Telia switches to green power

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– becomes first telecom operator in Sweden to focus completely on green labelling

Today, Telia is starting to operate its telecom and datacom networks and all other service production in Sweden using only environmentally friendly “green power”. Starting today, all electricity consumed by Telia will come from renewable energy sources, such as wind, water, solar and biomass. Through this measure, the company expects to immediately reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by about 20 percent.

“We have a growing number of environmentally aware consumers and we want to give them the opportunity to also make a green choice for their telecom operator,” says Erik Hallberg, head of Broadband Services at TeliaSonera Sweden. “Those who choose a green alternative are choosing to make a minimum impact on the environment and help reduce the greenhouse effect.”

Telia has focused on reducing its environmental impact in recent years. From 2001 until today, the company has succeeded in reducing its carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 70 percent. This goal has been achieved by cutting down on business travel, increasing the use of services such as telephone conferences and network meetings via PC, reducing office space and now, by switching completely to green energy.

Telecommunications = a good environmental choice
Using green electricity from renewable energy sources is not the only thing that has a positive impact on the environment. For example, when people choose to use telecom and datacom services instead of travelling by car, train or plane, they are also doing something to make a difference for the environment. Despite this fact, and despite the current intensive environmental debate by companies all around Sweden, a recently conducted survey* indicated that 30 percent of the Swedish people will increase their business travel in the coming year.

“It is surprising that more companies do not work actively to reduce their business travel. Companies have to become better at deciding if it is really necessary to make a business trip when it can preferably be replaced by a technological solution. In addition to doing the environment and future generations a favour, companies can save money as well as time that can be used more effectively by employees,” says Erik Hallberg.

Transportation and travel account for approximately 30 percent of Sweden’s total CO2 emissions, the equivalent of approximately 20 million tonnes of carbon dioxide. If the Swedish people succeed in reducing their travel by 10 percent, total carbon dioxide emissions in the country can be decreased by about 5 percent or by 3 million tonnes.

*In Telia’s survey, 1,710 people at companies all over Sweden answered questions about their business travel. The companies were of varying size with less than 10 employees to more than 500 employees. The respondents work at companies that are customers of Telia. The survey was conducted May16-24, 2007.


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