Convincing New Book Shows Muslim Leaders and Whole Communities Leaving Islam to Find God Who Loves Them
NASHVILLE, TN—Thousands of sheiks, imams, and non-Muslim leaders are leaving the daily rituals of prayers to Allah and bowing their knees to Christ. In the last 6 years, more than two hundred thousand Muslims have renounced their Islamic faith and found the love they have longed for.
“There is tremendous dissatisfaction and discouragement among the very people who know the Qur’an best and who are themselves desperate for assurance in their own religion,” says Jerry Trousdale, author of Miraculous Movements: How Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims Are Falling in Love with Jesus (Thomas Nelson, March 2012, www.cityteam.org/books).
In his book, Trousdale, Director of International Ministry for Cityteam International, explains this phenomenon and shows how the same principles that are creating this impact in the Muslim world can also be highly effective in our Western culture as Christians become intentional in serving people in the ways that Jesus did. He defines this as “Discipleship Making Movements,” movements that dramatically change lives, multiply rapidly, and create large numbers of new leaders.
“There are more than 18,000 new leaders in the last 7 years who are leading churches or taking the gospel to the next unreached community. We’re starting a whole new thinking about the nature of church. The model of church that’s emerging is so very different from traditional church,” says Trousdale.
“After seeing those impacted by the discipling process Jerry outlines in Miraculous Movements, I’m confident that this is the most significant development for the worldwide body of Christ in the past two decades,” says Frank Couch, Vice President, Reference, Curriculum, and Translation Development, Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Cityteam has locations in California, Pennsylvania, Oregon and partnerships in 42 countries around the world. Since 1998, Cityteam has cared for people around the world by training, equipping, mentoring and coaching local leaders to care for those in need in their communities. This includes training 600,000 new Christians who have started over 18,000 new churches in the past six years.
“Disciple Making Movements are reaching entire nations around the world. It’s incredibly exciting to be a part of seeing people’s lives radically changed by the Gospel,” Trousdale states.
Cityteam is providing a seminar series called idisciple to review the Biblical principles covered in Miraculous Movements. These one-day seminars are the starting point in training others to care and disciple the nations. For information on these seminars, visit www.cityteam.org/idisciple/.
Jerry Trousdale is the Director of International Ministry for Cityteam International. He has been a missionary among a Muslim people group in Africa and has pastored two mission-sending churches that launched ministries which have planted thousands of churches. He co-founded Final Command Ministries to facilitate missions to some of the least-reached people groups in West and Central Africa. In 2005 he became part of Cityteam, which provides training in obedience-based discipleship models to thousands of ministries. The ministry has planted more than 6,000 Muslim background churches. Jerry is a former Director of Marketing for Thomas Nelson Publishers and host of LifeTalk, a Nashville drive time radio show. Jerry graduated from David Lipscomb University with a B.A. in Communications, Abilene Christian University with a M.A in Missiology, and has a year towards his doctorate through Fuller Seminary.
Miraculous Movements: How Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims Are Falling in Love with Jesus
ISBN-13: 978-1-4185-4728-8, $9.99, 208 pages, Trade paper, March 2012, Thomas Nelson Publishers
Founded in 1957 in San Jose, California, Cityteam touches the lives of more than 500,000 people yearly with their compassion ministries for the poor and homeless in the U.S. Cityteam is a ministry called to love and obey God, love their neighbors and multiply disciple makers who repeat the process among their friends and family. Cityteam is an organization that is fully committed to God’s commandment to love and care for individuals and families through their compassion ministries and the Great Commission to disciple the nations. They are touching the lives of hundreds of thousands of those in need around the corner and around the world with the hope that real change is possible through the power of Jesus.
For more information, visit www.cityteam.org/books and www.miraculousmovements.com.
Cityteam International (HQ) - 2304 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95131 – www.cityteam.org
For interviews, contact:
Blythe Daniel
(719) 213-3427
Blythe Daniel is a literary agent and publicist and has considerable experience with author acquisitions, publicity, and marketing campaigns. She has had clients on Today, Dateline, Fox News, Good Morning America, CBS’ The Early Show, The 700 Club, The G. Gordon Liddy Show, The Hugh Hewitt Show, The Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, LA Daily News, and other national media. Daniel was the publicity director and marketing director for Thomas Nelson Publishers for seven years. She is a former broadcaster, writer, and product development manager for New York Times bestselling author John Eldredge.
Her clients come from organizations like Dollar General, Proverbs 31 Ministries (founded by New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst), Focus on the Family, The Houston Chronicle, ESPN, Disney, and other organizations.