A.P. Martin’s gripping Second World War ebook is a tale of fear, deception and revenge

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 Adapted from a true story, Codename Lazarus takes the reader on a journey from the dark heart of Hitler’s Germany

In A. P. Martin's debut ebook, Codename Lazarus, war with Germany is looming and hundreds of British citizens are eager to pass on information to help the Nazi cause. John King, a young academic, is approached by his Oxbridge mentor to participate in a stunning deception that would frustrate Britain’s enemies. The novice spy must learn to survive in a dangerous and lonely no man’s land, whilst remaining one step ahead of those in hot pursuit. 

Adapted from a true story, Codename Lazarus takes the reader on a journey from the dark heart of Hitler’s Germany, across the snowy peaks of Switzerland to the horrors of Dunkirk, the Battle of Britain and the London Blitz, before reaching a thrilling and decisive conclusion from which none emerge unscathed.

A. P. Martin is available for interview and digital copies of Codename Lazarus are available to download on request from Matador or via NetGalley.

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