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  • Changes in Teknos Group Management – Edward Skärström, CIO, leaves the company

Changes in Teknos Group Management – Edward Skärström, CIO, leaves the company

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Edward Skärström, CIO, has decided to leave Teknos Group. The recruitment process of successor will be started immediately. Edward will continue in his current role as CIO, Teknos Management Team member, until the new CIO is recruited.

Edward Skärström, CIO, has decided to leave Teknos Group. Edward joined Teknos in 2015. In 2017 he was appointed Chief Information Officer (CIO) for Teknos Group and the Group ICT organization was formed. Since 2019 Edward has been a member of Teknos Management Team (TMT).

“Eddi’s structured manner, calm way of addressing topics and ability to spar and support people around him will be sorely missed,” Paula Salastie, the CEO & Owner, says. “His contribution towards data driven company have brought us closer to the visibility needs to achieve our strategic targets.”

The recruitment process of successor will be started immediately. Edward will continue in his current role as CIO, TMT member, until the new CIO is recruited.

Teknos is a global coatings company with operations in more than 20 countries in Europe, Asia, and the USA. It employs approximately 1,800 people and the net sales in 2020 was EUR 384 million. Teknos is one of the leading suppliers of industrial coatings with a strong position in retail and decorative paints. Teknos wants to make the world last longer by providing smart, technically advanced paint and coating solutions to protect and prolong. Teknos always works in close cooperation with its customers. It was established in 1948, and is one of Finland’s largest family-owned businesses. For further information, visit www.teknos.com
