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TeliaSonera to increase the ownership in TEO LT and launch a voluntary takeover bid for the remaining outstanding shares

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TeliaSonera has agreed to acquire 7.87 percent of the shares in TEO LT from East Capital for EUR 0.637 (LTL 2.20) per share and will thereby increase its ownership to 76.16 percent (from the current 68.29). TeliaSonera will also invite all other shareholders to participate in a voluntary takeover bid for the remaining outstanding shares.

TeliaSonera will pay a total cash consideration of EUR 38.9 million (LTL 134.5 million) or approximately SEK 347.5 million for the shares acquired from East Capital. Closing is scheduled to take place on May 10, 2012. East Capital will receive the dividend of LTL 0.20 (EUR 0.058) per share as decided at the shareholders’ meeting on April 24, 2012, with the dividend record date May 9, 2012.

TeliaSonera will also launch a voluntary takeover bid for the remaining outstanding shares in TEO LT as soon as all related approvals are received. TeliaSonera will offer EUR 0.637 (LTL 2.20) per share in cash, corresponding to a total amount of approximately EUR 118.0 million (LTL 407.3 million). The takeover bid represents a premium of 5.3 percent compared with the closing market price as of May 7, 2012. The takeover bid is not conditional and has no minimum threshold of shares tendered.

“With this acquisition we continue to execute on our strategy to increase the ownership in our core holdings. Following our agreement to acquire East Capital’s stake in TEO LT, we have also decided to give the same opportunity to all shareholders. If they find our takeover bid attractive, all shareholders will be able to sell their shares at the same price as East Capital received, but we intend to keep the company listed as long as there is a reasonable free float,” said Per-Arne Blomquist, Executive Vice President and CFO of TeliaSonera.

"East Capital has been a long-term shareholder of TEO involved in the company's success over several years. TEO is a prime example of the kind of investments we look for in Eastern Europe. This was a good opportunity to realize the value of our investment, we look forward to see TeliaSonera continue to develop the potential in TEO," says Peter Elam Håkansson, Head of the Investment Management team at East Capital.

TeliaSonera AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instrument Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 7 a.m. CET on 8 May 2012.

For more information, please call the TeliaSonera press office + 46
-771 77 58 30, press@teliasonera.com

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TeliaSonera provides network access and telecommunication services in the Nordic and Baltic countries, the emerging markets of Eurasia, including Russia and Turkey, and in Spain. TeliaSonera helps people and companies communicate in an easy, efficient and environmentally friendly way. Our ambition is to be number one or two in all our markets, providing the best customer experience, high quality networks and cost efficient operations. TeliaSonera is also the leading European wholesale provider with a wholly-owned international carrier network. In 2011, net sales amounted to SEK 104 billion, EBITDA to SEK 36.9 billion and earnings per share to SEK 4.20. The TeliaSonera share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm and NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. Read more at www.teliasonera.com.


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