Companies want just one phone for all phone calls

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Companies want just one phone for all phone calls Over half the women in this country employed by small companies want a personal security alarm service via their mobile phone. Men want a satellite navigation service with map displays (GPS). But top of the list, for men and women is to be able to use the same phone for all calls, via the normal network as well as the mobile network. These facts emerge from a recent Telia survey. Telia used market survey company Quickwise to ask people what services they want in their mobile phones. Quickwise polled 1457 Swedes, in companies with ten or more employees. The answers are summarised in a report "Mobile services most wanted". - The mobile is an essential tool at work, and the survey shows that many companies want even more services to help them in their daily tasks. Some of these services are already available, but we will look very closely at the others demanded, says Erik Heilborn, Companies segment manager, TeliaSonera Sweden. Top of the wish list, for women and men is to be able to make all calls, via the normal and mobile networks, from the same telephone. This is wanted by 55 percent of women and 67 percent of men. Then women want, in descending order: an attack alarm (54 percent), e-mail via the mobile and a meeting reminder. Men want a satellite navigator with maps (62 percent), followed by e-mail, and a function to store all important codes. More unusual mobile phone services - such as speed-trap warning, parking meter timer and possibility to book time at the launderette - are also asked for by quite a number. As many as one in five, for example, want to be warned via their mobile that they are just about to have a parking fine stuck on their car. For further information journalists can contact: Maria Stråhle, press officer, TeliaSonera Sweden, segment Company, +46 8 713 58 30 The tables, illustrations and report, in Swedish, are on: (Press). Publication rights: Free if the source is acknowledged ("Telia's communications barometer for companies"). ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download:
