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  • Tikkurila Oyj's Interim Report January−June 2010 - Result improved, exchange rates boosted revenue growth

Tikkurila Oyj's Interim Report January−June 2010 - Result improved, exchange rates boosted revenue growth

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Tikkurila Oyj Stock Exchange Release, August 11, 2010 at 9.00 am (CET +1)
 April−June 2010 highlights

  * Revenue for the second quarter increased by 12.3 percent in comparison to
    the previous year and totaled EUR 182.5 million (4−6/2009: EUR 162.4
  * Operating profit (EBIT) excluding non-recurring items was EUR 28.4 (24.5)
    million, i.e. 15.5 (15.1) percent of revenue.
  * Non-recurring items totaled EUR 0.7 (-2.4) million.
  * EPS was EUR 0.46 (0.32).
  * Tikkurila upgrades its outlook for the full year 2010 due to the good start
    of the year. Tikkurila's revenue and operating profit (EBIT) excluding
    non-recurring items are expected to exceed the corresponding 2009 level. The
    revenue and operating profit estimates do not take into consideration
    possible effects from exchange rate fluctuations, which may have a
    significant impact on the revenue development, in particular. Previously
    Tikkurila estimated that its revenue and operating profit (EBIT) excluding
    non-recurring items for 2010 are expected to remain at the same level as in

January−June 2010 highlights

  * Revenue for the first half of the year increased by 10.3 percent in
    comparison to the previous year and was EUR 301.8 million (1−6/2009: EUR
    273.6 million).
  * Operating profit (EBIT) excluding non-recurring items was EUR 35.9 (28.6)
    million, i.e. 11.9 (10.4) percent of revenue.
  * Non-recurring items totaled EUR 0.7 (-2.4) million.
  * EPS was EUR 0.55 (0.30).
  * Gearing decreased clearly.

Key Figures

(EUR million)        4-6/2010 4-6/2009 Change 1-6/2010 1-6/2009 Change 1−12/2009
                                            %                        %
Income statement

Revenue                 182.5    162.4  12.3%    301.8    273.6  10.3%     530.2

Operating profit
items                    28.4     24.5  15.7%     35.9     28.6  25.6%      50.2

Operating profit
(EBIT) margin,
items, %                15.5%    15.1%           11.9%    10.4%             9.5%

Operating profit
(EBIT)                   29.1     22.1  31.6%     36.6     26.1  40.1%      47.7

Operating profit
(EBIT) margin, %        15.9%    13.6%           12.1%     9.5%             9.0%

Profit before tax        27.9     18.8  48.8%     33.8     19.0  77.6%      35.7

Net profit               20.5     14.0  46.7%     24.1     13.4  80.1%      27.8

Other key

EPS*, EUR                0.46     0.32  43.8%     0.55     0.30  83.3%      0.63

ROCE, % p.a.            18.5%    14.2%           18.5%    14.2%            17.7%

Free cash flow
investments, EUR
million                   5.0      6.3 -20.0%    -25.1    -22.6 -11.0%      45.3

debt at
period-end, EUR
million                                          155.3    222.4 -30.2%     129.5

Gearing, %                                       87.0%   235.6%            90.0%

Equity ratio, %                                  34.2%    19.7%            35.7%

Personnel at
period-end                                       3,946    3,968  -0.6%     3,538

* As calculated by using the amount of shares outstanding of 44,108,252.

Comments by President and CEO Erkki Järvinen

"Our revenue growth during the review period was mainly boosted by changes in
foreign exchange rates. Our profitability also developed favorably. Though the
volume growth has been quite modest so far, the relatively high level of
consumer confidence and low market interest rates in our key markets form a
solid base for the demand of decorative paints in general. Our sales developed
favorably in all our market areas, with the exception of Central Eastern Europe,
where the tightened competitive situation in Poland hampered our sales volumes.
We are especially pleased with the good volume growth of our biggest market
area, the East.

We upgrade our full year 2010 outlook due to the good start of the year.
However, there are no visible signs of a strong recovery in our market
environment. The most significant short-term uncertainties in our industry are
related both to the availability and prices of our raw materials. The
consolidation development within the chemical industry has clearly decreased the
paint industry's sourcing alternatives.

Based on our strategy, our aim is to continuously make our operations more
efficient and unified. The new unified Tikkurila will be in an excellent
position to increase its market shares further as the market conditions improve.

During 2010, our capital expenditures have been focused on replacing and
maintaining the existing infrastructure. No short-term capacity-related
investment needs can be seen even though the demand would pick up further."

Tikkurila Oyj
Erkki Järvinen, President and CEO

For further information, please contact:

Erkki Järvinen, President and CEO
Mobile +358 400 455 913,erkki.jarvinen@tikkurila.com

Jukka Havia, CFO
Mobile +358 50 355 3757,jukka.havia@tikkurila.com

Susanna Aaltonen, Group Vice President, Communications & IR
Mobile +358 40 593 4221,susanna.aaltonen@tikkurila.com

Press conference today at 12.00 pm and conference call at 2.00 pm

Tikkurila will hold a press conference about its January-June 2010 result for
the media and analysts today on August 11, 2010 starting at 12.00 noon Finnish
time at the Hotel Kämp, Akseli Gallén-Kallela cabinet; address Pohjoisesplanadi
29, Helsinki. The conference will be held in Finnish. Attendees will be served
lunch in connection with the conference, starting at 11.30 am Finnish time. The
interim report will be presented by Erkki Järvinen, President and CEO.

A conference call in English will be held at 2.00 pm Finnish time. Participants
will be asked for their full name and conference ID, which is 89183666. In order
to participate in the conference call, please dial in 5-10 minutes before the
beginning of the event as follows:

From Finland (free call): 0800 112 363
From Russia (free call): 8108 002 097 2044
From Sweden (free call): 0200 890 171
From UK (free call): 0800 694 0257
From USA (free call): 1866 966 9439
UK Standard International: +44 (0) 1452 555 566

A stock exchange release and presentation material will be available before the
conference call at www.tikkurilagroup.com/investors. A recording of the
conference call will be available later on Tikkurila's website.

Tikkurila will publish its January-September 2010 interim report on Friday,
October 29, 2010 at around 9.00 am Finnish time.

