Thule Group is one of Sweden's top employers

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Thule Group is ranked in the recent Career Barometer survey (made by the company Universum) as one of Sweden's top 50 employers. From being totally be outside the list of Sweden 230 best employers the Thule Group moved directly among the top 50 in this year’s ranking.

Sweden's top employers is based on Universum's large Career Barometer survey in which over 15 000 employees with an academic background answered questions about how well and why they are happy with thier employers.
The respondents are asked to "evaluate" their current employer in questions related to the areas of internal identity, satisfaction and loyalty. The aggregated responses provide a picture of how well employees are happy and how well they believe that the external image of the company is in line with what it's like to work there.

- It is great that we have taken a huge step forward in this year's survey, says Kajsa von Geijer, SVP HR at the Thule Group. What I am even happier about is that the results clearly show that we are genuine employers. In the survey our staff confirms that the description we give of what it's like to work at the Thule Group is corresponding with their corporate image as an employer. This I feel is one of the highest grades you can get as an employer - that we are genuine and we are honest to our self, ends Kajsa von Geijer.
