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Innovation for smart real-time customer feedback wins Tieto and Fazer Food Services’ hackathon

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Tieto and Fazer Food Services organized a 48 hour hackathon, CXHack Fazer, to create innovative solutions for future lunch experience. Out of ten interesting ideas submitted, the team with smart customer feedback concept took the win. 

The winning idea enables fast and easy way to give feedback in different touch points at the restaurant via wireless smart buttons. With the solution, Fazer Foods Services restaurants can implement a flexible way of checking how different parts of the customer journey in the restaurant work, and effectively find ways to improve the experience.

According to the jury, the concept responds extremely well to both lunch guests’ and restaurants’ needs. It is simple enough to implement but very efficient for real-time feedback and has a direct impact on improving the customer experience. All in all, the concept would be easy for Fazer Food Services to take into use.

“We wanted to find new innovative and pragmatic ideas that could be used to develop our business. The hackathon provided us with a lot of new ideas, and really helped us to think out of the box. It’s very likely that some of the solutions created will be developed further and will end up in use at our restaurants,” says Simon Panelius, Vice President Operational Development at Fazer Food Services.

The hackathon was organized by Tieto’s internal Customer Experience Management start-up and powered by its innovation program Tieto Experience Hub, that focuses on developing new service models and operating methods in close and innovative collaboration with the customer, while taking into consideration the needs of the end customer.

"Hackathon as a working method showed its power once again, and we were able to find a solution that can have direct impact on improving the lunch experience for Fazer Food Services. Hackathons enable fast-paced innovation and concepting process resulting multiple concrete solutions to tackle company’s business needs,” comments Mikko Leinonen, Head of Customer Experience Management start-up at Tieto. 

The hackathon jury consisted of top-tier influencers in the digital and food sectors, including innovative chef and restaurateur Richard McCormick as well as serial entrepreneur Taneli Tikka.The hackathon was held at the Aalto University campus in Otaniemi, Espoo on February 4-5, 2016. About 50 hackers from 11 countries participated in the event.

The members of the multinational team behind the winning concept were: Rahul Abhisek, Aalto University, Laura Leppälä, Aalto University and Ann Plough, Eat Simply Eat Well blog.

More on the challenge: www.tieto.com/cxhackfazer

Follow us on Twitter: #TietoXHub #CXHackFazer

Photo attachments:
CXHack Fazer winning team with jury
Fazer products

For more information:

Mikko Leinonen, Head of Customer Experience Management, Tieto, mikko.leinonen@tieto.com, +358 40 5967 726, Twitter: @mikko_leinonen

Ksenia Avetisova, Lead CX Consultant, Customer Experience Management, Tieto, ksenia.avetisova[a]tieto.com,+358 46 8114 913, Twitter: @LisaGri

Simon Panelius, Vice President Operational Development, Fazer Food Services, simon.panelius@fazer.com, +358 40 5607 584



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Tieto is the largest IT services company in the Nordics providing full lifecycle IT services. We also provide global product development services for companies in the communications and embedded technologies arena. Through industry insight, technology vision and innovative thinking, Tieto proactively strives to inspire and engage its customers in finding new ways of accelerating their business. Building on a strong Nordic heritage, Tieto combines global capabilities with local presence. Headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, Tieto has over 13 000 experts in more than 20 countries. Turnover is approximately €1.5 billion. Tieto’s shares are listed on NASDAQ in Helsinki and Stockholm. www.tieto.com

Fazer is an international family-owned company offering quality bakery, confectionery, biscuit and grain products as well as food and café services. Fazer operates in eight countries and exports to more than 40 countries. Fazer’s mission is to create taste sensations. The company’s success, ever since its establishment in 1891, has been based on the best product and service quality, beloved brands, the passion of its skilful people and the company’s responsible ways of working. The goal is to share the taste of good life every day. Fazer Group’s net sales in 2014 amounted to more than 1.6 billion euros and the company has over 15,000 employees. Fazer’s operations comply with ethical principles that are based on the Group’s values and the UN Global Compact.

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