Tikkurila provides consumers, professionals and the industry with user-friendly
and environmentally sustainable solutions for protection and decoration.
Tikkurila is a strong regional player that aims to be the leading paint company
in the Nordic area and Eastern Europe including Russia. - Tikkurila inspires you
to color your life.

Tikkurila Oyj, Interim Report, January 1-June 30, 2010

This interim report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34. The disclosed
information is unaudited except for the 2009 full year data. The figures in the
tables are independently rounded.

All forward-looking statements in this review are based on the management's
current expectations and beliefs about future events, and actual results may
differ from the expectations and beliefs such statements contain.

In case there are any discrepancies between the language versions of the interim
report, the Finnish version shall prevail.

Tikkurila's business activities are organized in four reportable segments, of
which Tikkurila uses the name Strategic Business Unit. Tikkurila's reporting
segments are SBU East, SBU Finland, SBU Scandinavia, and SBU Central Eastern
Europe. SBU East consists of Russia, Ukraine, Central Asian countries and
Belarus. SBU Finland covers Tikkurila's business in Finland. SBU Scandinavia
consists of Sweden, Denmark and Norway. SBU Central Eastern Europe consists of
the following countries: the Baltic countries, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia,
China, Germany, Hungary and Romania. Furthermore, this SBU is responsible for
export sales in approximately 20 additional countries that are not included in
the SBUs' operational areas.

Financial Performance in April−June 2010

Tikkurila Group's revenue for April-June 2010 totaled EUR 182.5 (162.4) million,
i.e. 12.3 percent (EUR 20.1 million) more than in the second quarter of 2009.
Exchange rate changes significantly contributed to the growth, while volume
growth remained moderate. Of the total growth, about EUR 12.3 million was based
on the foreign exchange rate translation effect, EUR 5.5 million on sales volume
increases and EUR 2.1 million on changes in the product mix and average sales
prices. Decorative paints generated about 86 percent and industrial coatings
about 14 percent of the total revenue for the second quarter of 2010.

Operating profit (EBIT) excluding non-recurring items for April−June 2010 was
EUR 28.4 (24.5) million, which equals 15.5 (15.1) percent of revenue. In the
Group's operations there is intra-year seasonality, and hence the second and
third quarters typically generate most of Tikkurila's annual profits. The
relative profitability improved compared to the previous year, with only minor
changes in the geographical presence and product mixes.

The non-recurring items recognized in the second quarter of 2010 were related to
the following: Firstly, a Russian insurance compensation (EUR 1.5 million
positive impact on EBIT as well as cash flow) due to a court ruling on a fire
accident in 2006 at one of the Group's production sites, and secondly, a fine
set by Polish competition authorities (EUR 0.8 million negative impact on 2010
EBIT, with no immediate cash flow effect). The non-recurring cost of EUR 2.4
million in the comparison period in 2009 was caused by personnel reductions in
the Group's Finnish and Swedish operations.

Operating profit (EBIT) for April-June 2010 was EUR 29.1 (22.1) million.

Net finance expenses for April-June totaled EUR 1.1 (3.3) million. Profit before
tax was EUR 27.9 (18.8) million. Taxes totaled EUR 7.4 (4.8) million,
representing an effective tax rate of 26.6 (25.6) percent. Earnings per share
were EUR 0.46 (0.32).

The revenue and profitability by reporting segments for the second quarter is
presented below.


(EUR million)                           Revenue       Operating profit (EBIT)

                                                excluding non-recurring items

                              4−6/2010 4−6/2009  4−6/2010            4−6/2009

SBU East                          64.3     54.0      11.2                 8.3

SBU Finland                       34.5     33.4       7.9                 7.2

SBU Scandinavia                   53.6     46.0       8.3                 6.6

SBU Central Eastern Europe        30.0     29.1       2.3                 3.2

Group common and eliminations      0.0      0.0      -1.2                -0.8

Consolidated Group               182.5    162.4      28.4                24.5

Financial Performance in January−June 2010

Tikkurila Group's revenue for January-June 2010 totaled EUR 301.8 (273.6)
million, i.e. 10.3 percent (EUR 28.2 million) more than in the first half of
2009. Of the total growth, about EUR 20.5 million was based on the foreign
exchange rate translation effect, EUR 7.1 million on sales volume increases and
EUR 0.6 million on changes in the product mix and average sales prices.
Decorative paints accounted for about 85 percent, and industrial coatings for
about 15 percent, of the total revenue of the first half of 2010.

Operating profit (EBIT) excluding non-recurring items for January-June 2010 was
EUR 35.9 (28.6) million, which equals 11.9 (10.4) percent of revenue. The
non-recurring items were related to the second quarter of 2010 and 2009, and
have been described above.

Operating profit (EBIT) for January-June 2010 was EUR 36.6 (26.1) million. The
key factors contributing to the increase in euro-denominated EBIT relate to the
following: Firstly, variable cost level still being at reasonably low in the
first half, and secondly, benefits reaped from the rationalization program and
increased productivity. In addition, higher sales volumes and, to some extent,
exchange rate changes also had a positive impact on the result. The exchange
rate changes had a EUR 2.0 million positive impact on the operating profit.

Net finance expenses for January-June totaled EUR 2.8 (7.1) million. Profit
before tax was EUR 33.8 (19.0) million. Taxes totaled EUR 9.7 (5.6) million,
representing an effective tax rate of 28.6 (29.6) percent.  Earnings per share
were EUR 0.55 (0.30).

The revenue and profitability by reporting segments for the first year half is
presented below.


