Stop ‘pussy-footing around’ and get talking

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September is Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month

18,000 women are diagnosed with a gynaecological cancer in the UK every year and of these women, 7,700 will die. That’s over 50 women receiving devastating news and 20 families torn apart by the loss of a woman they love, every single day in the UK.

Why? Because we don’t like to talk about matters gynaecological, not even to our doctors. In fact many of us can’t even say it, never mind spell it! Awareness is low and women don’t know or discuss the signs to look out for.

So…. in September, The Eve Appeal, the only national charity dedicated to raising funds and awareness of all five gynaecological cancers, is asking women to stop pussy-footing around and to join in with their ‘Funny Feet’ campaign.

Funny Feet campaign

Funny Feet encourages people to get involved, not only to learn about the signs and symptoms of these cancers but also to raise money to fund vital world-class research to help save women’s lives.

To take part in Funny Feet you just have to wear the ‘wrong shoes’ somewhere and make a donation to The Eve Appeal.

  • wellies to work
  • slippers to school
  • heels to hockey
  • flippers to football
  • boots to ballet
  • odd shoes to the opera
  • clogs for clubbing

The only limit is your imagination and safety but don’t forget....  “between saying and doing, many a pair of shoes is worn out” Iris Murdoch

Gather your group, (schools, clubs, offices, gyms etc) and register your Funny Feet Day fundraising event. Try sponsored group shoe swapping events – football team in ballet pumps versus ballet troupe in football boots. Or how about sponsoring John from Accounts to wear killer heels for the day? Just how long will he last?

Step into the shoes of Elvis Presley when he said  “I think I have something tonight that's not quite correct for evening wear. Blue suede shoes.”

Research recently conducted by The Eve Appeal revealed that one in four women find talking about gynaecological symptoms embarrassing, even with friends and family. We need to put the ‘shoe on the other foot’ and turn this around.

Says Robert Marsh, CEO of The Eve Appeal, “We know that earlier diagnosis of gynaecological cancers can help save lives so let’s stop pussyfooting around, break down that wall of embarrassment and get talking to share vital information”

“The Eve Appeal website contains valuable information to inform and educate women about the signs and symptoms to look out for”. Go to for further information or to register your Funny Feet day.

Please contact me for introduction to exclusive case studies or expert comment and interviews

Liz Engel, Press Office
The Eve Appeal

Tel: 07812 150832 / 020 7299 4430

The Eve Appeal was set up to fund groundbreaking research into all gynaecological cancers at the Gynaecological Cancer Research Centre, UCL.
Our vision is a world where more women survive and fewer women are diagnosed with gynaecological cancers.
