News Release
Lund, 30 August, 2011
Tetra Laval BV has increased its shareholding in Alfa Laval AB. The total shareholding in Alfa Laval AB by Tetra Laval on 29 August is 84,074,814 shares, which represents 20.04 percent of the capital and voting rights.
”Tetra Laval has increased its shareholding in Alfa Laval AB as we consider this to be a sound and solid financial investment”, says Jörgen Haglind, Group Communications Officer, Tetra Laval Group.
Information about this change has according to the rules regarding notification of major shareholding (flaggning), been reported to Alfa Laval AB and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, Finansinspektionen.
For further information, please contact
Jörgen Haglind, Group Communications Officer, Tetra Laval
Telephone: +46 46 36 10 00