Tipik revamp of IEE site – one of the first mobile responsive sites of the Commission

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Tipik is proud to announce the launch of the revamped and improved Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) website, among the first of the Commission websites to flawlessly serve desktops, tablets and smartphones. Our work on this project proved so successful that we were asked to contribute to the development the rules that will govern all of the Commission’s mobile responsive design websites.

The Tipik team updated the IEE site to make it design responsive or ‘one size fits all’, meaning that the layout adapts to the screen size of any device, allowing the content to be accessed by the widest audience possible. The overhaul, carried out along with All Stark’s Production and on behalf of the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI), also included major improvements to the website’s information architecture and content.

At the time we began the project, no rules were available from the Commission governing readability on mobile devices. As such, we initiated the very first mobile version of the European Commission web banner. This and other projects led DG Communication to ask Tipik to contribute to the development of rules for all Commission mobile responsive design websites (a responsive design Information Providers Guide (IPG)).

The IEE can now boast a site that is cutting edge in terms of mobile readability standards and fully flexible to be updated and amended by any webmaster, offering the perfect showcase for the programme, its overall results and successful projects.

About Tipik

Tipik is a Brussels-based communication agency, home to 150 professionals from 30 countries. Our teams of communication consultants, audiovisual producers, event organisers, web technicians, graphic designers, content editors and translators form an all-in-one response to the most challenging communication needs.