(EUR million)                            Revenue       Operating profit (EBIT)

                                                 excluding non-recurring items

                               1−6/2010 1−6/2009  1−6/2010            1−6/2009

SBU East                           92.7     79.6      11.2                 8.0

SBU Finland                        63.7     62.6      12.7                10.3

SBU Scandinavia                    93.5     82.2      11.2                 8.7

SBU Central Eastern Europe         51.9     49.2       2.6                 2.9

Group common and eliminations       0.0      0.0      -1.8                -1.3

Consolidated Group                301.8    273.6      35.9                28.6

Financial Performance by Reporting Segments

SBU East

SBU East, Income Statement

(EUR million)        4−6/2010 4−6/2009 Change 1-6/2010 1-6/2009 Change 1-12/2009
                                            %                        %

Revenue                  64.3     54.0  19.2%     92.7     79.6  16.5%     167.1

Operating profit
(EBIT), excluding
non-recurring items      11.2      8.3  35.7%     11.2      8.0  39.6%      17.7

Operating profit
(EBIT) margin,
non-recurring items,
%                       17.4%    15.3%           12.0%    10.0%            10.6%

Operating profit         12.7      8.3  53.7%     12.6      8.0  58.2%      17.7

Operating profit
(EBIT) margin, %        19.7%    15.3%           13.6%    10.0%            10.6%

Capital expenditure
excl. acquisitions        1.2      2.4 -51.3%      1.8      4.5 -59.6%       7.2

SBU East's revenue for April−June 2010 grew by 19.2 percent from the comparison
period and totaled EUR 64.3 (54.0) million. The increased revenue was mainly due
to exchange rate changes and increased sales volumes. The exchange rate changes
improved the revenue by EUR 4.8 million and sales volumes by EUR 3.9 million.
The demand picked up noticeably from the beginning of the year due to better
weather conditions, stronger consumer confidence and a positive overall
development of the economies in the region.

SBU East's operating profit (EBIT) excluding non-recurring items for April−June
2010 grew by 35.7 percent from the comparison period and totaled EUR 11.2 (8.3)
million. The operating profit was mainly improved by the lower relative share of
variable costs of the revenue, as compared to the previous year, as well as
increases in sales prices and volume. There were already some problems in the
availability of some key raw materials, which had an adverse effect on product
deliveries. In addition, the crisis in Kyrgyzstan hampered the sales in Central
Asia. The exchange rate changes improved the operating profit by EUR 0.6

The non-recurring items recognized in the second quarter of 2010 were related to
a Russian insurance compensation, which had a positive effect of EUR 1.5 million
on SBU East's EBIT. There were no non-recurring items in the comparison period.

SBU East's revenue for January−June 2010 grew by 16.5 percent from the
comparison period and totaled EUR 92.7 (79.6) million. The increased revenue was
mainly due to exchange rate changes and increased sales volumes. The exchange
rate changes improved the revenue by EUR 7.2 million and sales volumes by EUR
4.5 million. The operating profit (EBIT) excluding non-recurring items for
January−June 2010 grew by 39.6 percent from the comparison period and totaled
EUR 11.2 (8.0) million. The operating profit was mainly improved by the positive
sales development and variable costs remaining at a relatively low level.

There are signs of the demand in SBU East's operating area shifting from economy
products to premium products, which indicates an improvement in consumer
purchasing power. SBU East employed new personnel during the second quarter due
to the reorganization and development activities in the production.

SBU Finland

SBU Finland, Income Statement

(EUR million)        4−6/2010 4−6/2009 Change 1-6/2010 1-6/2009 Change 1-12/2009
                                            %                        %

Revenue                  34.5     33.4   3.3%     63.7     62.6   1.8%     106.8

Operating profit
non-recurring items       7.9      7.2   9.9%     12.7     10.3  23.3%      14.2

Operating profit
(EBIT) margin,
non-recurring items,
%                       22.8%    21.4%           19.9%    16.5%            13.3%

Operating profit          7.9      5.2  51.9%     12.7      8.3  52.6%      12.2

Operating profit
(EBIT) margin, %        22.8%    15.5%           19.9%    13.3%            11.4%

Capital expenditure
excl. acquisitions        0.7      0.6   5.4%      1.2      1.4 -14.4%       2.1

SBU Finland's revenue for April−June 2010 grew by 3.3 percent from the
comparison period and totaled EUR 34.5 (33.4) million. The improved revenue was
due to increased sales volume of mainly decorative paints. In addition, the
feedback for new product launches has been positive.

SBU Finland's operating profit (EBIT) excluding non-recurring items for
April−June 2010 grew by 9.9 percent from the comparison period and totaled EUR
7.9 (7.2) million. The improvement was mainly due to increased sales volumes and
lower fixed cost levels in comparison to the previous year.

SBU Finland's revenue for January−June 2010 grew by 1.8 percent and totaled EUR
63.7 (62.6) million. The improved revenue was due to increased sales volume. SBU
Finland's operating profit (EBIT) excluding non-recurring items for January−June
2010 grew by 23.3 percent from the comparison period and totaled EUR 12.7 (10.3)
million. The improvement was mainly due to sales volume development, as well as
cost savings.

SBU Scandinavia

SBU Scandinavia, Income

(EUR million)        4−6/2010 4−6/2009 Change 1-6/2010 1-6/2009 Change 1-12/2009
                                            %                        %

Revenue                  53.6     46.0  16.7%     93.5     82.2  13.7%     157.8

Operating profit
non-recurring items       8.3      6.6  26.2%     11.2      8.7  29.2%      16.1

Operating profit
(EBIT) margin,
non-recurring items,
%                       15.4%    14.3%           12.0%    10.6%            10.2%

Operating profit          8.3      6.3  30.7%     11.2      8.3  34.5%      15.7

Operating profit
(EBIT) margin, %        15.4%    13.8%           12.0%    10.2%            10.0%

Capital expenditure
excl. acquisitions        0.6      0.5  21.5%      1.0      1.0   2.1%       2.1

SBU Scandinavia's revenue for April−June 2010 grew by 16.7 percent from the
comparison period and totaled EUR 53.6 (46.0) million. The increase was mainly
due to changes in exchange rates, the impact of which was EUR 5.2 million. In
addition, the favorable GDP development of the Scandinavian countries, as well
as improved consumer confidence had a positive effect on the development of
Tikkurila's sales volume and prices.

SBU Scandinavia's operating profit (EBIT) excluding non-recurring items in
April−June 2010 grew by 26.2 percent and totaled EUR 8.3 (6.6) million. The
improvement was mainly due to lower raw material costs than in the previous
year, as well as changes in the product mix. The exchange rate changes improved
the operating profit by EUR 0.6 million.

SBU Scandinavia's revenue for January−June 2010 grew by 13.7 percent from the
comparison period and totaled EUR 93.5 (82.2) million. The increase was mainly
due to changes in exchange rates, the impact of which was EUR 9.3 million. SBU
Scandinavia's operating profit (EBIT) excluding non-recurring items in
January−June 2010 grew by 29.2 percent and totaled EUR 11.2 (8.7) million. The
improvement was mainly due to lower relative share of variable costs.

