New Book Focuses on How To Live With Hope In Light of Today’s Headlines And Anxiety-Filled Culture
COLORADO SPRINGS, CO—Books on eschatology, or “end times,” rise and fall with the level of interest in the future. Many would say they’ve already seen the movie or read all they want. Some fanatics continue to make predictions about the end of the world, one even predicting May 12, 2011. But Dr. Jim Dixon, pastor of a large church in Denver and author of Last Things Revealed: Hope for Life and the Everafter (Biblica Publishing) has written a resource for people who are tired of hearing predictions and running the other direction when “end times” or “last days” is mentioned.
Some would say that given recent events with Japan’s tsunami and nuclear plant disaster, our world is in a deeper state of trouble pointing to more catastrophes and a deep fear about the future.
Dixon’s approach is to address the fears people have about the end times by laying out very carefully what the Bible says we can expect in the last days and looking at current events to get a sense of how we need to prepare for the last days—without an overbearing sense of dread, angst, or anxiousness.
Bestselling Christian author Lee Strobel writes in the foreword, “If you’re like many Christians who have only a murky understanding of the end times—and perhaps wrestle with fear about the future—this book will bring clarity out of confusion and help you rest in the security of God’s love and plan for humankind.”
Dixon shares, “I want to help people be strong for what might be a hard time. We don’t know what the end of the world will look like or when it will be, and rather than get caught up in what might happen, people need to be ready for difficult times. Americans have not had a lot of extreme persecution and poverty. We expect it all to be comfortable and to escape calamity. But it’s not easy for other Christians in the world and we need to be prepared for testing.”
While other books tend to focus on the author’s theology of the end times, Dr. Dixon looks at relations between important people groups that he feels will be significant in the times to come, namely Jews and Arabs. “Our generation has seen astronomical things that prior ones have not with the rebirth of Israel. But Israel is hated by many nations and is a polarizing nation with regard to the nations of the world.”
He continues, “The Jewish people are surrounded by hostility and have Arab and Muslim links. There is not peace in either group. There will only be sustained peace when Christ returns and fulfills his promise to Israel. The Arabs and Muslims will drive the world to Armageddon.”
Dixon believes we should recognize the season of the last days and he believes that season may be approaching. He says, “I wouldn’t be surprised if it were in my lifetime, or in the lifetime of my children.”
In the book, Dixon points to the signs he feels are significant. Some of these include:
- Cosmic chaos: Key point: Scientists point to asteroid events and the earth could see some type of catastrophic event
- Earthly eruption: Key point: Volcanoes and earthquakes have increased in number and frequency
- Famine: Key point: Food prices have increased 25%. Two-thirds of the earth’s population spends 50-75% of their income on food. U.S. citizens use 9% of our income.
- Pestilence: Key point: Scientists point to a development of super forms of bacteria that do not take to antibiotics.
- Moral erosion: Key points: Confusion with good and evil. New highest value is tolerance. Truth is the enemy. Theological confusion and the battle is on for the soul of mankind.
- Persecution: Key points: Global outbreak of persecution. Absence of civil rights. Persecution of Christians in nations of the former Soviet Union, South Korea, and China. Subtle persecutions in our culture from Hollywood entertainment and colleges and universities.
- Apostasy: Key point: Absence of faith. Departure from it. Faith in crisis and attacked in public institutions. Atheism on the rise.
He shares, “What I read and see shows me that some Christians will give up and abandon their faith. Christ’s words in the Bible are to “wake up.” We can’t just do business as usual and cave into the culture. We need to be prepared for whatever the last days will look like.”
Dixon asks: Are we still on the path to honoring God? Seeking to know him? “It’s not easy for Christians living in this world and it’s not going to get any easier. But we have to get through these days, enjoy each other and strengthen each other no matter what happens.”
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To view videos of Dr. Dixon discussing his book, go to:
Dr. Jim Dixon grew up in southern California where he and his family were members of Hollywood Presbyterian Church. After earning degrees from Westmont College (BA) and Fuller Theological Seminary (M. Div and D. Min.) Jim served as pastor of various ministries at Faith Presbyterian Church in Aurora, Colorado. In 1982, Jim became the founding and senior pastor at Cherry Hills Community Church, now located in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. For 28 years, Cherry Hills has steadily grown to a congregation of over 6,000. A respected scholar and teacher, Dr. Dixon often includes interesting anecdotes and movie clips in his messages. Jim and Barbara have two children, a son-in-law and three grandchildren.
Last Things Revealed
Category: RELIGION/Christian Theology/Eschatology
ISBN-13: 978-1-60657-101-9, $14.99 Trade paper, 160 pages 5 ½” x 8 ½”
Blythe Daniel
(719) 213-3427
Blythe Daniel is a literary agent and publicist and has considerable experience with author acquisitions, publicity, and marketing campaigns. She has had clients on the Today Show, Dateline, Fox News, Good Morning America, CBS’ The Early Show, The History Channel, The 700 Club, The G. Gordon Liddy Show, The Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post, LA Daily News, and other national broadcast and print outlets. Daniel was the Publicity Director and Marketing Director for Thomas Nelson Publishers for seven years. She is a former broadcaster, writer, and Product Development Manager for New York Times bestselling author John Eldredge.
Her clients come from organizations like Proverbs 31 Ministries (founded by New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst), Focus on the Family, Campus Crusade for Christ, The Houston Chronicle, ESPN, Disney, Dollar General, and other organizations.