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Financial year 2007                                                             

- Net sales grew by 22.9% amounting to EUR 125.1 (101.8) million                
- Operating profit improved by 35.1% standing at EUR 13.2 (9.8) million         
- Undiluted result per share increased by 34.3% amounting to EUR 0.55 (0.41)    
- Orders received improved by 10.5% standing at EUR 118.5 (107.2) million. Order
backlog totalled EUR 21.5 (28.1) million                                        
- Orders received by Broadband Cable Networks stood at EUR 101.4 (92.8) million 
- Orders received by Video Networks amounted to EUR 17.1 (14.4) million         
- Operating cash flow totalled EUR 12.0 (2.7) million                           
- The Board of Directors proposes that a dividend of EUR 0.24 (0.20) per        
outstanding share will be paid.                                                 

REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                


As to deliveries and profitability Teleste's growth continued on a good level.  
Framework contractual deliveries to Europe and the reference delivery of the    
100mbps broadband solution (EttH) to South Korea were particularly significant. 
A new sales office was set up in Australia. The service business was developed  
in compliance with the strategy by way of acquisition in April of the Belgian   
DINH Telecom and establishment in June of the network engineering company in the
UK. R&D efforts mainly involved the IP-headend solution drawing on the Internet 
Protocol technology. The new IP-headend product was well received including the 
developing Indian market.                                                       

Net Sales and Profitability                                                     

Teleste net sales totalled EUR 125.1 (101.8) million, an increase of 22.9% over 
the previous year. Net sales in Q4 amounted to EUR 31.1 (28.4) million.         

Operating profit stood at EUR 13.2 (9.8) million making 10.5% (9.6%) of net     
sales. Operating profit for Q4 stood at EUR 3.0 (2.2) million making 9.8 %      
(7.6%) of net sales.                                                            

Teleste's orders received improved by 10.5% standing at EUR 118.5 (107.2)       
million. Orders received in Q4 stood at EUR 29.7 (33.9) million. Teleste's order
backlog reduced by 23.5% amounting to EUR 21.5 (28.1) million at the year-end.  
This decline in order backlog was caused by stabilisation in growth of orders   
involving Broadband Cable Networks amplifiers and the reduction in the order    
backlog for EttH. The order backlog was additionally affected by shortened      
delivery times achieved through the investments made in flexibility of the      
production capacity, on the one hand, and the increased service business, on the

Profit after financial items totalled EUR 12.7 (9.3) million while the net      
profit equalled EUR 9.4 (6.9) million. The Group's undiluted result per share   
stood at EUR 0.55 (EUR 0.41). Tax rate for the period was 26.1% (25.9%). Return 
on capital employed amounted to 27.1% (24.3%) while return on equity was 22.2%  

R&D and Investments                                                             

R&D expenditure for the period under review totalled EUR 13.1 (9.8) million     
making 10.5% (9.7%) of net sales. The single most important R&D initiative      
involved the IP-headend solution based on the Internet Protocol technology. R&D 
efforts included development of the platforms Ethernet-to-the-Home (EttH), Fiber
to the X (FttX), GigaHerz amplifier technology Access, video surveillance       
transfer system MP-X and video surveillance management system MoRIS. Some 40% of
the R&D expenses involved maintenance of solution platforms currently in        
production. Activated product development expenses stood at EUR 2.7 (1.4)       
million. This capitalisation involved the broadband technology platforms of     
IP-headend, EttH, MP-X and GigaHerz. Depreciation on R&D expenses for the period
under review activated earlier amounted to EUR 1.4 (0.9) million. The R&D       
expenditure in Q4 amounted to EUR 3.5 (3.9) million. A number of Teleste's      
projects involved co-operation with Finnish universities and research           
institutes. Almost 23% (22%/2006, 20%/2005, 20%/2004) of the Group personnel was
involved in R&D.                                                                

Investments for the period under review totalled EUR 12.3 (6.2) million making  
9.8% (6.1%) of net sales; acquisition of DINH Telecom involved EUR 6.1 million. 
Other investments included essentially a new SMT line, R&D and IT. As to        
investments for the period, EUR 1.8 (0.5) million was carried out by financial  


Liquidity of the Group remained good. Operating cash flow improved standing at  
EUR 12.0 (2.7) million. Teleste is prepared for strategic investments and       
increased need for working capital driven by growth by means of stand-by        
credits. The amount of unused stand-by credits at the end of the period amounted
to EUR 23.0 (23.0) million. The relevant credit limits are valid until November 
2008 and negotiations over new financing arrangements are on-going. The Group's 
equity ratio was 60.2% (55.3%) with gearing standing at 3.8% (3.2%). Interest   
bearing debt on 31 December 2007 was EUR 9.5 (8.0) million.                     