SBU Central Eastern Europe (CEE)

SBU CEE, Income Statement

(EUR million)        4−6/2010 4−6/2009 Change 1-6/2010 1-6/2009 Change 1-12/2009
                                            %                        %

Revenue                  30.0     29.1   3.1%     51.9     49.2   5.4%      98.5

Operating profit
non-recurring items       2.3      3.2 -28.9%      2.6      2.9 -10.9%       5.0

Operating profit
(EBIT) margin,
non-recurring items,
%                        7.5%    10.9%            4.9%     5.8%             5.1%

Operating profit          1.5      3.2 -53.6%      1.8      2.9 -38.3%       5.0

Operating profit
(EBIT) margin, %         4.9%   10.9 %            3.4%     5.8%             5.1%

Capital expenditure
excl. acquisitions        0.4      0.6 -31.7%      0.8      1.3 -33.5%       2.1

SBU Central Eastern Europe's revenue for April−June 2010 grew by 3.1 percent
from the comparison period and totaled EUR 30.0 (29.1) million. The revenue
improvement was due to exchange rate changes.

SBU Central Eastern Europe's operating profit (EBIT) excluding non-recurring
items for April−June 2010 declined by 28.9 percent from the comparison period
and totaled EUR 2.3 (3.2) million. The profitability was hampered mainly by a
decline in sales volume, tightened price competition, as well as by a higher
fixed cost level than in the comparison period. The exchange rate changes had a
EUR 0.3 million positive impact on the EBIT.

The non-recurring items recognized in the second quarter of 2010 were related to
a fine set by Polish competition authorities, which had a negative effect of EUR
0.8 million on SBU East's EBIT. There were no non-recurring items in the
comparison period.

SBU Central Eastern Europe's revenue for January−June 2010 grew by 5.4 percent
from the comparison period and totaled EUR 51.9 (49.2) million. The revenue
improvement was due to exchange rate changes. SBU Central Eastern Europe's
operating profit (EBIT) excluding non-recurring items for January−June 2010
declined by 10.9 percent from the comparison period and totaled EUR 2.6 (2.9)
million. The profitability was hampered mainly by tightened price competition as
well as by higher fixed cost levels than in the comparison period.

A gradual recovery can be seen in the SBU Central Eastern Europe's operating
area after  a challenging start of the year, which was hampered especially by
fierce weather conditions and economic recession.

Group Operations

Group functions support the SBUs in their operations as well as take care of the
responsibilities of the listed parent company. No major changes took place in
the Group common items during the review period.

Cash flow, Financing Activities and Financial Risk Management

Tikkurila's financial position and liquidity remained at a good level during the
review period.

Cash flow from operations totaled EUR -20.6 (-10.3) million in January-June. Net
cash flow from investing activities totaled EUR -4.5 (-12.3) million, of which
corporate acquisitions accounted for EUR 0.0 (-3.7) million. Free cash flow
after investments was EUR -25.1 (-22.6) million. Net working capital totaled EUR
135.3 (123.8) million at the end of the review period.

The Group's interest-bearing debt was EUR 187.9 (249.2) million on June
30, 2010. The average interest rate of the interest-bearing debt was 4.7 (6.6)
percent. Cash and cash equivalents totaled EUR 32.6 (26.8) million at the end of
June. A total of EUR 48.9 million of the Tikkurila Group's short- and long-term
loans will mature during the latter half of 2010. The Group had a net debt of
EUR 155.3 (222.4) million on June 30. The Group's equity ratio was 34.2 (19.7)
percent at the end of June and gearing was 87.0 (235.6) percent. The Group's net
financial expenses totaled EUR 2.8 (7.1) million, of which currency exchange
rate changes accounted for EUR 1.3 (0.2) million.

In conjunction with its listing, Tikkurila restructured its financial position
and rearranged its debt portfolio. Already at the end of 2009, Tikkurila Oyj's
equity was increased by EUR 40.0 million by Kemira Oyj, its then parent company.
During the first quarter of 2010, Tikkurila negotiated and implemented a new
debt package with which loans taken from Kemira Oyj were paid back in full. As
part of the funding package a long-term pension (so-called "TyeL") loan for EUR
40.0 million was taken, and a total of 180 million facility package was also
agreed on with a bank consortium, including a EUR 100 million long-term loan
facility and a EUR 80 million revolving credit facility, both for a fixed three
year period with an extension option for a maximum of an additional two years.
Finally, during the second quarter, an additional EUR 5.0 million bank overdraft
facility has been put in place. At the end of June 2010 the Group had a total of
EUR 46.0 million of unused committed credit facilities.

In March 2010, Tikkurila's Board of Directors accepted the principles for
financial risk management, which were described in the Q1/2010 interim report.
At the end of the review period, the nominal value of Tikkurila's forward
exchange agreements was EUR 68.6 million, and the market value was EUR 0.0
million. At the end of June 2010, Tikkurila had no interest rate derivatives in

Capital Expenditure

Gross capital expenditure in the review period, excluding acquisitions, amounted
to EUR 4.9 (8.3) million. No major single investment was carried out during the
review period.

Depreciation amounted to EUR 10.1 (9.2) million in January-June. The Group
carries out impairment tests according to IAS 36.

Research and Development

During January-June 2010, the Tikkurila Group's research and product development
expenses totaled EUR 5.1 (5.2) million, corresponding to 1.7 (1.9) percent of

Human Resources

On June 30, the Tikkurila Group employed 3,946 (3,968) people. The average
number of employees during January-June 2010 was 3,715 (3,832).

The number of employees by SBUs at the end of Junewas as follows: East 1,794
(1,768), Finland 857 (869), Scandinavia 774 (788), Central Eastern Europe 485
(512). Moreover, the Group operations employed a total of 36 (31) employees.

Changes in Group Management

Hannamari Kuosa, Group Vice President, Strategy Development, was appointed Group
Vice President, Human Resources, as of September 1, 2010. Hannamari Kuosa's
current strategy development responsibilities will be transferred to Markku
Immonen, Group Vice President with responsibility for Tikkurila's Business
Development. At the same time, the Group Strategy Development and Business
Development functions were combined.

