TeliaSonera January-September 2005

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Nine-month Period • Net sales increased to SEK 64,785 million (60,685). • Net income totaled SEK 10,352 million (11,855) and earnings per share were SEK 1.95 (2.33). • Free cash flow increased to SEK 12,403 million (10,853). Third Quarter • Strong customer growth year on year: - 0.9 million new customers in the Nordic and Baltic operations. - 2 million new customers in Eurasia and 14.8 million new cus-tomers in MegaFon and Turkcell. • Net sales increased 8.5 percent to SEK 22,229 million (20,496). • Operating income, excluding non-recurring items, improved to SEK 6,162 million (5,898). - Swedish margin maintained in competitive market. - The EBITDA margin decreased to 37.0 percent (40.1) due to the fall in earnings in Finland. - Strong sales and earnings growth in Norway, Denmark and the Baltic operations. - Very strong sales and earnings growth in Eurasia, Russia and Turkey. • Distribution of approximately SEK 10 billion to shareholders through an extraordinary dividend to be proposed to the Annual General Meeting in April, 2006.

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