Personnel and Organisation                                                      

In 2007 the Group employed an average of 681 people (608/2006, 546/2005). At the
year-end, the figure totalled 672 (621/2006, 557/2005) of which approximately   
34% (30%/2006, 27%/2005) were stationed overseas. The stated number of personnel
does not include temporary labour averaging 64 (50) persons in the financial    
period. The number of temporary labour at the year-end was 36 (59). Employees   
stationed outside Europe accounted for less than 10% of the Group's personnel.  
Expenditure on employee benefits amounted to EUR 31.5 (27.1/2006, 24.1/2005)    

Description of Business Areas and the Involved Key Risks                        

Founded in 1954, Teleste is a technology company currently running the business 
units of Broadband Cable Networks and Video Networks. In line with its strategy 
Teleste continues to focus on the chosen product and technology segments as well
service business and technical integration. Integrated deliveries of solutions  
pave the way for brisk growth even if the involved resource allocation and      
technical implementation also pose a challenge involving reasonable risks. In   
addition, appropriately chosen technology and its correct timing are            
instrumental for the success of the businesses not forgetting market dynamics   
such as the importance of consolidation of clients and competition. Much of     
Teleste's competition comes from America and, therefore, strong euro up against 
the US dollar erodes our price competitiveness.                                 

The company has covered risks involving any damage in operative functions of the
businesses mainly through insurance policies, with no credit loss risks         
included. For Teleste no such risks materialised in 2007 and no such legal      
proceedings or juridical procedures were pending that would have had any        
essential significance for the Group operation.                                 

Broadband Cable Networks                                                        

Broadband Cable Networks delivers its main clientele of cable operators with    
equipment and systems designed for the construction of transmission network and 
signal processing. Deliveries include individual pieces of equipment and turnkey
networks alike. The business also makes available a number of services related  
to maintenance and engineering of network infrastructure. The main market area  
of Broadband Cable Networks is Europe, which business area involves 19 own sales
offices supported by a number of retail and integration partners. Outside       
Europe, Broadband Cable Networks has own offices located in China and India. 
As to the framework contractual deliveries to the biggest European cable        
operators Broadband Cable Networks succeeded as planned. Deliveries involving   
EttH technology for the South Korean Hanaro Telecom materialized for the main   
part in Q1. Concerning our European clientele and competition, mergers and      
changes in ownership relations continued. These developments may affect         
Teleste's position in view of the operators' choices of suppliers for products  
and services.                                                                   
The unit continued to invest in R&D, shortening of turnaround times in          
deliveries, strengthening of its partner network and expansion of its service   
business. In April the unit acquired the Belgian DINH Telecom and in the        
following June the service business was expanded by setting up in UK a network  
engineering company with approximately 40 employees. Marketing efforts involving
the IP-headend product solution were initiated in Q4 continuing over to Q1 of   
2008. Orders received by Broadband Cable Networks increased by 9.3% (27.4%)     
amounting to EUR 101.4 (92.8) million. Net sales grew by 26.5% (27.3%) standing 
at EUR 108.2 (85.6) million. Operating profit went up by 41.7% (22.9%) standing 
at EUR 12.8 (9.1) million. At the year-end order backlog stood at EUR 19.7      
(26.7) million. Orders received in Q4 of the period stood at EUR 25.2 (29.7)    
million. Reduction in the order backlog was attributed to stabilisation of      
growth in demand for amplifiers, reduction in the order backlog for the EttH,   
the short order backlog typical for service business and shortening of          
turnaround times in deliveries.                                                 

Net sales for Q4 amounted to EUR 25.5 (23.8) million while operating profit     
stood at EUR 2.3 (1.8) million. As a whole we estimate the market situation for 
the business unit to remain favourable also in 2008. However, the market        
situation varies by market area depending on the need faced by the operators to 
invest in their networks.                                                       
Video Networks                                                                  

Clientele of Video Networks mainly includes public sector organisations and     
system integrators. The business area has focussed on high-quality video        
surveillance systems transferring real-time video, audio and data. In July Video
Networks made a two-year framework agreement with a significant French          
telecommunications company on deliveries involving video surveillance equipment 
and network solutions to the French market. Additional deliveries for the French
National Railway Authority (SNCF) involving video surveillance management       
systems played a key part. The implemented R&D efforts involved development of  
the IP-based video surveillance system MP-X and technical integration.          
The business has seven sales offices in Europe and offices outside Europe are   
located in the United States, Australia, China and Thailand.  
Orders received by Video Networks increased by 18.9% (15.5%) amounting to EUR   
17.1 (14.4) million. Net sales grew by 4.3% (5.3%) standing at EUR 16.9 (16.2)  
million. Operating profit stood at EUR 0.3 (0.7) million. Reduced profitability 
was due to smaller net sales from mid-market systems and R&D efforts such as    
strengthening of the technical integration organisation. At the year-end order  
backlog stood at EUR 1.8 (1.5) million. In Q4 orders received amounted to EUR   
4.5 (4.2) million with net sales equalling EUR 5.5 (4.6) million. Operating     
profit stood at EUR 0.7 (0.3) million.                                          

In 2008 price competition will continue to intensify especially in the area of  
network solutions. Large companies have entered the market by force.            
Significance of technical integration in operations of the business area will   
increase. The technology involved in these applications is renewed rapidly.     