Jukka Havia, CFO of the Tikkurila Group, bears responsibility for the Corporate
Office functions of the Tikkurila Group as of July 1, 2010. The Corporate Office
includes Communications and IR, Finance and Accounting, Human Resources,
Information Technology and Legal Matters. The Group Vice Presidents of each of
these functions report to Jukka Havia. Jukka Havia reports to Erkki Järvinen,
President and CEO of Tikkurila.

Legal Proceedings

On May 25, 2010 the Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection set a
fine of approximately PLN 9.3 million (equivalent to approximately EUR 2.2
million) on Tikkurila Oyj's Polish subsidiary Tikkurila Polska S.A. for breach
of competition law. The court decision was related to a case concerning
regulation of retail prices in Poland in 2000−2006, and the legal proceedings
commenced in 2007. Based on this ruling a non-recurring expense of EUR 0.8
million was recognized in the second quarter results. Tikkurila has appealed
against the decision.

During the second quarter of 2010, based on the Russian court ruling, a Russian
subsidiary of Tikkurila Group received an insurance payment of about EUR 1.5
million, related to an accident of fire in 2006. The insurance payment was
reported as a non-recurring income in its entirety for the second quarter

The Group's Russian subsidiary OOO Tikkurila is currently engaged in a dispute
against the Russian company OOO Decolor in relation to "Finncolor" trademark. On
June 9, 2010 the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg confirmed Tikkurila's
property right to the "Finncolor" trademark. OOO Decolor has appealed against
the decision.

On June 29, 2010, Tikkurila Coatings (Ireland) Ltd. and Permafix Construction
Solution Ltd. reached a settlement, which has insignificant financial impact, on
a legal dispute which was started in 2004.

Shares and Shareholders

Trading of Tikkurila Oyj's shares began on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd on March
26, 2010, and Tikkurila was separated from Kemira Oyj. At the end of June,
Tikkurila's share capital was EUR 35.0 million, from a total of 44,108,252
registered shares. At the end of June 2010, Tikkurila held no treasury shares.

According to Euroclear Finland Oy's register, Tikkurila had a total of 28,530
shareholders on June 30, 2010. A list of the largest shareholders is updated
regularly on Tikkurila's website at www.tikkurilagroup.com.

At the end of June, the closing price for the Tikkurila share was EUR 15.40. The
volume-weighted average share price for the review period (for the trading
period Mar 26-Jun 30) was EUR 15.68, the highest price being EUR 16.95, and the
lowest EUR 14.17. At the end of June, the market value of Tikkurila's shares,
valued at the closing price, was EUR 679.3 million. During January−June 2010
(Mar 26-Jun 30), a total of close to 8.1 million Tikkurila shares, which is
about 18.3 percent of the registered amount of shares, were traded on NASDAQ OMX
Helsinki Ltd, and the value of the traded volume was EUR 126.6 million.

Tikkurila's Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM"), held on March 4, 2010,
authorized the Tikkurila Board of Directors of to decide on the repurchase of a
maximum of 4,410,825 treasury shares ("Repurchase authorization"). Based on this
authorization, the Tikkurila Board of Directors decided on its meeting held on
April 28, 2010, to acquire own shares and to grant those shares in order to
effect the payment of Board members' fees. The annual fee of the Board is paid
as a combination of the Company's shares and cash in such a manner that 40
percent of the annual fee is paid with the Company's shares purchased from the
market, and 60 percent is paid in cash. Based on these decisions, the Company
purchased 4,639 of its own shares from the market on May 10, 2010. The average
price of the purchased shares was EUR 15.52 per share, and the total cost was
EUR 71,983.77. The shares were transferred to the members of the Board by May
19, 2010.

Events after the Reporting Period

In August 10, 2010, the Board of Directors resolved to establish a Nomination
Committee, which will prepare the nomination and remuneration proposals to the
Annual General Meeting. The Nomination Committee shall consist of five members
being the representatives of the four largest shareholders of Tikkurila Oyj as
of August 31, 2010 and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tikkurila Oyj
who is acting as an expert member. The expert member shall not have the right to
participate in the decision making.

Short-term Business Risks and Uncertainties

In addition to the risk factors highlighted earlier in the interim report
published at the end of April for the first quarter of 2010, the Company sees
the following developments and uncertainties potentially affecting the Group and
the markets in which it operates:

The availability of some key raw materials used for paint production has become
more difficult and there are pressures to increase the raw material prices.
Therefore, the short-term risks have increased, and could have a major adverse
effect on the Group's financial performance, if and when customer demand cannot
be fully met, or if additional resources have to be spent on finding alternative
raw materials to replace those in tight demand, or if the average unit cost of
the raw materials would increase because of changes in the supply-demand
equilibrium. Moreover, as there are changes in regulatory environment, for
example due to the REACH regulation, the Group may have to restructure its
product portfolio.

Competitive positions can change rapidly in the paint industry, and since there
has been some recent corporate activity in the paint industry in Scandinavia,
the relative competitiveness of the Group can change even due to the actions of
other players in the industry.

Outlook for 2010

The most significant part of Tikkurila's revenue and operating profit is accrued
during the second and the third quarter of the year. A great majority of the
revenue improvement for the second quarter was due to exchange rate changes. The
operating profit increased mainly due to a lower variable costs share of the
revenue than in the previous year. In addition, volume growth and exchange rate
changes contributed to the result improvement.

The markets of Tikkurila's operating area seem to be recovering slowly from the
recession. Consumer confidence has strengthened, although the employment
situation remains relatively weak. In addition, the new construction production
activity is picking up. Despite the good start of the year there are no visible
signs of a strong recovery. Furthermore, the poor availability of raw materials
and possible price increases may hamper Tikkurila's profitability towards the

Tikkurila upgrades its outlook for the full year 2010 due to the good start of
the year. Tikkurila's revenue and operating profit (EBIT) excluding
non-recurring items are expected to exceed the corresponding 2009 level. The
revenue and operating profit estimates do not take into consideration possible
effects from exchange rate fluctuations, which may have a significant impact on
the revenue development, in particular.

