Overwatch’s LIDAR Analyst® 5.1 Software Delivers New High-Resolution 3D Imagery and Analytics

Software loads and displays data files containing more than a billion points of light
AUSTIN, TEXAS – February 11, 2013 — Overwatch, a strategic business of Textron Systems Advanced Systems, an operating unit of Textron Systems, a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, announced today the release of version 5.1 of its LIDAR Analyst® software. The premier software for managing LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data now delivers mission-critical high-resolution 3D exploitation.
LIDAR Analyst’s new 3D Viewer enables visualization, analysis and dissemination of 3D data. It efficiently loads and displays LIDAR data sets in excess of a billion points, allowing analysts to keep up with the rapid growth and use of LIDAR. The 3D Viewer is tightly integrated into LIDAR Analyst and handles all of the standard data formats used by geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) analysts.
“We’ve taken our leading LIDAR data extraction product and added powerful 3D visualization capabilities that make the software an even more valuable resource for a wide range of military, commercial and government applications,” explains Overwatch Vice President of Geospatial Solutions Skip Maselli. “For instance, mission planners will benefit from LIDAR Analyst 5.1’s ability to do a variety of high-resolution 3D analytics from vertical obstruction tasks to complex automated feature extraction that aid in decision making and terrain and urban product development.”
LIDAR Analyst users are now able to perform real-time data analysis, including radial line-of-sight, buffer zone analysis, landing zones and 3D mensuration. To facilitate dissemination of the data and analysis, the 3D Viewer includes tools to export a fully interactive scene to a 3D PDF document or information to display in Google Earth®.
In addition, LIDAR Analyst 5.1 includes an option for distributed processing that breaks data into manageable pieces to distribute across a cluster of workstations. This enhancement can reduce overall processing time by orders of magnitude, dramatically increasing analysts’ efficiency.
Introduced in 2005 as an Esri ArcGIS® extension, LIDAR Analyst’s reliably transforms raw LIDAR data into useful 3D models. By attributing nearly 100 percent of building and tree features, LIDAR Analyst enables GEOINT analysts to capture and exploit 3D data sets within centimeters of sensor accuracy. It is used by hundreds of organizations, ranging from federal agencies and state/local governments to universities and GIS providers needing automated extraction of high-quality ground, forest and building features from airborne LIDAR data.
Overwatch will soon begin shipping copies of the LIDAR Analyst 5.1 upgrade to existing customers who have active maintenance plans. A demonstration of the software is available by calling (800) 937-6881.
Public Relations Team
Textron Systems
(978) 657-2020
About Overwatch
Overwatch, a strategic business of Textron Systems Advanced Systems, an operating unit of Textron Systems, is the leading provider of integrated intelligence software solutions and services as well as robust satellite communications systems for today’s U.S. and international defense and intelligence communities. For the past 20 years, Overwatch’s intelligence solutions have supported decision makers, counter-terrorism analysts, warfighters and first responders by providing proven tools that simplify the integration, analysis and exploitation of intelligence in order to present a complete operational picture and accelerate the time-to-decision. More information is available at www.overwatch.com.
About Textron Systems Advanced Systems
Textron Systems Advanced Systems brings together cutting-edge technologies and far-reaching innovations to satisfy emerging customer demands for reliable, affordable solutions in the areas of security; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; and medical research. Its strategic business Overwatch is a leading provider of intelligence software solutions and robust satellite communications systems for U.S. and international defense, intelligence and law enforcement communities. The Advanced Systems business also continues efforts on light arms technologies and unmanned systems such as the Common Unmanned Surface Vessel, or CUSV, conceived by AAI. Another strategic business, Medical Numerics, provides processing and analysis software for medical imaging research. Textron Systems Advanced Systems is an operating unit of Textron Systems. More information is available at www.textronsystems.com.
About Textron Systems
Textron Systems has been providing innovative solutions to the defense, homeland security and aerospace communities for more than 50 years. Headquartered in Providence, R.I., the company is known for its unmanned aircraft systems, advanced marine craft, armored vehicles, intelligent battlefield and surveillance systems, intelligence software solutions, precision smart weapons, piston engines, test and training systems, and total life cycle sustainment and operational services. Textron Systems includes AAI Logistics & Technical Services, AAI Test & Training, AAI Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Advanced Systems, Aerosonde, ESL Defence, Lycoming Engines, Medical Numerics, MillenWorks, Overwatch, Textron Defense Systems and Textron Marine & Land Systems. More information is available at www.textronsystems.com.
About Textron Inc.
Textron Inc. is a multi-industry company that leverages its global network of aircraft, defense, industrial and finance businesses to provide customers with innovative solutions and services. Textron is known around the world for its powerful brands such as Bell Helicopter, Cessna Aircraft Company, Jacobsen, Kautex, Lycoming, E-Z-GO, Greenlee, and Textron Systems. More information is available at www.textron.com.