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  • TeliaSonera lowers Nordic and Baltic roaming prices - price reduction and daily cost control for mobile surfing travellers starting today

TeliaSonera lowers Nordic and Baltic roaming prices - price reduction and daily cost control for mobile surfing travellers starting today

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By launching a new way of pricing mobile data abroad TeliaSonera wants to help their customers continue their digital life outside home country borders. TeliaSonera lowers data roaming prices for customers in the Nordic and Baltic countries by approximately 90 percent.

“It is important to give our customers freedom to use their mobile phone and laptop abroad since we know it’s essential that they can keep in touch with colleagues, clients, friends and family when travelling. We seek to pioneer the business all the time, and we have done that today for our customers travelling in the Nordic and Baltic countries,” says Håkan Dahlström, President business area Mobility Services, TeliaSonera.

The use of mobile data doubles every year, but customers are still uncertain about prices and what their digital life will cost them when leaving their home country. With the new pricing structure and cost control, TeliaSonera wants to support customers in doing business, keeping in touch with their family and networking also when travelling abroad.

“This is a great example of how TeliaSonera further strengthens the link between our local operators within the company. This price reduction is made possible by fully utilizing TeliaSonera’s Nordic and Baltic presence,“says Håkan Dahlström.

The new lower prices and the cost control function automatically apply to all customers during travel in the Nordic and Baltic countries, without customers needing to make any specific action. With the new prices, a customer surfing on a mobile phone pays SEK 29 for 20 MB per day. All customers have total control over costs since a text message is sent by TeliaSonera to the customer if the customer should need to buy more data to stay online.

Actual pricing will differ slightly in respective markets. The detailed offer is available through local operator web sites.

Background - based on Swedish example - Telia Surf Abroad for private customers*

Price for mobile data in the Nordic region and the Baltic countries (**):
-Mobile surf: SEK 29 per day, up to 20 MB data per day.
-Laptop surf: SEK 59 per day, up to 50 MB data per day.

The new lower prices and the cost control function automatically apply to all customers without customers needing to make any specific action.

-The customer will receive a notification from TeliaSonera when the daily amount is used up and the customer needs to buy more data to continue surfing.

-A text message is sent by TeliaSonera when the daily amount (SEK 29) is used up and the customer needs to buy more data to continue surfing.

-While surfing using a laptop, a web page redirect will appear when the daily amount (SEK 59) is used up and the customer needs to buy more data to stay online.

-The offer is network independent, meaning that the customer does not need to actively choose a specific network.

-When the daily amount is used up, and the customer chooses not to buy more data, the surfing function is closed for the rest of the day.

*For prices regarding company subscriptions, please visit www.telia.se.
For prices for our customers in other Nordic and Baltic countries please visit the web site for each local operator.
(**) Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

For more information, please call the TeliaSonera press office + 46
-771 77 58 30, press@teliasonera.com

TeliaSonera provides network access and telecommunication services in the Nordic and Baltic countries, the emerging markets of Eurasia, including Russia and Turkey, and in Spain. TeliaSonera helps people and companies communicate in an easy, efficient and environmentally friendly way. Our ambition is to be number one or two in all our markets, providing the best customer experience, high quality networks and cost efficient operations. TeliaSonera is also the leading European wholesale provider with a wholly-owned international carrier network. In 2010, net sales amounted to SEK 107 billion, EBITDA to SEK 37.7 billion and earnings per share to SEK 4.73. The TeliaSonera share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm and NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. Read more at


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