Tilgin Year-end report 2007

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Fourth quarter 2007
• Net sales SEK 117.6 million (168.0).
• Net result SEK –5.1 million (6.3), of which write-downs on inventory and capitalized development expenses negatively affected the result by SEK –0.8 million (–1.9) and by SEK –5.2 million (–0.1) respectively.
• Result per share SEK -0.23 (0.33) before dilution.
• Order intake SEK 52.0 million (153.2) and order backlog as of 31 December 2007 SEK 40.2 million (103.0).
• Gross margin 32 % (25 %).
• Operating result SEK -6.2 million (7.3).
• Cash flow from operating activities SEK 7.2 million (-43.0).
• Cash and bank SEK 34.0 million (92.3) as of 31 December 2007.

Full year 2007
• Net sales SEK 391.2 million (452.9).
• Net result SEK –51.5 million (–34.4), of which write-downs on inventory and capitalized development expenses negatively affected the result by SEK –17.3 million (–12.2) and by SEK –5.2 million (–0.1) respectively.
• Loss per share SEK -2.31 (-2.45) before dilution.
• Gross margin 24 % (22 %).
• Operating loss SEK -50.7 million (-31.0).
• Cash flow from operating activities SEK 53.3 million (-100.6).

Other issues
• The Board has resolved to propose a preferential rights issue of shares and warrants. The issue is fully guaranteed. For each subscribed new share the nominal amount of SEK 3.25 shall be paid. The warrants are received at no cost. If the new share issue is fully sub¬scribed to, the company will be provided approximately SEK 72 million before issue and guarantee expenses, entailing a dilution of 50 %.

(Click on below PDF-icon to access or download Tilgin's Year-end report 2007 in its English and full-length version)

This press release has been reported to the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority subject to FFFS 2007:11

Phone conference:
In view of the year-end report, the capital market is invited to a conference call on Friday 15 February. The conference will start at 09:00 CET. Participants may follow the conference via Internet, website www.tilgin.com/q407, or access it by dialing UK +44 (0)20 881 79 301 or Sweden +46 (0)8 505 20 270. Confirmation code 3462377. A presentation will be held available at the company’s web site (www.tilgin.com) when the phone conference starts. A web cast from the phone conference is available on the company’s website also after the phone conference take place www.tilgin.com/q407.

Scheduled reports:
• The interim report for January – March 2008 will be presented on 18 April 2008.
• The interim report for January – June 2008 will be presented on 22 August 2008.
• The interim report for January – September 2008 will be presented on 24 October 2008.
• The year-end report for 2008 will be presented on 13 February 2009.

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