The computer beats the TV – in Swedish summer homes

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Three out of five Swedes will take their computer with them to their summer home or have a computer installed there. This is approximately 60 per cent more than those who are taking a TV or have a television set in their summer home. On a rainy summer day, holiday-makers in Sweden also prefer surfing on the Internet to watching television. These are some of the findings of Telia’s survey on the summer habits of the Swedish people, in which 1,700 Swedes participated from all over Sweden.

Many Swedes ensure that they have a computer, 3G mobile phone, digital television receiver and many other technical gadgets with them when they head off to their summer homes. Having a computer in the summer cottage is the most important thing (66 percent). Almost one out of four summer home owners in Sweden takes a PC card with them for their portable computer so they can surf wirelessly. However, even the traditional television set requires new technology, with 27 percent of the survey respondents stating that they take their digital television receiver with them.

“As more and more Swedes buy mobile solutions for their communications needs, it is becoming increasingly common for them to take their portable computer and 3G mobile phone with them on holiday,” says Gunilla Åberg, Marketing Manager for Mobility Services at TeliaSonera Sweden.

After the summer home (43 percent) and hotel (34 percent), the boat is the most common form of summer holiday living in Sweden (12 percent). Boat owners are the most mobile of all holiday-makers in Sweden, with three out of four taking their portable computer, and three out of ten taking a PC card, for wireless surfing. One out of two boat owners takes a 3G mobile phone with them.

“After reading a book, surfing on the Internet is the most popular pastime on a rainy summer day in Sweden. This summer, more and more people will be able to surf on the Internet, thanks to smart mobile solutions. I also take my portable computer with me – it is equipped with a PC card so I can surf wirelessly, says Gunilla Åberg.

Book is favourite choice for rainy summer days
On a rainy summer day, television or the Internet cannot beat a good book. When it rains in Sweden, one out of two people prefer to read a book, while 38 percent surf on the Internet and 23 percent like to watch TV.

Top 5 – what Swedes prefer to do on a rainy summer day
1. Read a book (52%)
2. Surf the Internet (38%)
3. Watch television (23%)
4. Cook or bake(14%)
5. Shop (14%)

Top 5 – what is taken to, or is already installed in, Swedish summer homes
1. Computer (63%)
2. 3G mobile phone(46%)
3. Television set (39%)
4. Mp3 player (29%)
5. Digital TV receiver (27%)

Top 5 – what is taken to, or is already available on, pleasure boats in Sweden
1. Computer (74%)
2. 3G mobile phone (56 %)
3. Television set (35%)
4. PC card for portable computer (32%)
5. Mp3 player (28%)

About the Telia Summer Trends Survey 2007
For the fourth consecutive year, Telia has conducted an online survey of its customers in Sweden to poll them about summer working trends. A total of 1,710 people participated in the 2007 survey of whom 805 will spend their holiday in their summer home and 229 on their boat. The respondents included managing directors, IT managers and other employees at companies of varying size with less than ten to more than 500 employees. All of Sweden is represented in the survey, which was conducted May 16-25, 2007.


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