Based on the developments in order backlog we estimate our business area to     
develop favourably in 2008.                                                     

Business Areas by Geography                                                     

In geographical terms, the Group's business areas are divided up into           
Scandinavia, rest of Europe and others.                                         
Net sales in the Nordic countries amounted to EUR 35.5 (32.2) million.          
Investments for the area totalled EUR 6.1 (5.8) million.                        
Rest of Europe:                                                                 
Net sales for the rest of Europe stood at EUR 78.3 (62.1) million while the     
investments made in the area amounted to EUR 6.1 (0.1) million.                 
Net sales were up to EUR 11.3 (7.4) million. Investments totalled EUR 0.1 (0.3) 

Group Structure                                                                 

In the period under review Teleste acquired the entire share capital of the     
Belgian DINH Telecom and founded a network engineering company in UK to promote 
growth of its service business. The parent company of Teleste Group operates    
through branch offices in Australia, Belgium, China, Denmark, France, India, the
Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Thailand while running subsidiaries in 11        
countries exclusive of Finland.                                                 

General Meetings                                                                

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 3 April 2007 confirmed the financial   
statements for 2006 and discharged the Board and the CEO from liability for the 
financial period. The AGM confirmed the dividend of EUR 0.20 per share as       
proposed by the Board of Directors. The dividend was paid out on 17 April 2007. 

Composition of Teleste's Board remained unchanged: Mr. Tapio Hintikka was       
re-elected as Chairman whilst Mr. Tero Laaksonen, Mr. Pertti Raatikainen, Mr.   
Timo Toivila and Mr. Pekka Vennamo continued as members on the Board of         

Authorised Public Accountants KPMG Oy Ab continue as the auditor until the next 

The AGM authorised the Board to acquire the maximum of 1,290,000 of the         
company's own shares and to convey the maximum of 1,730,000 company's own       
shares. Based on authorisations of 2001 and 2002 the company is in possession of
352,482 of its own shares.   
The AGM also authorised the company to issue 4,500,000 new shares. The maximum  
number of significant shares accommodated by the special rights granted by the  
company equals 1,730,000. These authorisations will be valid until the AGM due  
to be held in 2008. Nominal value of the company share was renounced. The AGM   
accepted a share option plan involving key personnel. According to this, 840,000
new shares may be subscribed; the plan's possible dilution effect might be 4.6%.

In the financial period authorisations granted by the AGM were used by conveying
0.53% of the number of shares, i.e. 92,338 own shares, on acquiring the capital 
stock of DINH Telecom. 10,180 shares, in other words 0.06% of the number of     
shares, were conveyed for payment of the share bonus of the Management Group.   
Other authorisations were not used.                                             

Management and the Auditors                                                     

CEO of the company has been Mr. Jukka Rinnevaara. The AGM elected KPMG Oy Ab as 
the auditor.                                                                    

Shares and Changes in Share Capital                                             

Largest single shareholder at the end of 2007 was the Sampo Life Insurance      
Company Ltd with the holding of 9.19%.                                          

As to the company share price in 2007 the low was EUR 6.47 (6.46) and the high  
EUR 12.34 (12.75). Closing price at the end of the year stood at EUR 6.71       
(11.63). In 2007 7.2 (14.2) million shares standing for 40.5% (81.4%) of the    
share capital were traded on the OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki.                  

The 2004A options distributed to the Teleste key personnel were listed on the   
main list of OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki on 24 August 2007. In the period      
221,965 own shares were subscribed using 2002A options and 60,038 using 2002B   

At the balance sheet date the company's registered share capital amounted to EUR
6,966,932.80, divided up into 17,671,305 shares; out of these the company was   
holding 352,482 shares. At the balance sheet date, when put against the total   
amount of shares and votes the shares in company possession equalled 1.99%.     

Other matters affecting the company governance will be stated in the Annual     
Report under section Good Governance.                                           

Outlook for 2008                                                                

Regardless of the general uncertainty in the world market we estimate the       
favourable market situation to continue in our business areas. New services     
provided by the cable operators and the increased competition for customers call
for investments in greater capacity of transfer networks. The demand for        
solutions involving next generation high-speed data communication solutions like
EttH and FttX will increase together with those concerning smart fibre-optical  
and coaxial networks (HFC). Digitalisation of IPTV and TV services will lead to 
growth in sales of the new IP-headend solution. The market situation of         
Broadband Cable Networks varies by market area depending on the needs for       
investment related to the networks' technical status. The cost-effective range  
of products and services of the business area create preconditions for continued
profitable growth also in 2008. Increased needs for security and more effective 
traffic infrastructure raise demand for the Video Networks' solutions. We       
estimate demand for our top-quality network management applications and         
tailored-to-industry solutions to pick up in 2008 as well as improvement in     
profitability for the business area.                                            

In 2008 Teleste will grow profitably even if the figures of the previous year   
may not be reached in the first quarter.                                        

In 2008 we continue to focus on speeding up R&D and turnaround times in         
deliveries, opening up new sales channels and growth in the integration and     
service business.                                                               

