Telenor Sweden collaborates with technology leaders to test new 5G-Edge digital infrastructure across Sweden

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Telenor’s edge computing solution developed in collaboration with Intel, Dell and Red Hat offer more security capabilities and lower latency for new innovative services to enterprise and government.

Telenor Sweden is working with Intel, Dell and Red Hat to jointly test edge computing solutions designed to address data storage requirements in the cloud. New advanced security features provided by these private wireless solutions at the edge of the 5G network will enable the development of new innovative, ultra-low latency cloud-based services to more businesses.  


Over the last few decades cloud computing has revolutionized how applications are developed and deployed for consumers and enterprises, by processing and storing data generated by smart phones, smart sensors, and other connected devices, in centralized locations. While this shift from local to centralized computing in data centers has made a multitude of services like content streaming and mobile apps possible, not all industries have been able to take advantage of the cloud because of heightened requirements of where regulated information—such as personal health information—can be stored.  


“As an operator, we handle sensitive information in critical infrastructure, and we are rightly regulated. As a user, you should be completely safe even when we develop new technologies. Together with Intel, Dell and Red Hat, we are now filling a gap in the market with the goal of addressing the requirements for cloud solutions to store certain data in-country. This is a big leap forward,” says Bjørn Ivar Moen, CEO of Telenor Sweden.


The edge solutions developed by Telenor with Intel, Dell and Red Hat will address EU requirements for storage of protected information—e.g., data about citizens, infrastructure, etc.—while also meeting the demands of next-generation IoT solutions in terms of ultra-low latency and mobility. As part of the 5G infrastructure, these requirements can create new opportunities for the public sector and other highly regulated industries to be part of the digitization journey and thus streamline their operations and create more profitability.


“The collaboration with Telenor, Dell and Red Hat is an important milestone in realizing the promise of more secure private 5G wireless networks at the edge, especially for regulated industries. The optimizations on Intel Xeon scalable processors with Intel Smart Edge, combined with a robust zero-trust security approach, enable high network performance with advanced data protection. This collaboration enhances Telenor’s efforts to support the digital transformation goals of its enterprise customers across Sweden,” said Renu Navale, Vice President and General Manager of the Edge Platforms Division at Intel.


The collaboration means that Dell will contribute infrastructure technology for the computing power. Intel, together with Red Hat, will provide the platform to manage customers' various IoT solutions in the network and meet requirements for low latency, mobility and data storage.


Honoré LaBourdette, vice president, Telco, Media & Entertainment Ecosystem, Red Hat: “Service providers are poised to deliver a new generation of digital experiences, and require a reliable, flexible foundation on which to build and scale. Red Hat is pleased to provide our cloud-native application platform, Red Hat OpenShift, in collaboration with Dell and Intel, to support Telenor’s work to test advanced features for IoT, 5G and Edge connectivity, helping unlock diverse future service opportunities to improve how businesses, industries and societies operate.”



Picture from the signing meeting. From the left: Bjørn Ivar Moen, Telenor Sweden, CEO, Werner Schaefer, Intel, VP Sales & Marketing Group and General Manager Network Platforms Group, Malina Borg Sigg, Telenor Sweden, 5G expert, Fredrik Tjernberg, Intel, Global Account Director Nordic Telecom, Erland Almström, Telenor Sweden, Networks, Jonas Edén, Telenor Sweden, CMO Business and John Bradley, Technical Sales Director Nordics, Intel.

Red Hat, the Red Hat logo and OpenShift are trademarks or registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries. Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.


Press contact

Boel Bengtsson
08-410 100 40

Om Telenor

Telenor Sverige AB är en helhetsleverantör av telekommunikationstjänster och vårt mobilnät täcker 99,9 procent av hela Sveriges befolkning. Telenor Sverige har i dag 2,8 miljoner mobilabonnenter, cirka 700 000 fiber- och bredbandskunder och en halv miljon tv-kunder. Telenor Sverige omsätter cirka 12 miljarder kronor (2021) och har cirka 1 400 anställda.

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Om Telenorkoncernen

Telenorkoncernen är en internationell leverantör av kommunikationstjänster inom tele, data och media, med cirka 172 miljoner kunder. Koncernen är en av världens största mobiloperatörer med en omsättning på 110 miljarder norska kronor (2021) och cirka 16 000 anställda. Telenor är noterat på Oslo Børs (TEL).

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