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Tecnomen Corporation                      STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE
                                          2 November 2005 at 08.30 am


Net sales in the review period increased 30.3 per cent to EUR 51.1 (39.2)
million. The result for the period was EUR 6.0 (3.3) million and cash flow EUR
-0.3 (-3.2) million. Net sales for the third quarter increased 66.9 per cent
and the result 266.0 per cent.

-     Net sales EUR 51.1 (39.2) million
-     Operating result EUR 6.4 (3.7) million
-     Order book EUR 19.1 (11.3) million
-     Cash flow EUR -0.3 (-3.2) million
-     Cash funds at end of period EUR 30.6 (31.8) million

KEY FIGURES                      7-9/05    7-9/04   1-9/05    1-9/04     2004
Net sales, MEUR                    19.5      11.7     51.1      39.2     51.6
Net sales, change %                66.9               30.3                   
Operating result, MEUR              4.2       0.9      6.4       3.7      3.9
   % of net sales                  21.4       8.0     12.4       9.4      7.5
Profit before taxes, MEUR           4.2       1.4      7.1       4.1      4.9
   % of net sales                  21.6      11.6     13.9      10.6      9.5
Result for the period *)            3.8       1.0      6.0       3.3      4.0
Personnel at end of period          356       350      356       350      350
Earnings per share, EUR            0.06      0.02     0.10      0.06     0.07
Earnings per share, diluted,       0.06      0.02     0.10      0.06     0.07

The interim report has been prepared in accordance with IFRS recognition and
measurement principles. Unless otherwise stated, all figures presented below
are for the review period 1-9/2005 and the figures for comparison are for the
corresponding period 1-9/2004. More information on Tecnomen’s transition to
IFRS standards was given in the stock exchange release dated 31 March 2005 and
available at www.tecnomen.com/investor.

From the beginning of 2005 the primary segment in Tecnomen’s financial
reporting is Tecnomen Group, divided into the Messaging and Charging product
lines, and the secondary segment is formed by the geographical areas, based on
customer location. The geographical segments are the Americas (North, Central
and South America), EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and APAC (Asia

*)Hedging of receivables is done for 12 months and derivatives are accounted by
using fair value at the balance sheet date. Tecnomen does not apply hedging
accounting in accordance with IAS 39, so changes in the fair value of
derivatives are recorded directly in the income statement. The comparable
result, which does not include these imputed changes in the financial
instruments used for hedging the future cash flow, was EUR 8.2 (4.4) million.
The comparable result for 2004 was EUR 3.1 million.


Tecnomen’s net sales in the review period increased 30.3 per cent from the
corresponding period in 2004 to EUR 51.1 (39.2) million.

Tecnomen’s deliveries are divided into project or product and service
deliveries. Project deliveries are recognised in accordance with IAS 11
(Construction contracts) by stage of completion on the balance sheet date.
Revenue from product and service deliveries is recognised in accordance with
IAS 18 when the amount of revenue can be measured reliably and it is probable
that the company will receive the economic benefits associated with the
transaction. Some examples of these are system deliveries of short duration and
supplementary deliveries, such as maintenance, licences, training,
documentation and spare parts. Revenue from fixed term maintenance contracts is
normally recognised on a straight-line basis over the contract period.

EUR 39.8 million of the net sales in the review period has been recognised in
accordance with IAS 11 and EUR 11.3 million in accordance with IAS 18.

Net sales by geographical area were: Americas 56.3 per cent (44.8%), EMEA 36.7
per cent (45.7%) and APAC 7.0 per cent (9.5%).

Net sales by product lines were: Messaging 46% (63%), Charging 54% (37%).

Sales through global partners totalled EUR 9.5 (5.1) million or 18.6 per cent
(13.1%) of net sales.

Maintenance and service sales totalled EUR 5.9 million or 11.5 per cent (14.3%)
of net sales.

The order book stood at EUR 19.1 (11.3) million at the end of the review
period. Americas accounted for 45.0 per cent of the order book, EMEA 42.3 per
cent and APAC 12.7 per cent.