Board of Directors' Proposal for Dividends                                      

As to the Annual General Meeting scheduled for 1 April 2008, the Board proposes 
that a dividend of EUR 0.24 (EUR 0.20) per share will be paid for the           
outstanding shares for the year 2007.                                           

29. January 2008                                                                

Teleste Corporation         Jukka Rinnevaara 
The Board of Directors      President and CEO	 

| The audited Financial Statements have been prepared according to             |
| International                                                                |
| Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).                                        |
| CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT, 1000 EUROS                                    |
|                              |   1.1. - |  1.1. - 31.12. |          Change % |
|                              |   31.12. |           2006 |                   |
|                              |     2007 |                |                   |
| Net sales                    |  125 100 |        101 773 |            22.9 % |
| Other operating income       |    1 772 |          2 158 |           -17.9 % |
| Change in inventories of     |     -673 |          6 066 |               n/a |
| finished products and work   |          |                |                   |
| in progress                  |          |                |                   |
| Raw material and consumables |  -59 692 |        -54 743 |             9.0 % |
| used                         |          |                |                   |
| Employee benefits expense    |  -31 455 |        -27 100 |            16.1 % |
| Depreciation and             |   -3 552 |         -2 393 |            48.4 % |
| amortisation expense         |          |                |                   |
| Other operating expenses     |  -18 324 |        -16 006 |            14.5 % |
| Operating profit             |   13 176 |          9 755 |            35.1 % |
|                              |          |                |                   |
| Financial income             |      627 |            194 |           223.8 % |
| Financial expenses           |   -1 131 |           -661 |            71.1 % |
| Profit before taxes          |   12 672 |          9 288 |            36.4 % |
| Taxes                        |   -3 309 |         -2 408 |            37.4 % |
| Profit for the period        |    9 363 |          6 879 |            36.1 % |
| Attributable to:                                                             |
| Equity holders of the parent |    9 363 |          6 879 |            36.1 % |
| Earnings per share for profit of the year attributable to the equity holders |
| of the parent                                                                |
| Basic (expressed in euro per |     0.55 |           0.41 |            34.3 % |
| share)                       |          |                |                   |
| Diluted (expressed in euro   |     0.52 |           0.38 |            36.4 % |
| per share)                   |          |                |                   |
| INCOME STATEMENT 1000 EUROS  |    10-12 |          10-12 |          Change % |
|                              |     2007 |           2006 |                   |
| Net sales                    |   31 076 |         28 423 |             9.3 % |
| Other operating income       |      618 |            540 |            14.5 % |
| Change in inventories of     |   -4 068 |           -202 |          1913.5 % |
| finished products and work   |          |                |                   |
| in progress                  |          |                |                   |
| Raw material and consumables |  -10 179 |        -14 284 |           -28.7 % |
| used                         |          |                |                   |
| Employee benefits expense    |   -8 836 |         -7 380 |            19.7 % |
| Depreciation and             |   -1 018 |           -624 |            63.1 % |
| amortisation expense         |          |                |                   |
| Other operating expenses     |   -4 558 |         -4 311 |             5.7 % |
| Operating profit             |    3 035 |          2 162 |            40.4 % |
|                              |          |                |                   |
| Financial income             |      365 |             97 |           277.7 % |
| Financial expenses           |     -180 |           -249 |           -27.7 % |
| Profit before taxes          |    3 220 |          2 009 |            60.2 % |
| Taxes                        |     -862 |           -544 |            58.4 % |
| Profit for the period        |    2 358 |          1 465 |            60.9 % |
| Attributable to:                                                             |
| Equity holders of the parent |    2 358 |          1 465 |            60.9 % |
| Earnings per share for profit of the year attributable to the equity holders |
| of the parent                                                                |
| Basic (expressed in euro per |     0.14 |               0.09 |        58.9 % |
| share)                       |          |                    |               |
| Diluted (expressed in euro   |     0.13 |               0.08 |        61.3 % |
| per share)                   |          |                    |               |
| CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET, 1000 EUROS                                       |
|                              | 31.12.20 |         31.12.2006 |      Change % |
|                              |       07 |                    |               |
| Non-current assets                                                           |
| Property, plant and          |    7 757 |              5 578 |        39.1 % |
| equipment                    |          |                    |               |
| Goodwill                     |   12 686 |             12 127 |         4.6 % |
| Other intangible assets      |    6 629 |              3 614 |        83.4 % |
| Available-for-sale           |      723 |              1 116 |       -35.2 % |
| investments                  |          |                    |               |
| Total                        |   27 795 |             22 435 |        23.9 % |
| Current assets                                                               |
| Inventories                  |   15 936 |             16 604 |        -4.0 % |
| Trade and other receivables  |   26 455 |             22 409 |        18.1 % |
| Cash                         |    7 702 |              6 789 |        13.5 % |
| Total                        |   50 093 |             45 801 |         9.4 % |
| Total assets                 |   77 888 |             68 236 |        14.1 % |
| Equity and liabilities                                                       |
| Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent                          |
| Share capital                |    6 967 |              6 955 |         0.2 % |
| Share premium                |    1 504 |              1 417 |         6.1 % |
| Translation differences      |      -53 |                 65 |           n/a |
| Invested nonrestricted       |    2 531 |                  0 |           n/a |
| equity                       |          |                    |               |
| Retained profits             |   35 720 |             29 224 |        22.2 % |
| Total                        |   46 669 |             37 661 |        23.9 % |
| Non-current liabilities                                                      |
| Interest-bearing liabilities |    1 700 |                742 |       129.1 % |
| Deferred tax liabilities     |    1 197 |                368 |       225.3 % |
| Provisions                   |      425 |                425 |         0.0 % |
| Total                        |    3 322 |              1 535 |       116.4 % |
| Current liabilities                                                          |
| Trade and other liabilities  |   19 016 |             20 045 |        -5.1 % |
| Current tax payable          |      580 |                875 |       -33.7 % |
| Provisions                   |      518 |                850 |       -39.1 % |
| Interest-bearing liabilities |    7 783 |              7 270 |         7.1 % |
| Total                        |   27 897 |             29 040 |        -3.9 % |
| Total liabilities            |   31 219 |             30 575 |         2.1 % |
| Equity and liabilities total |   77 888 |             68 236 |        14.1 % |
| CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT, 1000 EUROS                                 |
|                              |  1.1.-31.12. |    1.1.-31.12. |      Change % |
|                              |         2007 |           2006 |               |
| Cash flows from operating    |              |                |               |
| activities                   |              |                |               |
| Profit for the period        |        9 363 |          6 879 |        36.1 % |
| Adjustments for:             |              |                |               |
| Non-cash transactions        |        4 202 |          3 407 |        23.3 % |
| Interest and other financial |        1 131 |            661 |        71.1 % |
| expenses                     |              |                |               |
| Interest income and other    |         -617 |           -188 |       228.2 % |
| financial income             |              |                |               |
| Dividends                    |          -10 |             -6 |        66.7 % |
| Taxes                        |        3 309 |          2 100 |        57.6 % |
| Change in working capital                                                    |
| Increase in trade and other  |       -1 209 |         -3 938 |       -69.3 % |
| receivables                  |              |                |               |
| Increase in inventories      |        1 216 |         -6 651 |           n/a |
| Increase in trade and other  |       -1 414 |          3 392 |           n/a |
| payables                     |              |                |               |
| Decrease in provisions       |         -332 |           -742 |       -55.3 % |
| Paid interests and other     |         -647 |           -521 |        24.2 % |
| financial expenses           |              |                |               |
| Received interests and       |          208 |            194 |         7.2 % |
| dividends                    |              |                |               |
| Paid taxes                   |       -3 211 |         -1 912 |        68.0 % |
| Cash flow from operating     |       11 988 |          2 675 |       348.2 % |
| activities                   |              |                |               |
| Cash flow from investing activities                                          |
| Acquisition of subsidiary,   |       -5 301 |         -3 078 |        72.2 % |
| net of cash acquired         |              |                |               |
| Purchases of property, plant |       -1 257 |           -699 |        79.8 % |
| and equipment (PPE)          |              |                |               |
| Purchases of intangible      |       -2 724 |         -1 734 |        57.1 % |
| assets                       |              |                |               |
| Proceeds from sales of other |          814 |              0 |           n/a |
| investments                  |              |                |               |
| Proceeds from sales of PPE   |            0 |            376 |           n/a |
| Net cash used in investing   |       -8 468 |         -5 136 |        64.9 % |
| activities                   |              |                |               |
| Cash flow from financing activities                                          |
| Proceeds from borrowings     |       11 000 |          4 000 |       175.0 % |
| Payments of borrowings       |      -11 113 |           -460 |      2315.9 % |
| Payment of finance lease     |         -594 |           -273 |       117.6 % |
| liabilities                  |              |                |               |
| Dividends paid               |       -3 413 |         -2 697 |        26.5 % |
| Proceeds from issuance of    |        1 630 |            161 |       912.4 % |
| ordinary shares              |              |                |               |
| Net cash used in financing   |       -2 490 |            731 |           n/a |
| activities                   |              |                |               |
| Change in cash                                                               |
| Cash and cash equivalents    |        6 789 |          8 524 |       -20.3 % |
| 1.1.                         |              |                |               |
| Effect of currency changes   |         -118 |             -5 |      2260.0 % |
| Cash and cash equivalents    |        7 702 |          6 789 |        13.4 % |
| 31.12.                       |              |                |               |

