Teleca renews fuel handling machine for nuclear power station

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Teleca renews fuel handling machine for nuclear power station Benima, part of the Teleca group, has made an agreement with OKG AB to replace the control and operating system of the Oskarshamn plant's fuel handling machines. The commission will last about 2 years and the order is valued at over SEK 25 M. The commission will involve Benima rebuilding the fuel handling machines for the Oskarshamn plant's reactors 1, 2 and 3 so that they are identical, thus making them easier to operate and maintain. The operational staff's working environment will also be improved. "We're seeing a clear trend towards more and larger total undertakings in the energy industry, which suits us because we have well-documented experience and skills in this area," says Kenneth Fredriksson, President at Benima Sydost AB. The fuel handling machines at Oskarshamn 1, 2 and 3 are outdated, which means that their reliability could become a future problem. The rebuilding of the machines will ensure a more reliable operation. The machines will also be easier to maintain because they will have the same design and documentation. The working environment will be improved by installing a new monitoring system and digital loading lists that will complement the current manual handling. Transporting reactor-vessel fuel will also be made more efficient after the machines are rebuilt because they will then be able travel diagonally. The fuel handling machines are used mainly to handle fuel but also for other work associated with the reactor vessel. For further information, contact: ·Kenneth Fredriksson, President, Benima Sydost AB, phone +46-480 44 44 09, mobile +46-703 79 14 30 Teleca is an international consulting company building and applying advanced technology. The company's business concept is to strengthen the customers' market position and time to market. Teleca builds and integrates solutions for technology and software intensive customers worldwide. Core values are honesty, reliability and hard work. The company has more than 2,400 employees with operations in 13 countries in Asia, Europe and USA. Teleca is quoted on the Attract40 list of Stockholmsbörsen (Stockholm stock exchange). OKG Aktiebolag is located on the Simpevarp peninsular about 30 kilometres north of Oskarshamn on the east coast of southern Sweden. Three of Sweden's nuclear power reactors are sited here: Oskarshamn plant 1, 2 and 3, which OKG owns and operates. They are generally referred to in everyday speech as O1, O2 and O3. As the producer of 10 per cent of Sweden's electricity, OKG is one of the largest suppliers of power to the Nordic electricity supply grid. OKG became a subsidiary of Sydkraft in 1993. The other owner is Fortum. Sydkraft owns 54.5 per cent and Fortum 45.5 per cent. OKG is contracted to produce electricity for the two owners in proportion to their level of ownership. ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: