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Tikkurila's historical pro forma financials according to the new segment reporting structure

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Tikkurila Oyj
Stock Exchange Release
March 28, 2014 at 09:15 a.m. (CET+1)
At the end of 2013, Tikkurila published a new reporting structure, which became
effective as of January 1, 2014. The new reporting segments, based on geography,
are the following:

SBU West consists of Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Poland, Germany, Estonia,
Latvia, and Lithuania.

SBU East consists of Russia, Central Asian countries, Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia,
Macedonia, and China. Furthermore, this SBU is responsible for the exports to
approximately 20 countries.

Unaudited pro forma financials on a quarterly basis for 2013 are presented in
the tables below.

The first interim report based on the new reporting structure will be published
on May 8, 2014 (interim report for January-March 2014).

Preliminary pro forma information by new reporting segments:

 Revenue by segment             1-3/2013     1-6/2013     1-9/2013    1-12/2013

 EUR 1,000

 SBU West                         96,806      214,859      320,344      388,578

 SBU East                         41,618      131,854      215,960      264,387
 Total                           138,424      346,712      536,304      652,964

 EBIT by segment                1-3/2013     1-6/2013     1-9/2013    1-12/2013

 EUR 1,000

 SBU West                         12,516       33,309       55,353       50,370

 SBU East                         -1,480       11,925       23,624       24,099

 Tikkurila common                   -805       -1,663       -2,327       -3,001

 Eliminations                          0            0            0            0
 Total                            10,232       43,571       76,650       71,468

 Non-allocated items:

  Total financial income
 and expenses                        445       -2,078       -3,671       -4,289

 Share of profit or loss of
 equity-accounted investees         -168           70          139         -137
 Profit before taxes              10,509       41,563       73,118       67,042

 Assets by segment          Mar 31, 2013 Jun 30, 2013 Sep 30, 2013 Dec 31, 2013

 EUR 1,000

 SBU West                        314,947      323,150      309,068      287,334

 SBU East                        158,343      179,993      166,426      140,027

 Assets, non-allocated to
 segments                         83,641       89,061       45,873       44,407

 Eliminations                    -79,982      -75,832      -59,605      -56,449
 Total assets                    476,949      516,372      461,762      415,319

 Non-recurring items by segment

 EUR 1,000                                          SBU West SBU East  1-3/2013

 Personnel related                                      -413        -      -413

 Divestments and restructuring of Group
 organization                                              -       20        20

 Gain on sale of available-for-sale financial
 assets                                                  478        -       478
 Total                                                    65       20        85

 EUR 1,000                                          SBU West SBU East  1-6/2013

 Personnel related                                      -442        -      -442

 Divestments and restructuring of Group
 organization                                              -       20        20

 Gain on sale of available-for-sale financial
 assets                                                  478        -       478
 Total                                                    36       20        56

 EUR 1,000                                          SBU West SBU East  1-9/2013

 Personnel related                                      -687        -      -687

 Divestments and restructuring of Group
 organization                                              -       20        20

 Gain on sale of available-for-sale financial
 assets                                                  478        -       478
 Total                                                  -209       20      -189

 EUR 1,000                                          SBU West SBU East 1-12/2013

 Personnel related                                      -772     -188      -960

 Divestments and restructuring of Group
 organization                                              -       20        20

 Impairment losses                                      -257   -1,425    -1,682

 Gain on sale of available-for-sale financial
 assets                                                  478        -       478

 Change in fair value of contingent consideration          -    1,011     1,011
 Total                                                  -551     -582    -1,133


 Revenue by segment                       1-3/2013 4-6/2013 7-9/2013 10-12/2013

 EUR 1,000

 SBU West                                   96,806  118,053  105,485     68,234

 SBU East                                   41,618   90,236   84,106     48,427
 Total                                     138,424  208,289  189,591    116,660