The result for the period was weakened by imputed exchange rate losses of EUR
2.2 (1.0) million relating to the dollar.

The operating result for the review period was EUR 6.4 (3.7) million.

The profit for the period before taxes was EUR 7.1 (4.1) million.

Earnings per share were EUR 0.10 (0.06). Equity per share at the end of the
period was EUR 1.28 (1.16).


Tecnomen’s financial position is strong. Liquid assets totalled EUR 30.6 (31.8)
million. Most of the liquid assets are invested in funds, and the imputed
increase in value in these (EUR 0.4 million) is entered in shareholders’
equity. The balance sheet total on 30 September 2005 stood at EUR 91.2 (77.3)
million. Interest bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 0.5 (0.6) million. The
debt to equity ratio (gearing) was –40.5 per cent (-46.7%). The balance sheet
structure remained strong and the equity ratio on 30 September 2005 was 83.3
per cent (88.1%).

Tecnomen’s gross capital expenditure excluding the capitalisation of
development costs during the review period was EUR 1.3 (1.2) million or 2.5 per
cent (3.0%) of net sales.

Financial income and expenses during the review period totalled EUR 0.7 (0.4).
Interest income from redeemed fund units was EUR 0.4 million and the remaining
EUR 0.3 million comes from assessing currency based balance sheet items.

CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL, MEUR                            1-9/05      1-9/04
Trade receivables and advances, incr. (-)                    -6.4        -5.7
/decr. (+)
Other short-term receivables, non-interest bearing,          -3.6         1.2
incr. (-)/decr. (+)
Inventories, incr. (-)/decr. (+)                             -1.1        -0.5
Accounts payable and advances, incr. (+)                      2.0         0.2
/decr. (-)
Other current liabilities, non-interest bearing,              4.8        -1.2
incr. (+)/decr. (-)
CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL, TOTAL                             -4.2        -6.0


During the third quarter of the year investments by operators remained stable
in emerging markets such as Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe and the
densely populated countries of Asia.

Demand for Next Generation Messaging (NGM) solutions grew in Europe and Asia
during the review period. Operators were looking to invest in next generation
voice and video solutions in order to increase revenues and profitability.
Operators showed growing interest in next generation multipurpose platforms,
and Tecnomen signed Telco Server contracts for example with Onetel in the
United Kingdom. Telco Server has also boosted channel sales of Tecnomen Next
Generation solutions.

Strong demand continued for new Prepaid solutions and for expansions and
upgrades. This was due to the growth seen by operators in subscriber numbers
and to the increasing need for convergent charging solutions.

The largest contracts signed during the review period were the USD 5.8 million
Prepaid expansion for Porta in Ecuador, the USD 2.6 million Prepaid expansion
for PCS Digital in Guatemala, and the USD 5.4 million Prepaid and Messaging
expansion and upgrade contract for Brasil Telecom.

Tecnomen also signed new Messaging system contracts with Mobile TeleSystems
(MTS) in Russia and Eltel Networks in Sweden. During this review period,
expansions and upgrades were delivered to CTE Telecom Personal in El Salvador,
Alõ-Megatel in Honduras, Mattel in Mauritania and CTI in Argentina.

Messaging product line

During the review period Tecnomen expanded the NGM service offering with new
voice and video messaging services and iCalled services.

Tecnomen also launched its Next Generation Telco Server product. The Tecnomen
Telco Server is an open, standards compliant, scalable multipurpose access
platform used in building voice and video applications for both circuit
switched and IMS networks.

In the Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) market, Tecnomen's Voice Mail services
combined with the Tecnomen Short Data Service Centre (SDSC) comprise a complete
suite of services for TETRA operators. TETRA operators are now able to offer a
wide range of value added services to their demanding public authority
customers, such as the police and fire services.