Previous outlook for 2010:
In 2010, Tikkurila's revenue and operating profit (EBIT) excluding non-recurring
items are expected to remain at the same level as in 2009. The revenue and
operating profit estimates do not take into consideration possible effects from
exchange rate fluctuations.

Vantaa, August 10, 2010


Summary Financial Statements and Notes

The financial information presented in this interim report is prepared in
accordance with IAS 34 standard. Tikkurila applies the same accounting
principles as applied in the 2009 financial statements. The figures presented in
the tables have been rounded to one decimal, which shall be taken into account
when analyzing the numbers. The interim report information is unaudited except
for the full year 2009 data.


EUR '000                           4-6/2010 4-6/2009 1-6/2010 1-6/2009 1-12/2009

Revenue                             182,451  162,419  301,848  273,649   530,166

Other operating income                1,868      411    2,271      692     1,451

Expenses                           -150,102 -136,063 -257,437 -239,068  -465,122

Depreciation, amortization and
impairment losses                    -5,153   -4,684  -10,117   -9,167   -18,780
Operating profit                     29,064   22,083   36,565   26,106    47,715

Total financing income and
expenses                             -1,149   -3,340   -2,755   -7,132   -12,048

Share of profit or loss of
associates                                5       25       20       73        75
Profit before tax                    27,921   18,768   33,830   19,047    35,742

Income tax                           -7,429   -4,797   -9,692   -5,643    -7,952
Net profit for the period            20,492   13,971   24,138   13,404    27,790

Other comprehensive income

Available-for-sale financial
assets                                    0        0    1,168        0         0

Foreign currency translation
differences for foreign operations      817    2,910    9,277   -5,343    -1,774
Total comprehensive income for the
period                               21,309   16,881   34,583    8,061    26,016

Net profit attributable to:

Owners of the parent                 20,492   13,956   24,138   13,373    27,759

Minority interest                         0       15        0       31        31
Net profit for the period            20,492   13,971   24,138   13,404    27,790

Total comprehensive income
attributable to:

Owners of the parent                 21,309   16,956   34,583    8,125    26,080

Minority interest                         0      -75        0      -64       -64
Total comprehensive income for the
period                               21,309   16,881   34,583    8,061    26,016

Earnings per share of the net
profit attributable to owners of
the parent
Basic earnings per share (EUR)         0.46     0.32     0.55     0.30      0.63
Diluted earnings per share (EUR)       0.46     0.32     0.55     0.30      0.63


EUR '000

ASSETS                                    Jun 30, 2010 Jun 30, 2009 Dec 31, 2009

Non-current assets

Goodwill                                        69,119       68,144       68,261

Other intangible assets                         34,593       34,419       33,713

Property, plant and equipment                  118,173      115,914      114,857

Investment in associates                           657          729          774

Available-for-sale financial assets              2,686          908          929

Non-current receivables                          6,315        4,054        5,860

Defined benefit pension assets                     267          800          439

Deferred tax assets                              2,970        2,037        2,368
Total non-current assets                       234,780      227,005      227,201

Current assets

Inventories                                     86,079       75,037       73,499

Interest-bearing receivables                       189        1,005          288

Non-interest-bearing receivables               168,316      149,237       77,578

Cash and cash equivalents                       32,615       26,833       24,543
Total current assets                           287,199      252,112      175,908

Total assets                                   521,979      479,117      403,109

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                    Jun 30, 2010 Jun 30, 2009 Dec 31, 2009

Share capital                                   35,000       35,000       35,000

Other reserves                                   1,527          359          359

Reserve for invested unrestricted equity        40,000            0       40,000

Translation differences                        -11,154      -24,000      -20,431

Retained earnings                              113,073       83,008       88,935
Equity attributable to owners of the
parent                                         178,446       94,367      143,863
Minority interest                                    0            0            0
Total equity                                   178,446       94,367      143,863

Non-current liabilities

Interest-bearing non-current liabilities       139,024      172,842      115,085

Pension obligations                             15,659       13,691       14,567

Provisions                                         408          359          411

Deferred tax liabilities                        10,539        9,052        9,607
Total non-current liabilities                  165,630      195,944      139,670

Current liabilities

Interest-bearing current liabilities            48,860       76,342       38,996

Non-interest-bearing current liabilities       128,812      110,492       80,181

Provisions                                         231        1,972          399
Total current liabilities                      177,903      188,806      119,576

Total equity and liabilities                   521,979      479,117      403,109

EUR '000

                                   4-6/2010 4-6/2009 1-6/2010 1-6/2009 1-12/2009


Net profit for the period            20,492   13,971   24,138   13,404    27,790

Adjustments for:

  Non-cash transactions               5,367    6,337   10,810   10,399    20,146

  Interest and other financing
expenses                              2,421    3,602    4,475    7,762    12,925

  Interest income                      -156     -150     -385     -396      -865

  Income tax                          7,430    4,797    9,692    5,643     7,952
Funds from operations before
change in net working capital        35,554   28,557   48,730   36,812    67,948

Change in net working capital       -24,318   -6,163  -60,664  -37,507    11,590

Interest paid                        -4,230   -5,783   -4,756   -8,201   -14,603

Interest received                       156      150      385      396       865

Income tax paid                         466   -1,800   -4,280   -1,817    -3,346
Total cash flow from operations       7,628   14,961  -20,585  -10,317    62,454


Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net
of cash acquired                          0   -2,502        0   -3,664    -3,708

Other capital expenditure            -2,813   -4,081   -4,936   -8,255   -13,483

Proceeds from sale of assets            119       36      309       73       418

Change in non-current loan
receivables decrease (+), increase
(-)                                      36   -2,188       30     -530      -413

Dividends received                       62       61       62       61        61
Net cash used in investing
activities                           -2,596   -8,674   -4,535  -12,315   -17,125
Cash flow before financing            5,032    6,287  -25,120  -22,632    45,329


Change in non-current borrowings,
increase (+), decrease (-)               58     -345   24,478     -445   -18,904

Current financing, increase (+),
decrease (-)                         10,332   11,247    9,759   38,125     1,489

Profit distribution                       0  -18,357        0  -18,357   -33,975

Other                                -1,356    1,838     -281     -305    -1,623
Net cash used in financing
activities                            9,034   -5,617   33,956   19,018   -53,013
Net change in cash and cash
equivalents                          14,066      670    8,836   -3,614    -7,684

