Tikkurila's financial reporting in 2011

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Tikkurila Oyj, Stock Exchange Release, September 16, 2010 at 9.00 am (CET+1)
Tikkurila Oyj will publish its Financial Statement Release and three Interim
Reports in 2011 as follows:

February 11, 2011 Financial Statement Release for 2010
May 6, 2011 Interim Report for January-March 2011
August 11, 2011 Interim Report for January-June 2011
October 27, 2011 Interim Report for January-September 2011

The electronic version of the Annual Report for 2010 will be published during
week 10 (the week starting on March 7, 2011). The printed version will be
available during week 12.

Tikkurila Oyj's Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March
31, 2011. The Board of Directors of the company will convene the meeting.

Tikkurila Oyj
Jukka Havia, CFO

For further information, please contact:

Susanna Aaltonen, Group Vice President, Communications & IR, mobile +358
40 593 4221, susanna.aaltonen@tikkurila.com

Tikkurila provides consumers, professionals and the industry with user-friendly
and environmentally sustainable solutions for protection and decoration.
Tikkurila is a strong regional player that aims to be the leading paint company
in the Nordic area and Eastern Europe including Russia. - Tikkurila inspires you
to color your life.