Charging product line

Tecnomen's Convergent Charging (Prepaid) solution continued its success during
the review period. Tecnomen added advanced services to the Prepaid Data
Charging solution, in line with the growing demand from operators for
convergent, real-time charging products for voice messaging and SMS, MMS and
GPRS data services.

For the Prepaid Voice Charging solution, Tecnomen introduced a wide range of
new features to boost the competitive standing of operators. Development
efforts were focused on more sophisticated bonus and discount options, and on
improving the competitiveness of the Convergent Charging solution.


Research and development costs during the review period were EUR 9.4 (8.3)
million, corresponding to 18.5 per cent (21.2%) of net sales. EUR 2.6 (1.5)
million of development costs have been capitalised and will be amortised over 3-
5 years starting from commercial use. R&D costs of EUR 0.3 million (0.0) were
amortised during the review period.


At the end of September 2005 Tecnomen employed 356 (350) persons, of whom 118
(134) worked in Finland and 238 (216) abroad. The company employed on average
352 (355) people during the review period. Personnel by geographical area were
as follows: Americas 61 (46) persons, EMEA 270 (278) and APAC 25 (26).


At the end of September 2005 the shareholders’ equity of Tecnomen Corporation
stood at EUR 74.2 (66.6) million and the share capital was EUR 4,654,926.24,
divided into 58,186,578 shares. The company held 268,000 of these shares, which
represents 0.46 per cent of the company’s share capital and votes. The shares
held by the company have a nominal value of EUR 21,440. The equity per share
was EUR 1.28 (1.16).

A total of 32,812,716 Tecnomen shares (EUR 55,709,272) were traded on the
Helsinki Exchanges during the period 3 January – 30 September 2005,
representing 56.39 per cent of the total number of shares.

The highest share price quoted in the period was EUR 2.57 and the lowest EUR
1.28. The average quoted price was EUR 1.70 and the closing price on 30
September 2005 was EUR 2.34. The share stock had a market value of EUR
136,156,593 at the end of the period.


The Annual General Meeting held on 16 March 2005 authorised the Board of
Directors to dispose of the company’s own shares and increase the share
capital. The Board had not exercised these authorisations by the date of
publication of this Interim Report.


The company has a valid 2002 stock option programme approved by the Annual
General Meeting of Shareholders on 11 April 2002. The stock option programme is
divided into four stock option series, the 2002A, 2002B, 2002C and 2002D stock
options. A maximum of 4,100,000 stock options may be issued that entitle
holders to subscribe to a total of 4,100,000 Tecnomen Corporation shares. As a
result of subscriptions with the 2002 stock options, the company’s share
capital can rise by a maximum of EUR 328,000. The subscription period for the
2002A stock option is 1 April 2003 – 30 April 2006, for the 2002B stock option
1 April 2004 – 30 April 2007, for the 2002C stock option 1 April 2005 – 30
April 2007 and for the 2002D stock option 1 April 2006 – 30 April 2008. The
share subscription price for stock options 2002A and 2002B is EUR 1.68, for
stock option 2002C EUR 0.46 and for stock option 2002D EUR 1.33. During the
review period a total of 94,000 Tecnomen shares were subscribed with the 2002C
stock options, and these raised the share capital by EUR 7,520. No share
subscriptions were made with the other stock options.


Demand for the Next Generation Messaging Solutions (NGM) is further increasing.
During the second half of the year deliveries of prepaid system expansions from
the Charging product line will continue as subscriber numbers rise. Both
product lines continue their heavy investment in R&D.

Net sales for 2005 are expected to increase by almost one third and the result
for the Q4 to be positive.


Tecnomen is holding a conference to announce its third quarter results at 10.00
am on 2 November 2005 in the Tapiola conference room at the Scandic Hotel
Simonkenttä. The material presented at the press conference will be available
at www.tecnomen.com/investor.


Board of Directors

Mr Jarmo Niemi, President and CEO, tel. +358 (0)9 8047 8799
Ms Riitta Järnstedt, CFO, tel. +358 (0)9 8047 8650

Helsinki Exchanges
Main media

The figures are unaudited.

