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Tecnomen Corporation       PRESS RELEASE     27 November 2003


Enables Swisscom Mobile to provide Wireless E-mail as part of its
Vodafone live! Service

Tecnomen Corporation has been selected by Swisscom Mobile to provide
new enhanced messaging services for their existing Tecnomen messaging
platform. The enhancement will expand Swisscom Mobile’s messaging
solution portfolio by offering new services such as wireless e-mail,
as part of its recently launched Vodafone live! service.

Swisscom and Tecnomen have been working together for more than ten
years to provide a comprehensive messaging service portfolio to Swiss
mobile subscribers. The new agreement will ensure that Swisscom Mobile
continues to expand its customer base and is able to introduce new
innovative services to its customers based on the Tecnomen Messaging

"Tecnomen is proud to be providing one of its newest services to such
a key customer as Swisscom Mobile," said Kai Honetschläger, Managing
Director, Tecnomen GmbH. "We are looking forward to working together
to further Swisscom’s reputation as the leading and most innovative
mobile operator in the Swiss market. Further, we are confident that
this cooperation will be very profitable and offer mutual benefits for
both parties."

Swisscom Mobile is the leading mobile operator in Switzerland with
more than 3.6 million customers, representing around 66 per cent of
the Swiss mobile market. Swisscom Mobile is the 14th Vodafone
associate to offer Vodafone live! to its customers under license from
Vodafone, after launching the service on 13th November 2003.  The
Vodafone Group, global market leader in mobile communications, has
entered into a strategic partnership with Swisscom Mobile taking a 25%

"Providing innovative new services will enable us to increase our
competitive advantage and attract new customers," said Felix Kamer,
Project Manager Vodafone live! Swisscom MobileAG. "Tecnomen has proven
itself to be a reliable partner in helping Swisscom to develop and
supply new services over the past decade."

The Tecnomen messaging system is a comprehensive portfolio of
messaging services. It enables operators and service providers to
target specific end-user groups with tailored combinations of
messaging services, and to add new service combinations according to
their needs. The Tecnomen messaging system has advanced multimedia
capabilities, and provides rich messaging services that fully utilise
next-generation networks.

For more information contact
Mr Kai Honetschläger, Managing Director, Tecnomen GmbH, 
tel. +49 6103 5085 25
Ms Sari Aapola, Director, Marketing, tel. +358 9 8047 8415

About Tecnomen
Tecnomen develops value-added service systems for teleoperators and
service providers. The company is one of the world's leading suppliers
of messaging systems. Tecnomen has a strong market position in prepaid
systems and intelligent network components, and is the market leader
in paging systems. Tecnomen markets its products and services through
its own worldwide organisation, as well as through global and local
partners. The company operates in 10 locations worldwide and has
supplied its products to customers in over 40 countries. Tecnomen has
around 450 employees and its shares are quoted on the Helsinki
Exchanges. This year Tecnomen celebrates its 25th anniversary. For
more information on Tecnomen visit www.tecnomen.com.

Swisscom Mobile AG
Swisscom Mobile is the number one in the Swiss mobile communications
market with a market share of around 66%. In 2002 Swisscom Mobile
generated revenues of CHF 4,11 billion. The company has about 3.6
million NATEL® customers. Since 1 April 2001 Swisscom Mobile has been
a public limited company in which Swisscom Ltd has a 75% shareholding.
The Vodafone Group, global market leader in mobile communications, has
entered into a strategic partnership with Swisscom Mobile taking a 25%
holding. The NATEL® network (GSM900 and GSM1800) supports all new
technologies such as HSCSD, GPRS and has been expanded with Public
Wireless LAN in popular places. With 99% coverage it is Switzerland's
best mobile network. It is also the only one to provide access to more
than 340 mobile networks worldwide in more than 160 countries.
