In this new children's novel by Pontypridd author Angela Fish, a boy discovers a secret insect kingdom...

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In this charming story from Angela Fish, resplendent with black and white illustrations, Ben discovers a secret at the bottom of his garden!

Ben loves chatting to his wise gran, playing computer games with his best friend Jess, and helping his dad to train his clever dog Scoot. Best of all though, he likes playing ball in the garden with Scoot. Then one hot, summer day Ben meets Lox, the gate-keeper of the spider kingdom under the garden hedge.

Lox desperately needs Ben’s help before the end of the autumn, but can Ben save the spider kingdom without leaving the garden and going into the deep, dark wood? The leaves are starting to fall, and Ben and Jess must take a brave decision if the spiders are to have a safe winter.

Talking to Gran, Ben begins to suspect that she might know more about his quest than she’s admitting...

Read the book that's been described as “a heart-warming and magical tale” by British fashion designer Maria Grachvogel.

Author Angela Fish, who is available for interviews and events, is a writer who specialises in intergenerational communication, women’s writing and Welsh Writing in English. She gained her M.Phil in Literature at the University of Glamorgan (now the University of South Wales) in 1995, and became a principal lecturer there until 2009. Her publications include non-fiction, fiction, short stories and poetry, often with Welsh and feminist themes, and she has worked with local schools and communities to improve communication between the generations. She has been in demand, nationally and internationally, as a conference presenter and an invited speaker in her field. Ben and the Spider Gate is her first book for children, and review copies are now available on request.

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