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT,            1-9/05         1-9/04          2004
NET SALES                                   51.1           39.2          51.6
Other operating income                       0.0            0.0           1.4
Materials and services                     -11.0           -8.1         -11.3
Employee benefit expenses                  -17.0          -14.7         -19.9
Depreciation                                -1.6           -1.7          -2.3
Other operating expenses                   -15.2          -11.2         -15.8
OPERATING RESULT                             6.4            3.7           3.9
Financial income and expenses                0.7            0.4           1.0
RESULT BEFORE TAXES                          7.1            4.1           4.9
Income taxes                                -1.1           -0.8          -1.0
RESULT FOR THE PERIOD                        6.0            3.3           4.0
Earnings per share, EUR                     0.10           0.06          0.07
Earnings per share, diluted, EUR            0.10           0.06          0.07
Equity per share, EUR                       1.28           1.16          1.16

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET,              30.9.2005    30.9.2004     31.12.2004
Long-term assets                                                              
   Fixed assets                               13.4         11.3           11.1
   Other long-term assets                      0.5          0.9            0.5
Current assets                                                                
   Inventories                                 3.3          2.7            2.2
   Trade receivables                          20.2         14.3           12.7
   Other financial assets                     23.2         16.4           19.6
   Cash and bank balances                     30.6         31.8           30.8
ASSETS                                        91.2         77.3           76.9
Shareholders’ equity                          74.2         66.6           67.5
Long-term liabilities                                                         
   Provisions                                  0.0          0.9            0.1
   Interest-bearing liabilities                0.5          0.6            0.5
   Non-interest bearing                        0.0          0.3            0.0
   Deferred tax liabilities                    1.2          0.6            0.6
Current liabilities                                                           
   Interest-bearing liabilities                0.0          0.1            0.1
   Non-interest bearing                       15.3          8.3            8.1
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                        91.2         77.3           76.9


MEUR                Share      Own      Other   Translation  Retained   Total
                  capital   shares   reserves    difference  earnings
Shareholders’         4.6     -0.3       66.3           0.0      -3.2    67.5
1 Jan 2005
Change in                                               0.5               0.5
Recognised                                                        0.4     0.4
directly in
Deferred taxes’                                                  -0.1    -0.1
Result for the                                                    6.0     6.0
Shareholders’         4.6     -0.3       66.3           0.5       3.1    74.2
30 Sep 2005

MEUR                 Share     Own      Other   Translation   Retained  Total
                   capital  shares   reserves    difference   earnings
Shareholders’          4.6    -0.4       66.3           0.0       -7.5   63.1
1 Jan 2004
Change in                                               0.0               0.0
Recognised                                                         0.2    0.2
directly in
Result for the                                                     3.3    3.3
Shareholders’          4.6    -0.4       66.3           0.0       -4.0   66.6
30 Sep 2004

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT, MEUR    1-9/05         1-9/04          2004
Cash flow, business operations               3.5           -0.3          -1.0
Cash flow from investments                  -3.8           -2.8          -3.3
Cash flow from financing                    -0.1           -0.1          -0.0
Increase (+) and decrease (-) in liquid     -0.3           -3.2          -4.3
Liquid funds on 1 Jan.                      30.8           34.8          34.8
Change in fair value of investments          0.1            0.1           0.2
Liquid funds on 30 Sep / 31 Dec             30.6           31.8          30.8
Change                                      -0.3           -3.2          -4.3

NET SALES BY SECONDARY SEGMENTS, MEUR     1-9/05         1-9/04          2004
Americas                                    28.8           17.6          24.1
EMEA                                        18.7           18.0          22.5
APAC                                         3.6            3.7           5.1
TOTAL                                       51.1           39.2          51.6

