Mayor Visits Apprentices as Council Creates Jobs

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Young people from Middlesbrough striving for a career in the motor industry have received a major boost with the creation of a number of paid training roles.

Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council has teamed up with leading skills provider System Training to invest money into the employment of young people aged 16-19 in the area. Mayor Ray Goddard and the Lady Mayoress took time to meet apprentices and their training team at System Training’s facility at Queensway, Middlesborough. Eighteen apprentices have been placed on funded Fast Fit Apprenticeships with System Training, which sees the youngsters undertake the first phase of a potential three-year apprenticeship that gives them upfront practical training in various aspects of the industry as well as providing classroom-based learning that leads to nationally-recognised qualifications and an opportunity to move into full-time employment upon completion of the course. The innovative apprenticeship model and allows candidates to make a genuine contribution to potential employers from the moment they start work. In addition to the apprenticeship roles, System Training has expanded its presence in Middlesbrough and taken on four new members of staff at its local office – an administrator, an apprentice co-ordinator and two vocational trainers – meaning additional quality jobs have been created in the area. With 200 candidates now placed with a variety of different training providers borough-wide, Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council is pleased its partnerships are delivering employment and contributing to the overall regeneration of the region. Ray Goddard, The Mayor of Redcar & Cleveland, said: “We’ve been delighted with the enthusiasm and commitment of the apprentices and it clearly shows the desire of young people in the region to work. Our Routes to Employment team and System Training have worked closely together to deliver this exciting new initiative to offer training and employment opportunities to our young residents in the motor vehicle repair trade.” Tony Higgins of System Training said:
 “It’s a great achievement for us to help create some many jobs for young people in the region. The model is new and our approach has ensured that apprentices are fully trained when they go into their work placements, reducing the risk for employers and actually allowing the apprentices to make a real difference at work.”


