Jury Children´s Climate Prize 2016

Hanna Gorgis (Blombackaskolan, Södertälje), Johan Kuylenstierna (Sthlm Environment Institute), McKenzie Royo (USA), Katarina Mohlin (IF), Sandra Jönsson (Världsnaturfonden WWF), Juliette Potier (Frankrike), Soledad Pinero Misa (Retoy), Melina Melkemichel (Blombackaskolan, Södertälje). På bilden saknas två jurymedlemmar: Kjell A Nordström och Mikaira Hireme (Nya Zeeland).

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About Us

The Children's Climate Prize is an international climate event for environmentally conscious people from all over the world. It is a platform to inspire and give young people opportunities to drive change. The prize is awarded to a young person who has taken extraordinary actions for the climate, environment and future generations. The Swedish renewable energy company Telge Energi initiated the prize with the purpose ofspotlighting the climate issue from the perspectiveof the next generation. To read more about the prize, please visit: www.ccprize.org
