Tikkurila Oyj's Annual Summary 2010

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Tikkurila Oyj
Stock Exchange Release
January 5, 2011 at 9.00 am (CET+1)
Tikkurila Oyj's annual summary of stock exchange releases published during the
year 2010 has been published at the company's website. The summary is available
at www.tikkurilagroup.com under Media - Releases - Releases 2010 - Summary 2010.

Some of the information included in the releases might be out of date.

Tikkurila Oyj
Susanna Aaltonen, Group Vice President, Communications & IR

For further information, please contact:

Tikkurila Oyj
Susanna Aaltonen, Group Vice President, Communications & IR
Mobile +358 40 593 4221

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