TietoEnator places earnings-related pension services for Finnish citizens on the Internet

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TIETOENATOR PLACES EARNINGS-RELATED PENSION SERVICES FOR FINNISH CITIZENS ON THE INTERNET TietoEnator has enabled millions of Finns to review their earnings- related pension contributions on the Internet. The earnings-related pensions service launched by the Central Pension Security Institute on 9 December 2002 ( www.tyoelake.fi ) contains information about everyone that is insured under Finnish earnings-related pension schemes. The web portal makes it easy for users to verify that their personal employment data has been correctly registered and to ascertain which insurance company handles their earnings-related pension cover. Users log on to the service by identifying themselves with an electronic ID card or through their Internet banks. The Central Pension Security Institute headed the web portal project, which was launched in August 2001. TietoEnator's associated company TKP Tieto, which specializes in employment pensions, was responsible for defining the goals of the web portal, designing and building the authentication system, planning the concept and designing the user interface. The company thoroughly tested the web portal to ensure a high level of service. TKP Tieto also built the e-services incorporated in the web portal and the connections between those e-services and the data warehouses of the employment pensions system. "The e-services provided by the www.tyoelake.fi web portal lead the way for the employment pensions system to establish itself as a provider of electronic services for ordinary citizens in the information society. Key factors in building the web portal were our 40 years' experience in the employment pensions sector and our strong expertise in information technology," says TKP Tieto's unit manager Markku Luoma-aho, who was in charge of the project. The web portal is underpinned by TietoEnator's secure and reliable personal authentication system that allows Internet services to be offered directly to those insured under earnings-related schemes. Users can choose to identify themselves either with an electronic ID card or using the same identification codes they normally use to access their online banks. The authentication system will be used for the entire employment pensions system, and later on for other pension and insurance web portals also. The autentication system is a cornerstone on which to build future e-services for the employment pension system. TKP Tieto Oy is a consulting company specializing in employment pensions and insurance IT systems. The company designs, builds and provides IT services for information systems in this sector. TKP Tieto Oy, an associated company of TietoEnator Corporation, employs some 200 people and generated net sales of EUR 17.3 million in 2001. The company's other owners are the Central Pension Security Institute, the LEL Employment Pension Fund, the Farmers' Social Insurance Institution and the Sailors' Pension Fund. TKP Tieto's customers are Finnish employment pension institutions and pension insurance companies. With 12,000 employees and annual net sales of EUR 1.1 billion, TietoEnator is a leading supplier of high value-added IT services in Europe. TietoEnator specializes in consulting, building and hosting its customers' key business operations in the digital economy. The Group's services are based on a combination of deep industry-specific expertise and the latest information technology. www.tietoenator.com Further information: TietoEnator Corporation, TKP Tieto Oy, Markku Luoma-aho, unit manager, tel. +358-9-151 3294, markku.luoma-aho@tkp.tieto.com TietoEnator Corporation, Public & Healthcare, dGov, Jukka Iivonen, Director, tel. +358-9-8625 3305, jukka.iivonen@tietoenator.com TIETOENATOR CORPORATION DISTRIBUTION Principal media ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2002/12/18/20021218BIT00470/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2002/12/18/20021218BIT00470/wkr0002.pdf