| Consolidated statement of changes in equity, 1000 euros                      |
| Attributable to equity holders of the parent                                 |
|                  |  Share  | Share | Trans- | Retained | Invested  |  Total  |
|                  | capital | premi | lation | earnings |   non-    |         |
|                  |         |  um   | Diffe  |          | restricte |         |
|                  |         |       | rences |          | d equity  |         |
| Equity           |   6 955 | 1 417 |     65 |   29 224 |         0 |  37 661 |
| 31.12.2006       |         |       |        |          |           |         |
| Profit for the   |       0 |     0 |      0 |    9 363 |         0 |   9 363 |
| period           |         |       |        |          |           |         |
| Dividends        |       0 |     0 |      0 |   -3 413 |         0 |  -3 413 |
| Share issue      |       0 |     0 |      0 |        0 |         0 |       0 |
| Equity-settled   |       0 |     0 |      0 |      546 |     1 000 |   1 546 |
| share-based      |         |       |        |          |           |         |
| payments         |         |       |        |          |           |         |
| Used share       |      12 |    87 |      0 |        0 |     1 531 |   1 630 |
| options          |         |       |        |          |           |         |
| Exchange         |       0 |     0 |   -118 |        0 |         0 |    -118 |
| differences      |         |       |        |          |           |         |
| Equity           |   6 967 | 1 504 |    -53 |   35 720 |     2 531 |  46 669 |
| 31.12.2007       |         |       |        |          |           |         |

