Young people go for price and design when choosing mobile phones

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When young people in Sweden choose a mobile phone, their decision is based primarily on the handset’s price and design. After that, a camera is the next thing that influences their choice. These are some of the findings of a survey conducted by the operator-independent website, which polled its visitors during the month of January.

Close to 30 percent of the participants in the survey said that price was the most important factor when choosing a mobile phone, while 18 percent said that the phone’s design was most significant. After that, a camera on the phone might persuade them to buy. The survey also indicated that young people communicate mainly by SMS. As many as 65 percent of the respondents said they normally use their mobile phone to send SMS messages, while 30 percent said they use their phone mainly to make calls. When asked which mobile phone brand they will choose for their next purchase, 36 percent said Nokia and 34 percent Sony Ericsson. Samsung was the third choice at 17 percent. The survey also showed that many young people own more than one mobile phone. As many as 35 percent responded that they have two mobile handsets and 6 percent said they owned more than five mobile phones. The findings of the survey also indicated that young people like to change mobile operators, with 32 percent replying that they had changed their operator once. Six percent of the respondents said they have changed their operator more than five times, while less than half, 28 percent, said they have never switched to another operator. Approximately 1,000 girls and guys up to 20 years in age answered the online survey questionnaire when visiting the Halebop site during January.


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