Cash and cash equivalents at the
beginning of period                  18,847   25,835   24,201   30,851    30,851

Effect of exchange rate
on cash held                            298       -4      422      728    -1,034

Cash and cash equivalents in the
end of period                        32,615   26,509   32,615   26,509    24,201
Net change in cash and cash
equivalents                          14,066      670    8,836   -3,614    -7,684


EUR '000

                                                                  Minor-   Total
               Equity attributable to the owners of the parent       ity  equity
               Share  Other    Reserve    Trans-      Re-   Total
             capital    re-        for    lation   tained
                     serves   invested   differ-    earn-
                                 unre-     ences     ings
at Jan 1,
2009          35,000    359          0   -18,752   69,986  86,593    144  86,737
income for
the period         0      0          0    -5,248   13,373   8,125    -64   8,061

arising from
ments              0      0          0         0     -351    -351    -80    -431
at Jun 30,
2009          35,000    359          0   -24,000   83,008  94,367      0  94,367

at Jan 1,
2010          35,000    359     40,000   -20,431   88,935 143,863      0 143,863
income for
the period         0  1,168          0     9,277   24,138  34,583      0  34,583

distribution       0      0          0         0        0       0      0       0
at Jun 30,
2010          35,000  1,527     40,000   -11,154  113,073 178,446      0 178,446

Based on the decision of the Annual General Meeting of Tikkurila Oyj on February
8, 2010 and Extraordinary General Meeting on March 4, 2010, Tikkurila Oyj has
repurchased 4,639 Tikkurila Oyj shares on May 10, 2010, and transferred 4,639
shares to the members of the Board of Directors as part of the remuneration of
the Board. After the transfer on May 19, 2010, the Company holds no treasury


The Group has adopted the following standards, interpretations and their
amendments as of January 1, 2010.

  * Revised IFRS 3 Business Combinations (effective for financial years
    beginning on or after July 1, 2009). The amendments made to the standard are
  * Amended IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements (effective for
    financial years beginning on or after July 1, 2009). The amendments affect
    the accounting treatment of acquisitions and sales achieved in stages.
  * Amendments to IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement -
    Eligible Hedged Items (effective for financial years beginning on or after
    July 1, 2009).
  * IFRIC 17 Distributions of Non-cash Assets to Owners (effective for financial
    years beginning on or after July 1, 2009).
  * IFRIC 18 Transfers of Assets from Customers (effective on financial years
    beginning on or after July 1, 2009).
  * Improvements to IFRSs (April 2009, effective mainly on financial years
    beginning on or after January 1, 2010).
  * Amendments to IFRS 2 Share-based Payment - Group Cash-settled Share-based
    Payment Transactions (effective on financial years beginning on or after
    January 1, 2010).

The Group's view is that the adoption of the standards and interpretations above
did not have any significant effect on the financial statements of the reporting

The adoption of the amendments would cause changes to Tikkurila Group financial
statements 2010 if new subsidiaries would be acquired (IFRS 3) or if share-based
payments would be taken into use (IFRS 2).


Tikkurila's business activities are organized in four reportable segments as per
its strategy to be a long-standing operator in Europe and its neighboring areas.
The differences in these operating environments and overall management of each
area have been taken into account while establishing these reporting segments.
Segments' revenue arises from the sales of various paints and related products
that are sold to retailers, industrial customers and for professional use.
Insignificant revenue is received from the sales of auxiliary services related
to paints. Tikkurila common section includes the items related to the Group

The evaluation of profitability and decision making concerning resource
allocation are based on segmental operating profit. Reportable segment assets
are items of the statement of financial position that the segment employs in its
business activities or which can reasonably be allocated to a segment. Segments'
revenue is presented based on the location of the customers, whereas reportable
segment assets are presented according to the location of the assets.
Inter-segment pricing is based on market prices. External revenue accumulates
from a large number of customers.

Revenue by segment      4-6/2010 4-6/2009     1-6/2010     1-6/2009    1-12/2009

EUR '000

SBU East                  64,322   53,960       92,734       79,634      167,109

SBU Finland               34,488   33,392       63,715       62,573      106,809

SBU Scandinavia           53,629   45,966       93,499       82,223      157,774

SBU Central Eastern
Europe                    30,012   29,101       51,900       49,218       98,474
Total                    182,451  162,419      301,848      273,649      530,166

EBIT by segment         4-6/2010 4-6/2009     1-6/2010     1-6/2009    1-12/2009

EUR '000

SBU East                  12,681    8,252       12,631        7,986       17,748

SBU Finland                7,870    5,182       12,700        8,325       12,205

SBU Scandinavia            8,279    6,333       11,223        8,346       15,722

SBU Central Eastern
Europe                     1,472    3,175        1,766        2,863        5,045

Tikkurila common          -1,248     -612       -1,765       -1,148       -2,235

Eliminations                  11     -247           11         -266         -770
Total                     29,064   22,083       36,565       26,106       47,715

Non-allocated items:

    Total financing
income and expenses       -1,149   -3,340       -2,755       -7,132      -12,048

    Share of profit or
loss of associates             5       25           20           73           75
Profit before tax         27,921   18,768       33,830       19,047       35,742

Assets by segment                         Jun 30, 2010 Jun 30, 2009 Dec 31, 2009

EUR '000

SBU East                                       143,886      125,084      108,702

SBU Finland                                    124,962      108,403       79,212

SBU Scandinavia                                175,048      162,890      139,900

SBU Central Eastern
Europe                                          84,120       84,299       77,486

Assets, non-allocated
to segments                                     64,566            0            0

Eliminations                                   -70,604       -1,559       -2,191
Total reportable
segments assets                                521,979      479,117      403,109

CHANGES IN PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT         1-6/2010 1-6/2009 1-12/2009

EUR '000

Carrying amount at the beginning of period        114,857  118,249   118,249

Acquisition of subsidiaries                             0        0        91

Other additions                                     4,242    7,889    12,006

Other reductions                                    - 149     - 86     - 461

Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses   -7,572   -6,899   -14,368

Exchange rate differences and other changes         6,795   -3,239     - 660
Carrying amount at the end of period              118,173  115,914   114,857

CHANGES IN INTANGIBLE ASSETS                     1-6/2010 1-6/2009 1-12/2009

EUR '000

Carrying amount at the beginning of period        101,974  103,378   103,378

Acquisition of subsidiaries                           -20    2,409     2,402

Other additions                                       706      413     1,569

Other reductions                                     -125        0        -5

Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses   -2,545   -2,267    -4,614

Exchange rate differences and other changes         3,722   -1,370      -756
Carrying amount at the end of period              103,712  102,563   101,974


Write-down of EUR 1.0 (1.2) million was recognized in relation to the inventory
on June 30, 2010.