| BUSINESS SEGMENTS 2007, 1000 EUROS                                           |
|                                 |   Broadband |        Video |         Group |
|                                 |       Cable |     Networks |               |
|                                 |    Networks |              |               |
| External sales                                                               |
| Services                        |       4 681 |          363 |         5 044 |
| Goods                           |     103 523 |       16 533 |       120 056 |
| External sales total            |     108 204 |       16 896 |       125 100 |
| Operating profit of segments    |      12 837 |          339 |        13 176 |
| Unallocated expenses            |             |              |        -3 813 |
| Profit for the period           |             |              |         9 363 |
| Segments assets                 |      54 952 |       15 234 |        70 186 |
| Unallocated assets              |             |              |         7 702 |
| Total assets                    |             |              |        77 888 |
| Segments liabilities            |      17 165 |        2 794 |        19 959 |
| Unallocated liabilities         |             |              |        11 260 |
| Total liabilities               |             |              |        31 219 |
| Capital expenditure for the     |      11 082 |        1 201 |        12 283 |
| period                          |             |              |               |
| Depreciations for the period    |       2 800 |          752 |         3 552 |
| BUSINESS SEGMENTS 2006, 1000 EUROS                                           |
|                                 |   Broadband |        Video |         Group |
|                                 |       Cable |     Networks |               |
|                                 |    Networks |              |               |
| External sales                                                               |
| Services                        |       2 813 |          195 |         3 008 |
| Goods                           |      82 738 |       16 027 |        98 765 |
| External sales total            |      85 551 |       16 222 |       101 773 |
| Operating profits of the        |       9 055 |          700 |         9 755 |
| segments                        |             |              |               |
| Unallocated expenses            |             |              |        -2 876 |
| Profit for the period           |             |              |         6 879 |
| Segments assets                 |      46 927 |       14 520 |        61 447 |
| Unallocated assets              |             |              |         6 789 |
| Total assets                    |             |              |        68 236 |
| Segments liabilities            |      17 909 |        3 411 |        21 320 |
| Unallocated liabilities         |             |              |         9 255 |
| Total liabilities               |             |              |        30 575 |
| Capital expenditure for the     |       2 032 |        4 143 |         6 175 |
| period                          |             |              |               |
| Depreciations for the period    |       1 863 |          530 |         2 393 |

| GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENTS 2007, 1000 EUROS                                       |
|                               |   Nordic   |   Other   |  Others  |  Group   |
|                               | countries  |  Europe   |          |          |
| Sales by origin               |     35 535 |    78 260 |   11 305 |  125 100 |
| Assets                        |     57 483 |    18 837 |    1 568 |   77 888 |
| Capital expenditure for the   |      6 113 |     6 120 |       50 |   12 283 |
| period                        |            |           |          |          |
| GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENTS 2006, 1000 EUROS                                       |
|                               |   Nordic   |   Other   |  Others  |  Group   |
|                               | countries  |  Europe   |          |          |
| Sales by origin               |     32 200 |    62 100 |    7 473 |  101 773 |
| Assets                        |     51 381 |    15 115 |    1 740 |   68 236 |
| Capital expenditure for the   |      5 838 |        87 |      250 |    6 175 |
| period                        |            |           |          |          |

| Commitments and contingencies   |            2007 |        2006 |   Change % |
| Guarantees                      |             184 |         819 |    -77.5 % |
| Other securities                |             365 |         731 |    -50.1 % |
| Rental liabilities              |           1 112 |         928 |     19.8 % |
| Lease liabilities               |           1 523 |       1 937 |    -21.4 % |
| Value of underlying forward     |           7 746 |       9 980 |    -22.4 % |
| contracts                       |                 |             |            |
| Market value of forward         |            -152 |         144 |        n/a |
| contracts                       |                 |             |            |
| The average number of employees |            2007 |        2006 |   Change % |
| broken down by following        |                 |             |            |
| categories                      |                 |             |            |
| Research and development        |             158 |         131 |     20.6 % |
| Production and material         |             305 |         297 |      2.7 % |
| management                      |                 |             |            |
| Sales and marketing             |             179 |         148 |     20.9 % |
| Finance, quality and IT         |              39 |          32 |     21.9 % |
| Total                           |             681 |         608 |     12.0 % |

