authorisation to increase the company's share capital by issuing
new shares and/or convertible bonds and/or stock options given to
the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders on 25 April 2003, was cancelled.
Board of Directors
Mr Lauri Ratia, Chairman of the Board, tel. +358 20 447 7375
Mr Jarmo Niemi, President and CEO, tel. +358 9 8047 8799
Helsinki Exchanges
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