Interior design graduate improving homes in television debut

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Irish homes are getting a new lease of life in a new television programme thanks to interior architect, designer and Teesside University alumna Aoife Tobin and the rest of the Salvage Squad.

A team of builders, carpenters, upcyclers, designers and interior experts join host Brian Dowling in Virgin Media’s new home improvement programme.

The Salvage Squad shows eco-conscious homeowners how they can rescue pre-loved items and improve their abodes in a more sustainable way.

Teesside University graduate Aoife, who completed the BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design, features throughout the series and is seen upcycling old items found in antique shops and online.

She specialises in residential and commercial design and founded Style So Simple, a studio offering design services, before venturing into the world of television.

Aoife, 35, from Kerry, said: “I absolutely love working on The Salvage Squad – helping people improve their homes is what I’m passionate about, and I get to be creative.

“My work has taken me to lots of different places, but I didn’t expect it would take me to television, so it’s been a new and exciting challenge for me in my career.

“I had a watch party with my friends in Cork when the first episode aired. It was so weird to see myself on screen at first – we were all really hyper – but eventually it became more normal.”

Aoife started her interiors course at University College Cork and completed her studies in Teesside, graduating in 2012.

She said: “I had an exceptional time at Teesside University. It’s an absolute gem on so many levels, and I made friends for life.

“Everything was on the campus and within walking distance, from where you went to the gym to where you’d go out.

“I also remember getting a brilliant welcome during Freshers’ Week,” Aoife smiled. “There were bouncy houses and everything – it was wild.

“The course was fantastic too.

“The projects I worked on were really exciting. I even got to explore how I would redesign plans for existing buildings. I chose one in Galway so I could link my work back to Ireland, which was really cool.

“Looking back, one of the things my tutors helped me most with was my fear of presenting.

“It’s crazy to think about now given that I present on television and to clients. It just goes to show I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.

“They were so open, and they really took the time with students to help them get the best possible outcomes.”

Richard Sober, Associate Professor (Learning and Teaching) and Interior Design tutor at Teesside University, said: “When students come to us, we join them on a journey and help them to reach their potential.

“We stay on that journey long after they graduate, and it’s been a joy to watch Aoife grow and develop in her career.

“She’s already seen huge success – from launching her own design studio to presenting on television, and we can’t wait to see what she achieves next.”

The Salvage Squad is available in Ireland, airing on Virgin Media One every Sunday at 8.00pm.

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Lauren Heslop (she/her)

Communications Assistant (Content Production)

T: 01642 738939