| KEY FIGURES                                                                  |
|                  |      FAS |      IFRS |      IFRS |       IFRS |      IFRS |
|                  |     2003 |      2004 |      2005 |       2006 |      2007 |
| Profit and loss account, balance sheet                                       |
| Net sales, Meur  |     54.2 |      66.0 |      82.6 |      101.8 |     125.1 |
| Change %         |  -18.8 % |    21.8 % |    25.1 % |     23.2 % |    22.9 % |
| Sales outside    |   81.9 % |    85.1 % |    89.3 % |     90.6 % |    91.2 % |
| Finland, %       |          |           |           |            |           |
| Operating        |      1.8 |       5.6 |       8.6 |        9.8 |      13.2 |
| profit, Meur     |          |           |           |            |           |
| % of net sales   |    3.3 % |     8.5 % |    10.4 % |      9.6 % |    10.5 % |
| Profit after     |      1.5 |       5.4 |       8.3 |        9.3 |      12.7 |
| financial items, |          |           |           |            |           |
| Meur             |          |           |           |            |           |
| % of net sales   |    2.8 % |     8.2 % |    10.1 % |      9.1 % |    10.1 % |
| Profit before    |      1.5 |       5.4 |       8.3 |        9.3 |      12.7 |
| taxes, Meur      |          |           |           |            |           |
| % of net sales   |    2.8 % |     8.2 % |    10.1 % |      9.1 % |    10.1 % |
| Profit for the   |      1.7 |       3.9 |       6.0 |        6.9 |       9.4 |
| financial        |          |           |           |            |           |
| period, Meur     |          |           |           |            |           |
|  % of net sales  |    3.1 % |     5.9 % |     7.2 % |      6.8 % |     7.5 % |
| R&D expenditure, |      5.8 |       6.9 |       8.6 |        9.8 |      13.1 |
| Meur             |          |           |           |            |           |
| % of net sales   |   10.7 % |    10.4 % |    10.5 % |      9.7 % |    10.5 % |
| Gross            |      3.4 |       5.4 |       4.1 |        6.2 |      12.3 |
| investments,     |          |           |           |            |           |
| Meur             |          |           |           |            |           |
| % of net sales   |    6.3 % |     8.2 % |     4.9 % |      6.1 % |     9.8 % |
| Interest bearing |     10.0 |      10.8 |       3.9 |        8.0 |       9.5 |
| liabilities,     |          |           |           |            |           |
| Meur             |          |           |           |            |           |
| Shareholder's    |     27.0 |      27.7 |      32.4 |       37.7 |      46.7 |
| equity, Meur     |          |           |           |            |           |
| Total assets,    |     48.1 |      54.4 |      54.8 |       68.2 |      77.9 |
| Meur             |          |           |           |            |           |
| Personnel and orders                                                         |
| Average          |      452 |       492 |       546 |        608 |       681 |
| personnel        |          |           |           |            |           |
| Order backlog at |      6.6 |      20.7 |      22.7 |       28.1 |      21.5 |
| year end, Meur   |          |           |           |            |           |
| Orders received, |     52.2 |      80.5 |      85.4 |      107.2 |     118.5 |
| Meur             |          |           |           |            |           |
| Key metrics                                                                  |
| Return on        |    7.1 % |    15.1 % |    19.8 % |     19.7 % |    22.2 % |
| equity, %        |          |           |           |            |           |
| Return on        |    5.3 % |    16.1 % |    23.7 % |     24.3 % |    27.1 % |
| capital          |          |           |           |            |           |
| employed, %      |          |           |           |            |           |
| Equity ratio, %  |   49.3 % |    51.1 % |    59.1 % |     55.3 % |    60.2 % |
| Gearing, %       |  -17.7 % |   -22.9 % |   -14.3 % |      3.2 % |     3.8 % |
| Earnings per     |     0.10 |      0.23 |      0.35 |       0.41 |      0.55 |
| share, euro      |          |           |           |            |           |
| Earnings per     |      n/a |      0.22 |      0.33 |       0.38 |      0.52 |
| share fully      |          |           |           |            |           |
| diluted, euro    |          |           |           |            |           |
| Shareholders     |     1.41 |      1.65 |      1.92 |       2.22 |      2.69 |
| equity per       |          |           |           |            |           |
| share, euro      |          |           |           |            |           |
| Teleste share                                                                |
| Highest price,   |     6.49 |      7.06 |      8.35 |      12.75 |     12.34 |
| euro             |          |           |           |            |           |
| Lowest price,    |     2.40 |      5.14 |      5.85 |       6.46 |      6.47 |
| euro             |          |           |           |            |           |
| Closing price,   |     5.41 |      6.02 |      7.45 |      11.63 |      6.71 |
| euro             |          |           |           |            |           |
| Average price,   |     4.41 |      6.03 |      6.97 |       9.83 |     10.10 |
| euro             |          |           |           |            |           |
| Price per        |     53.7 |      25.8 |      21.0 |       28.6 |      12.3 |
| earnings         |          |           |           |            |           |
| Market           |     90.3 |     101.4 |     129.2 |      202.2 |     118.6 |
| capitalization,  |          |           |           |            |           |
| Meur             |          |           |           |            |           |
| Stock turnover,  |     43.7 |      74.2 |      75.3 |      138.9 |      72.4 |
| Meur             |          |           |           |            |           |
| Turnover, number |      9.9 |      12.3 |      10.8 |       14.2 |       7.2 |
| in millions      |          |           |           |            |           |
| Turnover, % of   |   57.2 % |    70.9 % |    62.3 % |     81.4 % |    40.5 % |
| share capital    |          |           |           |            |           |
| Average number   | 17094910 |  17334235 |  17339752 |   17363102 |  17494435 |
| of shares        |          |           |           |            |           |
| Number of shares | 17304248 |  17339752 |  17339752 |   17389302 |  17671305 |
| at the year-end  |          |           |           |            |           |
| Number of shares |   23 304 |         0 |         0 |          0 |         0 |
| subscribed, not  |          |           |           |            |           |
| registered       |          |           |           |            |           |
| 31.12.           |          |           |           |            |           |
| Average number   | 18715000 |  17918580 |  18001437 |   18022505 |  17971752 |
| of shares,       |          |           |           |            |           |
| diluted w/o own  |          |           |           |            |           |
| shares           |          |           |           |            |           |
| Number of shares | 18715000 |  17999752 |  18004752 |   18034752 |  17972785 |
| at the year-end, |          |           |           |            |           |
| diluted w/o own  |          |           |           |            |           |
| shares           |          |           |           |            |           |
| Paid dividend,   |      1.3 |       2.0 |       2.7 |        3.4 |      *4.2 |
| Meur             |          |           |           |            |           |
| Dividend per     |     0.08 |      0.12 |      0.16 |       0.20 |     *0.24 |
| share, euro      |          |           |           |            |           |
| Dividend per net |   79.4 % |    52.2 % |    45.7 % |     49.1 % |    43.9 % |
| result, %        |          |           |           |            |           |
| Effective        |    1.5 % |     2.0 % |     2.1 % |      1.7 % |     3.6 % |
| dividend yield,  |          |           |           |            |           |
| %                |          |           |           |            |           |
| * The Board's proposal to the AGM                                            |

