Oxfordshire rider wins BHS TREC Winter Series

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This year’s winner of the Kelly Marks Perfect Partners BHS TREC Winter Open Series is Zara Lawlor from Bampton, Oxfordshire.

Zara beat all records to win the series with a perfect score of 100 percent while riding Sensible Samantha. Full marks were received in all phases which has never before happened in this competition.

Sensible Samantha also made history by becoming the first horse to claim both trophies in the series as she carried Janet Keeley to victory in the Newcomer competition.

Zara, who owns Sensible Samantha, said: “I am over the moon and tremendously excited. Sensi is an amazing pony. Our win shows what an ordinary pony and rider can achieve using Kelly Marks' Natural Horsemanship methods.”

Many events were cancelled this series due to the atrocious weather, but competitors were still keen to continue, travelling to alternative venues to compete.

For full results please visit https://www.bhs.org.uk/Riding/BHS_TREC/Kelly_Marks_Winter_Series.aspx