BHS South West support for Horses Help Heroes

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Last year The British Horse Society became an official partner of Horses Help Heroes, a fund raising initiative to raise money for British servicemen and women.  Spearheading this was the epic drive of a replica WWI horse drawn ambulance from Lands End to John O’Groats, some 1,000 miles.

The call went out for members and supporters to hold fundraising events for Horses Help Heroes and BHS committees in the South West rose to the challenge.

BHS Avon held their ever popular Kilmersdon Pleasure Ride supported by more than 100 riders on the day making a donation of half of the profit of the event (£600) to the cause. 

BHS Wiltshire ran their first Pleasure Ride on Salisbury Plain which was enjoyed by more than 40 riders and likewise shared the proceeds (£250).

BHS Dorset ran their charity Terrier Racing evening with proceeds being shared between a number of charities with Horses Help Heroes receiving £277.60.

Throughout the year the BHS South West trade stand sold the Horses Help Heroes wrist bands and badges and managed to raise a further £676.37.

In total, the cheque presentation to Jacks El Tawil, instigator of the initiative and driver of the ambulance on the route, was for a whopping £1,803.97. 

Receiving the cheque, Jacks said: “Thank you so much for your fund raising efforts.  It’s very humbling to know how hard people were working for the cause”.

Julie Garbutt, BHS Regional Development Officer for the South West, added: “It’s a marvellous amount of money to have raised for this cause. The recent film ‘War Horse’ has highlighted to many the role horses have played in war in the past, but people are still involved in war and it’s nice to know that in some way, the pleasure that horses give us now has helped to raise funds which will support some of those servicemen and women who need help and assistance”.

Further information on Horse Help Heroes can be found at

For further press information and pictures, please contact: Claire Ellis, The British Horse Society, 02476 840465 or  