Transactions with related parties have not changed materially after quarterly
closing on March 31, 2010.

MORTGAGES AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES      Jun 30, 2010 Jun 30, 2009 Dec 31, 2009

EUR '000

Mortgages given as collateral for liabilities in the statement of
financial position

Loans from pension institutions, loans
from the parent company                         40,000            0            0

Mortgages given, on behalf of the
parent company                                  53,000       34,000            0

Other loans                                        100          100          100

Mortgages given                                    102          102          102

Total loans                                     40,100          100          100
Total mortgages given                           53,102       34,102          102

Contingent liabilities

Assets pledged

   On behalf of own commitments                     33           36           32


   On behalf of own commitments                  1,958        1,754        2,123

   On behalf of group companies'
commitments                                     20,493            0            0

   On behalf of others                           2,427        3,724        2,483

Other obligations

   On behalf of own commitments                      3            2            2

Total contingent liabilities                    24,914        5,516        4,640


In August 10, 2010, the Board of Directors resolved to establish a Nomination
Committee, which will prepare the nomination and remuneration proposals to the
Annual General Meeting. The Nomination Committee shall consist of five members
being the representatives of the four largest shareholders of Tikkurila Oyj as
of August 31, 2010 and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tikkurila Oyj
who is acting as an expert member. The expert member shall not have the right to
participate in the decision making.


                      4-6/2010/   4-6/2009/   1-6/2010/   1-6/2009/   1-12/2009/

                            Jun         Jun         Jun         Jun
                       30, 2010    30, 2009    30, 2010    30, 2009 Dec 31, 2009

Earnings per share
/ basic and
diluted, EUR               0.46        0.32        0.55        0.30         0.63

Cash flow from
EUR '000                  7,628      14,961     -20,585     -10,317       62,454

Cash flow from
operations / per
share, EUR                 0.17        0.34       -0.47       -0.23         1.42

expenditure, EUR
'000                      2,813       6,583       4,936      11,919       17,191

   of revenue %            1.5%        4.1%       1.6,%        4.4%         3.2%

Shares (1,000),
average                  44,108      44,108      44,108      44,108       44,108

Shares (1,000), at
the end of the
reporting period         44,108      44,108      44,108      44,108       44,108

Equity attributable
to the owners of
the parent / per
share, EUR                 4.05        2.14        4.05        2.14         3.26

Equity ratio, %           34.2%       19.7%       34.2%       19.7%        35.7%

Gearing, %                87.0%      235.6%       87.0%      235.6%        90.0%

liabilities (net),
EUR '000                155,269     222,351     155,269     222,351      129,538

Return on capital
employed (ROCE), %
p.a.                      18.5%       14.2%       18.5%       14.2%        17.7%

Personnel (average)       3,826       3,891       3,715       3,832        3,757


Earnings per share (EPS)

Net profit of the period attributable to the owners of the parent
Shares on average

Equity per share

Equity attributable to the owners of the parent at the end of the reporting
Number of shares at the end of the reporting period

Cash flow from operations / per share

Cash flow from operations
Shares on average

Equity ratio, %

Total equity x 100
Total assets - advances received

Gearing,  %

Net interest-bearing financial liabilities x 100
Total equity

Interest-bearing financial liabilities (net)

Interest-bearing net liabilities - money market investments - cash and cash

Return on capital employed (ROCE), % p.a. **

Operating profit + share of profit or loss of associates x 100
(Net working capital + property, plant and equipment ready for use

+ investments in associates)*

* average during the period

** actual operating profit and share of profit or loss of associates taken into
account for a rolling twelve month period ending at the end of the review period


Revenue by
segment           1-3/2009   4-6/2009   7-9/2009  10-12/2009  1-3/2010  4-6/2010

EUR '000

SBU East            25,675     53,960     55,691      31,784    28,412    64,322

SBU Finland         29,181     33,392     28,270      15,966    29,228    34,488

SBU Scandinavia     36,258     45,966     44,638      30,912    39,870    53,629

SBU Central
Eastern Europe      20,116     29,101     29,484      19,772    21,887    30,012
Total              111,230    162,419    158,083      98,434   119,397   182,451

EBIT by segment   1-3/2009   4-6/2009   7-9/2009  10-12/2009  1-3/2009  4-6/2010

EUR '000

SBU East              -266      8,252      9,482         280       -51    12,681

SBU Finland          3,143      5,182      5,940      -2,060     4,830     7,870

SBU Scandinavia      2,013      6,333      8,009        -633     2,944     8,279

SBU Central
Eastern Europe        -312      3,175      3,383      -1,201       294     1,472

common                -536       -612       -528        -559      -516    -1,248

Eliminations           -19       -247        -41        -463         0        11
Total                4,023     22,083     26,245      -4,636     7,501    29,064


income and
expenses            -3 792     -3 340     -3 142      -1 774    -1 606    -1 149

    Share of
profit or loss
of associates           48         25          1           1        15         5
Profit before
tax                    279     18,768     23,104      -6,409     5,909    27,921

Assets by              Mar        Jun        Sep         Dec       Mar       Jun
segment           31, 2009   30, 2009   30, 2009    31, 2009  31, 2010  30, 2010

EUR '000

SBU East           106,168    125,084    119,477     108,702   123,350   143,886

SBU Finland        101,043    108,403     95,898      79,212   102,898   124,962

SBU Scandinavia    159,168    162,890    150,060     139,900   155,784   175,048

SBU Central
Eastern Europe      78,786     84,299     86,898      77,486    86,045    84,120

to segments              0          0          0           0    57,845    64,566

Eliminations        -1,182     -1,559     -2,323      -2,191   -69,870   -70,604
segments assets    443,983    479,117    450,010     403,109   456,052   521,979