 EBIT by segment                          1-3/2013 4-6/2013 7-9/2013 10-12/2013

 EUR 1,000

 SBU West                                   12,516   20,793   22,044     -4,983

 SBU East                                   -1,480   13,405   11,699        475

 Tikkurila common                             -805     -858     -664       -674

 Eliminations                                    0        0        0          0
 Total                                      10,232   33,339   33,080     -5,182

 Non-allocated items:

   Total financial income and expenses         445   -2,524   -1,595       -618

   Share of profit or loss of equity-
 accounted investees                          -168      239       69       -276
 Profit / loss before taxes                 10,509   31,054   31,554     -6,076

 SBU West cumulative                       1-3/2013 1-6/2013 1-9/2013 1-12/2013

 (EUR million)

 Revenue                                       96.8    214.9    320.3     388.6

 Operating profit (EBIT) excluding non-
 recurring items                               12.5     33.3     55.6      50.9

 Operating profit (EBIT) margin excluding
 non-recurring items, %                       12.9%    15.5%    17.3%     13.1%

 Operating profit (EBIT)                       12.5     33.3     55.4      50.4

 Operating profit (EBIT) margin, %            12.9%    15.5%    17.3%     13.0%

 Capital expenditure excluding
 acquisitions                                   1.1      2.6      3.6       6.4

 SBU East cumulative                       1-3/2013 1-6/2013 1-9/2013 1-12/2013

 (EUR million)

 Revenue                                       41.6    131.9    216.0     264.4

 Operating profit (EBIT) excluding non-
 recurring items                               -1.5     11.9     23.6      24.7

 Operating profit (EBIT) margin excluding
 non-recurring items, %                       -3.6%     9.0%    10.9%      9.3%

 Operating profit (EBIT)                       -1.5     11.9     23.6      24.1

 Operating profit (EBIT) margin, %            -3.6%     9.0%    10.9%      9.1%

 Capital expenditure excluding
 acquisitions                                   1.5      3.4      5.9       6.8

 SBU West by quarter                      1-3/2013 4-6/2013 7-9/2013 10-12/2013

 (EUR million)

 Revenue                                      96.8    118.1    105.5       68.2

 Operating profit (EBIT) excluding non-
 recurring items                              12.5     20.8     22.3       -4.6

 Operating profit (EBIT) margin excluding
 non-recurring items, %                      12.9%    17.6%    21.1%      -6.8%

 Operating profit (EBIT)                      12.5     20.8     22.0       -5.0

 Operating profit (EBIT) margin, %           12.9%    17.6%    20.9%      -7.3%

 Capital expenditure excluding
 acquisitions                                  1.1      1.5      0.9        2.8

 SBU East by quarter                      1-3/2013 4-6/2013 7-9/2013 10-12/2013

 (EUR million)

 Revenue                                      41.6     90.2     84.1       48.4

 Operating profit (EBIT) excluding non-
 recurring items                              -1.5     13.4     11.7        1.1

 Operating profit (EBIT) margin excluding
 non-recurring items, %                      -3.6%    14.9%    13.9%       2.2%

 Operating profit (EBIT)                      -1.5     13.4     11.7        0.5

 Operating profit (EBIT) margin, %           -3.6%    14.9%    13.9%       1.0%

 Capital expenditure excluding
 acquisitions                                  1.5      1.9      2.5        0.9


                  Q1/ 2013 Q2/2013                              Q3/2013 Q4/2013

 SBU West            1,535   1,670                                1,552   1,537

 SBU East            1,665   1,700                                1,670   1,565

 Corporate center       31      30                                   31      31
 Total               3,231   3,400                                3,253   3,133

Tikkurila Oyj
CFO Jukka Havia

For further information, please contact:

Tikkurila Oyj
Jukka Havia, CFO, mobile +358 50 355 3757, jukka.havia@tikkurila.com

For 150 years already, Tikkurila has provided consumers and professionals with
user-friendly and sustainable solutions for surface protection and decoration.
Tikkurila wants to be the leading paint company in the Nordic area as well as in
Russia and other selected Eastern European countries. - Tikkurila inspires you
to color your life.
