EMAGIN… A challenge for Access Week!

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As part of The British Horse Society’s Access Week activities, EMAGIN has launched a series of challenges that use the EMAGIN and BHS websites and a rider’s knowledge in order to answer questions, with the possibility of winning a prize.

The challenge runs throughout Access Week (20-30 May 2011) and correct answers will be entered into a prize draw. Participants have until midnight on 30 May to email their answers to emagin@bhs.org.uk

The challenge questions, prize details and further information can be found at www.emagin.org/About_EMAGIN/Access_Week_Challenge.aspx

If you think you know your horse breeds, local riding facilities, famous factual and fictional horse and stable management, visit the site and give the questions a try!

For further information on EMAGIN, the challenges or Access Week, contact the BHS Access department on 02476 840582 or access@bhs.org.uk
