Music service available in Telia´s mobile and broadband network

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A music service called “Schlager & Grammis butiken” is now available at TeliaSonera Sweden´s mobile portal Telia SurfPort, and through the broadband portal and Customers who download files to their mobile phones can also access them via broadband. The system is called Dual Delivery and TeliaSonera Sweden is the first in the Nordic region to offer customers this service.

“This is a natural continuation of our focus on music and entertainment services. The distribution channels for music are changing quickly and our goal is to offer customers an easy and quick way to download their favourite music to their computer or mobile phone, The music service called “Schlager & Grammis butiken” is a co-operation with the company Inprodicon and the service is the first of many music services that will be available in Telia´s broadband and mobile portals, says Indra Asander, Head of Consumer Dept. TeliaSonera Sweden”. • From Telia Surfport, the fastest way to download music is to use a 3G phone or mobile phone using Edge technology, although downloading also works on an ordinary mobile phone. The price per song is SEK 11.90 (the ordinary price is SEK 15.00). In addition, there is a traffic charge for which the maximum rate is SEK 9.00 per day. A mobile phone with a music player is needed to play the songs. • From the broadband portal, customers can easily and quickly download music to their computer. The price varies between SEK 4.90 and SEK 12.90 per song. The music service called “Schlager & Grammis butiken” is a co-operation with the company Inprodicon. Customers who download files to their mobile phones also have access to the same files via broadband. The system is called Dual Delivery and TeliaSonera Sweden is the first telecom operator in the Nordic region to offer this service to customers. Buying music on the Internet has become more and more common and the music industry recently presented its first top-ten list of downloaded songs. A fresh survey* indicates that 35 percent of the people who were polled already purchase their music over the Web today, increasing to 65 percent who believe they will do so in the near future. No one doubts any more that the Internet will become the major shopping site for music. * Count Quest Interactive was commissioned by Telia to conduct the survey, which is based on responses from 1,170 visitors to Telia’s “Startsidan” broadband portal in Sweden. The survey was carried out between December 22 and 30, 2005.


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