Leigh Smith has created an unlikely new hero, Nachito, in her inspiring children’s tale of friendship and bravery.

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Leigh Smith has penned a children’s tale with a tasty twist! Protagonist Nachito is a tortilla chip with a big decision to make.

Leigh Smith’s heart-warming and humorous tale will entertain children aged between 5 and 10, whilst providing an important moral message about right and wrong. It is filled with colourful imagery that will help to keep their attention on the story, and there are lots of fun characters in there that they will come to love.

Nachito and Big Cheese are the best of friends, but when Big Cheese hatches a plan for a big bank robbery, Nachito must choose between keeping his friend and doing the right thing.

A funny and heartwarming story about friendship, change, and the pressures of growing up, Nachito will capture the hearts of young readers everywhere.

Copies of Leigh Smith's exciting new children's tale, Nachito, are available upon request from Matador. 

Kind regards,

Stephanie Carr

Publishing Assistant
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