Oxford author Rob Donovan offers a telling insight into current political parties.

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Oxford University educated Rob Donovan highlights the hostile ideology now shaping the government following recent political shifts.

Following the style of Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress, Rob Donovan's novel The Road to Corbyn begins with the conceit of a dream in which Pilgrim, a contemporary seeker after truth, is introduced to the characters Hope, Charity, and the Interpreter. The Interpreter is Pilgrim’s guide, the voice that presents the big picture of the human species and their development, particularly within the last two hundred and fifty years.

In 2008, when the financial crisis erupted, Rob Donovan sensed the historical significance of the event. ‘I began compiling material from a range of sources,’ explains Rob, ‘to help me make sense of what was happening, both in society and in politics.’ By 2013, Rob was writing his secular fantasy of a pilgrimage through the current landscape of the UK in order to expose the real meaning behind austerity and Tory neo-liberalism.

Copies of Rob's insightful novel, The Road to Corbyn, are available from Matador upon request.

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