Changes and new appointments in Posiva’s management

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Posiva Oy’s long-term and purposeful work on the safe and responsible final disposal of used nuclear fuel is progressing from the project phase towards the production phase. This is also being prepared for with a new organizational structure, in connection with which appointments have been made to Posiva’s management. The appointments will take effect on July 1, 2024

Dr. Karri Osara, with a doctorate in engineering, has been appointed as the Production Manager at Posiva. His responsibilities include overseeing the production process for the final disposal of used nuclear fuel, from reception to filling and sealing the disposal tunnels. Additionally, Petteri Vuorio, an engineer (DI), has been appointed as the Development Manager for the Final Disposal System. This role involves ensuring long-term safety at Posiva and maintaining technical release barriers, as well as overseeing construction and development.

Tiina Jalonen, who has served as the Director of Development and Responsibility at Posiva since 2013, is transitioning to new challenges. During her tenure, the company has progressed from the research and development phase toward the implementation of final disposal. Jalonen will continue in her current role until the end of June, after which she will lead separate projects at Posiva until the end of July.

- Our responsible solution for the final disposal of used nuclear fuel enables environmentally friendly nuclear power generation. We are moving from the construction phase toward the actual start of disposal operations, says CEO Ilkka Poikolainen.

According to Poikolainen, the recent organizational changes are in preparation for the operation of the final disposal facility, and those appointed to new leadership roles play a crucial role in this significant phase.

- I wish Karri Osara and Petteri Vuorio success in their roles as they lead our organization toward becoming the world’s first to begin final disposal operations. I also want to express my gratitude to Tiina Jalonen for her central role in building this Finnish success story. Under Tiina’s leadership, Posiva’s development function has actively addressed the final disposal system’s remaining open questions.

Posiva Oy is the leading final disposal operator in the world, preparing to start in mid-2020’s the final disposal of the spent nuclear fuel generated by its owners TVO and Fortum Power and Heat Oy in the ONKALO®facility excavated deep in the bedrock. The Finnish Government granted Posiva the construction licence for the final disposal facility in 2015. The same operating licence process that is required in the construction projects of nuclear power facilities will also need to be carried out prior to the start of the actual final disposal of spent fuel.
