Mobile TV popular in bed

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People primarily watch TV via their mobiles in the home, preferably with their morning coffee in the kitchen or in bed before they fall asleep. This was the conclusion of mobile TV consumer testing that Telia conducted in Hammarby sjöstad in Stockholm during the fall.

Two-thirds of total mobile TV watching takes place in the home, followed by on the way to work, school, practice or when waiting for someone. The majority of users mainly watch mobile TV in the morning between 7:00-8:00AM and in the evening between 5:00PM-10:00PM. On average, users watch 30 minutes at a time.

“The test shows that there is considerable interest in and demand for mobile TV,” says Indra Åsander, head of the private consumer market in TeliaSonera Sweden. “The test users have really appreciated the freedom that comes with having full control over a personal TV. With mobile TV, you no longer need to stress about getting home in time to watch a specific program.”

The SVT and TV4 morning programs had the most viewers in mobile TV. News reports, documentaries, entertainment programs and series were also popular among the test participants.

“The demand for news appears to be almost insatiable and mobile TV makes it possible to be quickly updated on the latest news even when on the go,” says Indra Åsander.

Most people expect to pay to watch TV via their mobiles and they prefer to pay a fixed monthly fee.

The mobile terminal, picture and sound quality received positive reviews from the test participants. Most were pleasantly surprised by the positive TV-watching experience despite the small screen. However, if there were problems, for example reception difficulties in one of the channels, the users quickly lost interest. They became disappointed and irritated when something did not work and opted to move on to other things.

Telia conducted the mobile TV test with DVB-H technology in cooperation with Nokia. Fifty families in Hammarby sjöstad outside of Stockholm were allowed to borrow a Nokia N92, which has mobile TV reception. Participants had access to 13 TV channels and one radio channel. The test lasted two months and was concluded in the beginning of December. The result from the tests will play an important role in the company’s continued efforts to offer quality services to customers through their mobiles.


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