Halebop offers SprayDate dating service on mobile phones

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Halebop is now offering the possibility for mobile users to access the SprayDate dating service right on their mobile phones. Through a hot link in the operator-independent WAP portal Halebop GoGo (wap.halebop.se), a mobile user can find someone to flirt with through the service, regardless of their mobile operator and location. The SprayDate service will be offered free of charge until the end of the year – only the traffic charge will be billed.

Halebop and Spray have entered into cooperation to make the SprayDate dating service available for everyone through mobile phones, regardless of their operator and location. A hot link to SprayDate can now be found on Halebop’s WAP portal Halebop GoGo. “SprayDate is a popular Internet service that is actively used by hundreds of thousands of people. Now we’re giving mobile users the opportunity to use the service even when they do not have access to a computer, such as when travelling on a bus,” says Lars Roth at Halebop. “We hope that people will become more interested in mobile services, and use them more and more, when attractive services like SprayDate are easy to access on mobile phones.” To start dating through their mobile handset, users only need to surf to wap.halebop.se, where the link to the SprayDate service can be found.


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