Swedes set SMS record on Christmas Eve

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– 9.3 million SMS messages were sent over Telia’s network

Christmas Eve is also a festive occasion for sending SMS messages in Sweden. December 24 is one of the days of the year when the Swedish people send the most SMS messages, and in 2006, a new record was set when slightly more 9.3 million SMS messages were sent over Telia’s network. Based on the findings of Telia’s annual Christmas Survey, in which 10,000 Swedes were polled, most people choose to convey their Christmas greetings by calling during the morning on Christmas Eve.

New record

On Christmas Eve in 2005, 6.2 million SMS messages were sent over Telia’s network. In 2006, this figure was surpassed when a total of 9.3 million SMS messages were sent by Telia’s customers. In Telia’s annual survey, 12 percent stated that they prefer to send their Christmas greetings by SMS, while 16 percent would prefer to wish people Merry Christmas by phone. Despite this preference, the number of SMS messages is increasing year by year at Christmas time.

“The telephone is being used more and more to convey Christmas greetings,” says Indra Åsander, head of the Consumer Segment at TeliaSonera Sweden. ”More and more people, regardless of their age, are discovering that SMS messaging is a simple and effective way to keep in touch with family and friends. The SMS record set this Christmas Eve clearly confirms this.”

Nine percent get in touch after Karl Bertil’s Christmas Eve TV programme

Telia’s annual Christmas Survey indicated that people in Sweden prefer to call or send their Christmas greetings directly in the morning, or during the morning (64 percent), while 15 percent choose to get in touch after Bengt Feldreich has finished singing in the popular annual Christmas television programme “Donald Duck and Friends” (Kalle Anka och hans vänner). Only 9 percent wait to wish people Merry Christmas after Karl Bertil Jonsson’s Christmas Eve programme. Calling just before Donald Duck and Karl-Bertil seems to be less popular, however.

When do you call/send an SMS message to send your Christmas greetings?

Directly in the morning / during the morning 64%
Just before the Donald Duck programme 10%
After the Donald Duck programme 15%
Just before Karl Bertil Jonsson’s
Christmas Eve programme 2%
After Karl Bertil Jonsson’s
Christmas Eve programme 9%

About Telia’s 2006 Christmas Survey

Telia surveyed 10,126 people in Sweden about their communication habits during the Christmas holiday period. All of Sweden is represented in the survey. The respondents were Telia customers. The survey was conducted November 9-15, 2006.


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