CALCULATION OF KEY FIGURES                                                      

| Return on equity:          | Profit/loss for the financial period            |
|                            | ------------------------------   * 100          |
|                            | Shareholders' equity (average)                  |
| Return on capital          | Profit/loss for the period after financial      |
| employed:                  | items + financing charges                       |
|                            | ------------------------------   * 100          |
|                            | Total assets - non-interest-bearing             |
|                            | liabilities (average)                           |
| Equity ratio:              | Shareholders' equity                            |
|                            | -----------------------------   * 100           |
|                            | Total assets - advances received                |
| Gearing:                   | Interest bearing liabilities - cash in hand and |
|                            | in bank - interest bearing assets               |
|                            | -----------------------------   * 100           |
|                            | Shareholders' equity                            |
| Earnings per share:        | Profit for the period attributable to           |
|                            | equityholder of the parent                      |
|                            | ----------------------------------------------  |
|                            | Weighted average number of ordinary shares      |
|                            | outstanding during the period                   |
| Earnings per share,        | Profit for the period attributable to equity    |
| diluted:                   | holder of the parent (diluted)                  |
|                            | ----------------------------------------------- |
|                            | Average number of shares - own shares + number  |
|                            | of options at the period-end                    |

| SECTOR DISPERSION                     |       Number of |  % of total shares |
|                                       |          shares |                    |
| Corporations                          |       1 818 473 |              10,29 |
| Financial and insurance corporations  |       5 350 876 |              30,28 |
| Public institutions                   |       2 318 476 |              13,12 |
| Non-profit organizations              |       1 072 319 |               6,07 |
| Households                            |       3 485 893 |              19,73 |
| Foreign and nominee -registered       |       3 625 268 |              20,51 |
| Total                                 |      17 671 305 |                100 |

| MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS                        |      Shares |                  % |
| 1.  | Sampo Life Insurance Company Ltd    |   1 624 200 |              9.19% |
| 2.  | Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance  |     894 776 |              5.06% |
|     | Company                             |             |                    |
| 3.  | Kaleva Mutual Insurance Company     |     798 541 |              4.52% |
| 4.  | FIM Fenno Mutual Fund               |     603 868 |              3.42% |
| 5.  | State Pension Fund                  |     500 000 |              2.83% |
| 6.  | Varma Mutual Pension Insurance      |     498 650 |              2.82% |
|     | Company                             |             |                    |
| 7.  | Aktia Capital Mutual Fund           |     487 200 |              2.76% |
| 8.  | Op-Suomi Pienyhtiöt                 |     461 016 |              2.61% |
| 9.  | Skagen Vekst Verdipapierfond        |     437 000 |              2.47% |
| 10. | Fondita Nordic Small Cap Placfond   |     375 000 |              2.12% |

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:                                                         
CEO Jukka Rinnevaara, tel +358 2 2605 866 or +358 400 747 488                   

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki Oy                                                 
