The Board of Directors of Teleca evaluates the Symphony offer

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CayTel 1 L.P. (“CayTel”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Symphony Technology Group LLC (“STG”), announced on 31 October 2008 a cash offer for Teleca AB (publ) (“Teleca”) pursuant to the mandatory bid rules (the “Offer”). CayTel offers SEK 3.25 in cash per share in Teleca.

The Board now evaluates the Offer and, in accordance with applicable stock exchange rules, will publish its recommendation to the Teleca shareholders as soon as possible. For purposes of its evaluation of the Offer, the board will obtain a so-called fairness opinion.

The Chairman of the Board, Chet Kamat, and the board member John Treadwell, who are both acting for STG in the Offer, will not participate in the board’s handling of or resolutions regarding the Offer.

The Board has engaged Vinge as its legal advisers in connection with the Offer.

For further information, please contact:
René Svendsen-Tune, CEO (+45 40 54 00 68)
Johan Vunderink, Member of Teleca Board of Directors (+31 653 789 981).

Teleca is required under the Securities Markets Act to make the information in this press release public. The information was submitted for publication at 9:00 CET on 3 November 2008.

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