CONSOLIDATED KEY FINANCIAL FIGURES,       1-9/05         1-9/04          2004
Return on investment, %                     13.9            8.8           7.4
Return on equity, %                         11.3            6.9           6.0
Equity ratio, %                             83.3           88.1          88.8
Debt/equity ratio (gearing), %             -40.5          -46.7         -44.7
Investments                                  1.3            1.2           1.6
   % of net sales                            2.5            3.0           3.1
Research and development                     9.4            8.3          11.5
   % of net sales                           18.5           21.2          22.4
Order book                                  19.1           11.3          12.2
Personnel, average                           352            355           355
Personnel, at end of period                  356            350           350

CONSOLIDATED KEY FIGURES PER SHARE,       1-9/05         1-9/04          2004
Earnings per share, EUR                     0.10           0.06          0.07
Earnings per share, diluted, EUR            0.10           0.06          0.07
Equity per share, EUR                       1.28           1.16          1.16
Number of shares at end of period, x      58,187         58,093        58,093
Number of shares on average, x 1,000      58,108         58,093        58,093
Share price, EUR                                                             
   Average price                            1.70           1.37          1.37
   Lowest price                             1.28           1.11          1.11
   Highest price                            2.57           1.82          1.82
Share price at end of period                2.34           1.32          1.33
Market value of issued stock at end of     136.2           76.7          77.3
period, MEUR
Share turnover, million shares              32.8           26.6          33.1
Share turnover, % of total                  56.4           45.8          57.1
Share turnover, MEUR                        55.7           36.6          45.5

CONSOLIDATED CONTINGENT LIABILITIES,      1-9/05         1-9/04          2004
Pledges given                                0,8            0.9           0.8
For own debts                                                                
  Mortgages                                  0,7            0.7           0.7
For other own commitments                                                    
  Mortgages                                  1,3            1.3           1.3
  Chattel mortgages                          0,2            0.2           0.2
Other own liabilities                        3,0            2.3           2.8
Derivative financial instruments                                             
  Currency forward contracts                                                 
    Fair value                              14.8           18.7          18.4
    Value of underlying instruments         13.9           18.8          19.8
  Currency options                                                           
    Fair value                               0.0            0.0           0.0

KEY FIGURES PER QUARTER, MEUR    3Q/05   2Q/05   1Q/05   4Q/04   3Q/04  2Q/04
Net sales, MEUR                   19.5    19.1    12.6    12.4    11.7   14.4
Net sales, change %               66.9    32.0    -4,2                       
Operating result, MEUR             4.2     2.4    -0.3     0.1     0.9    3.1
   % of net sales                 21.4    12.8    -2.1     1.2     8.0   21.7
Result before taxes, MEUR          4.2     3.1    -0.2     0.8     1.4    3.0
Personnel at end of period         356     357     350     350     350    347
Earnings per share, EUR           0.06    0.04   -0.01    0.01    0.02   0.05
Earnings per share, diluted,      0.06    0.04   -0.01    0.01    0.02   0.05
Equity per share, EUR             1.28    1.21    1.17    1.16    1.16   1.15
Net interest-bearing             -30.1   -30.7   -28.6   -30.2   -31.1  -30.9
liabilities, MEUR
Order book, MEUR                  19.1    15.1    19.4    12.2    11.3   13.7


                                             1-9/04     1-9/04    adjustments
NET SALES                                      39.2       37.8            1.5
Other operating income                          0.0        0.0            0.0
Materials and services                         -8.1       -8.1            0.0
Employee benefit expenses                     -14.7      -15.8            1.1
Depreciation                                   -1.7       -1.8            0.1
Other operating expenses                      -11.2      -10.1           -1.0
OPERATING RESULT                                3.7        2.1            1.6
Financial income and expenses                   0.4        0.4            0.0
RESULT BEFORE TAXES                             4.1        2.5            1.6
Income taxes                                   -0.8       -0.4           -0.4
RESULT FOR THE PERIOD                           3.3        2.1            1.2
Earnings per share, EUR                        0.06       0.04               
Earnings per share, diluted, EUR               0.06       0.04               

                                        30.9.2004     30.9.2004   adjustments
Long-term assets                                                             
Fixed assets                                 11.3           9.6           1.6
Other long-term assets                        0.9           0.9           0.0
Current assets                                                               
   Inventories                                2.7           2.7           0.0
   Trade receivables                         14.3          31.5         -17.2
   Other financial assets                    16.4           2.3          14.1
   Cash and bank balances                    31.8          31.6           0.1
ASSETS                                       77.3          78.6          -1.3
Shareholders´ equity                         66.6          67.4          -0.8
Long-term liabilities                                                        
Provisions                                    0.9           0.6           0.3
   Interest-bearing liabilities               0.6           0.6           0.0
   Non-interest bearing                       0.3           0.3           0.0
   Deferred tax liabilities                   0.6           0.2           0.4
Current liabilities                                                          
   Interest-bearing liabilities               0.1           0.1           0.0
   Non-interest bearing                       8.3           9.5          -1.2
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                       77.3          78.6          -1.3

RECONCILIATION OF EQUITY, MEUR                    1.1.   31.3.    30.6.   30.9.
                                                  2004    2004     2004    2004
Shareholders’ equity according to FAS             65.2    64.5     66.2    67.4
IFRS transition:                                                               
IAS 11 Construction contracts                     -2.0    -1.8     -1.3    -1.8
IAS 12 Income taxes                                0.0    -0.1     -0.3    -0.5
IAS 19 Employee benefits                          -0.2    -0.3     -0.3    -0.3
IAS 38 Intangible assets                           0.0     0.3      0.9     1.5
IAS 39 Financial instruments                       0.1     0.1      0.1     0.1
IFRS 3 Business combinations                       0.0     0.0      0.1     0.1
Total                                             -2.2    -1.8     -0.8    -0.8
Shareholders’ equity according to IFRS            63.1    62.7     65.5    66.6

The financial figures in the balance sheet, income statement and key indicators
have been rounded up or down to the nearest million euro. The figures shown
here have been calculated using exact values.


The company’s ten largest shareholders, excluding nominee registrations, on 30
September 2005:

                                            No. of shares                   %
Sampo Life Insurance Co. Ltd/Mandatum           3,083,400                5.30
Hammaren Lars-Olof                              2,164,300                3.72
Sumelius Henning                                2,022,300                3.48
OP-Finland Small Firm Fund                      2,000,562                3.44
Pohjola Finland Value Investment Fund           1,479,800                2.54
FIM Fenno Fund                                  1,466,600                2.52
Suupohjan Cooperative Bank                      1,234,900                2.12
Sumelius Johanna Marina                         1,122,400                1.93
Kaleva Mutual Insurance Company                   950,000                1.63
Oy Investsum Ab                                   947,500                1.63
TOTAL                                          16,471,762               28.31

Ownership of Tecnomen shares, 30 September 2005

Shares                      Holders          %   Shares and votes           %
1-500                         3,031      49.45            669,514        1.15
501-1,000                     1,032      16.84            828,591        1.42
1,001-5,000                   1,370      22.35          3,419,721        5.88
5,001-10,000                    312       5.09          2,381,851        4.09
10,001-50,000                   240       3.92          5,639,625        9.69
50,001-100,000                   54       0.88          3,933,044        6.76
100,001-500,000                  71       1.16         15,895,504       27.32
500,001<                         19       0.31         25,381,128       43.62
Joint account                                              37,600        0.06
Total                         6,129     100.00         58,186,578      100.00

Ownership structure by sector, 30 September 2005

                                                    No. of shares           %
Companies                                               5,166,624        8.88
Finance houses and insurance companies                 17,571,920       30.20
Public sector                                             994,825        1.71
Non-profit making associations                          3,541,971        6.09
Households and private persons                         29,456,917       50.62
Foreign holders                                         1,416,721        2.43
TOTAL                                                  58,148,978       99.94
Joint account                                              37,600        0.06
Share capital                                          58,186,578      100.00
Nominee registrations                                   4,887,484        8.40
